7 Insurance Coverage You Should Consider Getting Insurance is the amount of risk or liability covered for an individual or entity through protection services. Insurance covers are a necessity and caution those who have suffered losses. Here are some of the insurance covers you should consider getting. Public Liability Insurance The insurance compensates for your injuries and loss or damage to your property. Often it protects you when faced with a compensation claim by someone injured or their property damaged. Additionally, public liability insurance covers the legal costs for which the insurance group would be found liable. However, they don’t cover intentional damage, criminal prosecutions, and contractual penalties. You should avoid instances where you should pay for a solicitor yourself after a claim. Otherwise, if the request becomes successful, you will end up taking the costs of the person suing you. Importantly, if your business is at any risk of exposure to causing injury or damage, consider insuring with public liability. Business Insurance Businesses make up the picture of the state’s economy. If you own a business, you need…

Analyze the Four Most Common Elements in Most Human Disturbances Threat Threats are one of the most common elements of human disturbances. Human beings are the most intelligent and superior creatures in creation. Humans threaten themselves as a way of establishing dominance and superiority. Some individuals are quick to anger and give threats to people around them, making them live in fear and anxiety. However, some scriptures speak against threats, for example, Matthew 5:38-39, which states that one should not resist threats and instead of threatening back, one should allow them to threaten more. Another scripture, Proverbs 29:11 says that only a foolish person gives threats, but a wise person remains quiet. Fear Fear is human nature that is mostly learned or acquired. Humans in earlier times were quick to fear; hence, they were quick to learn survival tactics. Fear comes as a response to a predator or a dangerous situation. The threat of harm that causes anxiety can be either imagined or real and can be for the psychological, emotional or physical well-being of an individual (Asano, Tsuchiya, Ishimura,…

Introduction Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, Imperialism, Science and Religion, 1883 and 1884, provides an interesting comparison of style and content as it explores the two contradicting concepts that Al-Afghani used in his activism time. On the one hand, he appears to follow a righteous path of religion, while on the other, he portrays a path of scientific truth that rejects religion and follows facts. Al-Afghani’s approaches brought about controversies as these disparities did not reveal his true belief and intent. Al-Afghani was born and raised in a religious family who claimed descended from Prophet Muhammad. He spent most of his childhood in Shrines, where he received his early religious education in Iraq. He moved a lot among Muslim countries, spending his anti-imperialist ideas. His advocacy against European colonialism blossomed after he witnessed European oppression against the Indians in the 1850s when they tried to rebel against their foreign rule, which resulted in suppression from the British Also, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Addresses to the German Nation, 1807 and 1808, examines the interpretation of Germanness in the 19th century, describing it as a…

  Inequality Case briefing: Obamacare In 1907 Theodore Roosevelt publicly advocated for increased federal involvement in the health care system. He stressed the role of externalities from ill-health. The public was made aware that most diseases were national scourges. City boards and state boards of health should be part of the ministry of Health in the National Government. Access to health care was identified as a freedom and right for the American people. In 1965 President Johnson passed the amendments of the federal Medicare and Medicaid programs, which would provide health care funding to the poor and elderly Americans (Flanagan & Weinzierl, 2015). In 1971, Richard Nixon came up with reforms that ensured universal health care, better incentives for doctors, and  implemented new programs that enhanced preventive healthcare and better provision for health services (Flanagan & Weinzierl, 2015). In 1993-1994, President Bill Clinton formed partnerships with insurance companies and would contract them to provide subsidized healthcare services. In 2008, when President Barack Obama took over, he continued FDR’s universal health coverage legacy through Obamacare. The Affordable Care Act (ACA, had…

Governments intervention in the economy of a state or country is not a new phenomenon. This intervention has been the reason for the fail and growth of many economies based on the intervention and the measured applied and to what extent. Many nations’ founding fathers’ designed road maps for how the economy would shape according to the vision they had for their states. The ultimate goal of this was to see growth among its citizens and return the country as well. There are two schools of thought regarding government interference in the economy; those who agree with it and those who disagree with it. According to President Roosevelt, the need for government interference in the economy was by way of recruiting more workers and adding to the labor force of the state.[1] Many unutilized resources can be reorganized and appropriated properly. Nature offers her bounty, and the efforts made by people have only improved it.  However, for these activities to bear fruit, the government has to impose strict supervision of banking, credit, and investments and an end to speculation with…

COMPARISON OF ZOOPLANKTON ABUNDANCE AND DIVERSITY IN FISH POND AND KIHINGO DAM AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO   ENVIRONMENTAL PARAMETERS   WANYONYI    AGNES S14/155557/16   A Research Proposal Submitted To The Faculty Of Science, Department of Biological Sciences as a   Requirement for the Partial Fulfillment of the Award Of Bachelor of Science Degree In Applied Aquatic Science, Egerton University, Njoro.   EGERTON UNIVERSITY 2019                     DECLARATION AND RECOMMENDATION DECLARATION I hereby declare that this is my original work under the guidance of my supervisor and has not been presented in any institution whatsoever for academic evaluation   Signature_______________________                                     Date_____________________ Wanyonyi Agnes     RECOMMENDATION This research proposal has been submitted to for examination with my approval as the University Supervisor.   Signature_______________________                                     Date______________________ Prof. Andrew .W Yasindi Department of Biological Sciences Egerton University             ABSTRACT The study will be conducted between January and March 2020 in an earthen pond at Egerton University fishpond and Kihingo dam, Nakuru, Kenya. Zooplankton sampling will be done using a zooplankton net and…

  Sex Tourism The America Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies sex tourism as one of the most prevalent human traffickings in the United States of America. Sex tourism is considered as travel planned, particularly for sex purposes. Often, it is in nations where sex work is allowed. They include Brazil, Colombia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA, and India. Sex tourism is considered a low-risk and high-profit business which, indulges and selling the human body. It is a common challenge in the United States based on the argument facilitated. Sex tourism affects the health of an individual. The World Health Organization (WHO) argues that sex tourism facilitates the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. Among the various forms of STIs include gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, and scabies. The legality of sex tourism is linked to the supports of human trafficking. It is considered as the primary criminal industry worldwide. Despite the notion that prostitution is legal, sex tourism is always a serious crime. In most cases, children are victims of commercial sexual exploitation. In the long…

IMPACT OF AGING PROCESS ON THE HUMAN RETINA 1 Running Head: IMPACT OF AGING PROCESS ON THE HUMAN RETINA 2             How does the aging process impact a person’s eyesight and in particular the human retina? (Author’s Name) (Institutional affiliation)                   How does the aging process impact a person’s eyesight and in particular the human retina? Introduction The aging process in humans always has an impact on the eyesight. The activities induce different changes in the structure of the eye, thereby causing different effects. The human retina is one of the primary eye components that is affected by aging. The retina always has exposure to high level of radiation which could be as high as 1300mm (Hof & Mobbs, 2010). The study, therefore, describes the relationship between aging and the changes in the retina. How the aging process impacts the human retina First, aging in the human will decrease the visual function of the retina. The reduction in the visual acuity of the retina is one such…

Vancouver’s Vij’s Vij’s is a well-known restaurant not only in its location but across the country. The restaurant has been in operation for more than twenty years, and it is also among the best restaurants in Canada. It offers Indian dishes that are always well mixed with cuisine and flavors hence earning itself a place in the best Indian restaurants across the world. The restaurant has exceptional servers, bartenders, and staff who ensure that customers receive the best experience once there. Diners are welcome for both dinner and lunch on all the days of the week. They allow bookings as well as walk-ins hence displaying a lot of flexibility. The restaurant has employed much staff as it offers lots of services, for instance, frozen and packaged foods. Frozen foods are sold in both the non-vegetarian and vegetarian forms, ensuring that they reach their customers who live far from the city or the country. The restaurant allows for both private and group booking, and it offers several ways of securing a table for such events. Private bookings are given unique rooms…

Yellow by Don Lee narrates the story of Danny Kim, a Korean American boy who struggles to fit into his new society. Danny tries to find a position in his environment by attempting to be the all American person. He rejects everything that has to do with his Korean culture and any association with a new American man’s culture. Seemingly, this leads to an internal struggle that makes him feel insecure about his body and personality. Thus he feels such voids with more potent American identifications that will make him rank beyond the Asian American stereotypes. Others inflict danny’s insecurity about himself and his Korean ethnicity in society. The society embraces the ‘all American’ identity as being superior to the rest that has made him aspire to be included and part of the majority because they are appreciated more and regain unspoken respect from everyone else. Society has made borderlines upon which everybody is supposed to thrive, bringing upon the conflict of identity and personality. Danny was born in America and, therefore, an American by birth. He knows and expects…

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