PERSPECTIVES ON AFRICAN AMERICANS 4 Running head: PERSPECTIVES ON AFRICAN AMERICANS 1 Perspectives on African Americans Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Perspectives on African Americans The 13th amendment was proposed in the year 1864, and it was ratified later in the year 1865, this is the amendment that abolished slavery together with involuntary servitude, except for those who were held captive because of crime (Maddex Jr, 2018). In the year 1866, the 14th amendment was proposed and ratified after two years in 1868; this amendment addressed the rights of all citizens regardless of their race and skin color. The 15th amendment that was against discrimination in voting rights based on racism and skin color was proposed in the year1869, and it was ratified in the year 1870. Convict leasing, this is a system that was practiced in the southern parts of the USA; it was dealing with penal labor. On the other hand, Peonage is a system that was used by colonial masters, whereby their…
AFRICA’S DECOLONIZATION AND INDEPENDENCE 9 Running head: AFRICA’S DECOLONIZATION AND INDEPENDENCE 1 Africa’s Decolonization and Independence Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Date Introduction In the process of decolonization and independence of Africa, nationalists faced a lot of challenges as they opposed the imperial rule. In Africa, Egypt is identified as the first country to oppose the activities of British colonialists. It was after World War II that most of the African countries started nationalist movements that advocated for decolonization and attainment of independence. Ghana used a non-violent movement to push for decolonization while Kenya used violent movement to oppose British rule. Europeans because of their knowledge on industrial revolution exploited African resources, captured energetic Africans for slavery and established a strong army to defend their colonies. Colonialists who explored Africa came from states like Germany, Great Britain, Italy, France, and many others. Colonial rule was fully witnessed in most Afrthe can regions from 1914-1945 and resulted in both economic and political changes (Birmingham & Birmingham, 2008).…
After the Crash: 9 Legal Tips If You Have Been in a Vehicle Accident With over 9,160 trucking companies in Alabama and hundreds of thousands of jobs, the Alabama trucking industry is thriving. Despite the benefits these companies bring to Alabama, the thousands of trucks on the roads on any given day increases the likelihood of truck-related accidents. And owing to their tonnage and power, a truck-related accident can be catastrophic. A vehicle accident can be a minor inconvenience or a life-altering event. Irrespective of the kind of accident you have, here are the legal steps to follow. Mind What You Say It might not be possible to remain completely mum. However say as little as possible, and be careful about exactly what you say. It is perfectly okay to exchange your insurance information with the other people involved in the accident. Do this calmly and without saying too much. Issuing an apology to the occupants of the car is just good manners, right? Wrong! In an accident, while you could be apologizing for causing an inconvenience or out of…
Surname 5 Surname 1 Name Professor Course Date The Chorus of Aeschylus A Chorus was defined as a music and drama by the Greeks. It was performed by two groups such as those who performed vocally and those who performed singly. Furthermore, the drama was performed by actors that used to comment on the main action using a song, recitation, and dances. One of the examples of the chorus was written by Aeschylus who used to write dramas in ancient Greece. Aeschylus wrote a drama called Agamemnon which was inspired by the life of a king of Argos. Agamemnon was the name of the king whereby his wife Clytemnestra killed him after coming from Trojan war. His wife was planning for the murder of Agamemnon with his lover Aegisthus as a revenge for their daughter Iphigenia that Agamemnon sacrificed to the gods. The chorus of Aeschylus’ Agamemnon famously summarizes the relationship between Greek tragedy and political wisdom “Zeus had led us on to know/the Helmsman lays it down as law/that we must suffer, suffer into truth” (177-1791) what does Aeschylus…
Company name Question 1 The auto industry operates in an industry with a lot of service providers. It, therefore, means that there is a lot of competition, and customers have a variety of options for choosing. It is an advantage to the car owners, whereas makes it hectic for new ventures like mine to thrive (ONEREN et al., 2017). Therefore, it is evident enough that the market force directing leadership is competition in this industry. Question 2 A company’s relative position in its industry determines whether its profitability is less than or above the average company. A sustainable competitive advantage is the underlying source of above average profitability in the long term. There are two specific forms of competitive advantage that an organization can have: low cost or product differentiation. An organization aims to be unique in its industry in a differentiating approach along several dimensions commonly appreciated by customers (ONEREN et al., 2017). It selects one or more attributes which are essential to many buyers in an industry and can only satisfy these requirements. Differentiation gets with a…
2 Running head: Criminal Justice 1 INVESTIGATING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AGE AND CRIME Student’s Name Student course Tutor/Professor name Name of the School (University) Submission Date Abstract Age and crime is the most exciting thing on earth any researcher will be interested in investigating and finding out if in any case there exist a similarity between the two. Since the year 1920’s,several debates have emerged on crime vs age in which some argue that criminal activity is practiced best by teenagers due to several factors like poverty, peer pressure or even drug abuse to some extent while others claim the contrary way that the most rampant age in crime is old with a million other reasons like losing hope in life or even having a feeling of I don’t care attitude as to even if they die they have…
Age of reasons 2 Age of reasons: Author: Date: The objective of this study was to examine age-related differences in reasons that postmenopausal women began and stopped hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The same telephone survey was conducted of women members of Kaiser. Foundation Health Plan who had started HRT within the previous 3years. The first, in 1997 was of 604 older women aged 65years or older; the second, in 1998 was as of 866 younger women aged 50-55years. Prescription records for both groups provided the means for determining continuation of therapy. Among older women, 35% reported prevention or treatment of osteoporosis as the primary reason for starting HRT. Younger women were less likely (14%) to say this (p < 0.001). Older women were more likely than younger women to discontinue HRT; it was the primary reason in 34%.In contrast, only 7% of older women reported relief of vasomotor symptoms as the primary reason for starting HRT {p < 0.001). Older women were more likely than younger women to discontinue…
Symptoms of Down Syndrome Down Syndrome is sometimes referred to as Down’s syndrome or trisomy 21. The condition occurs when a child is born with an additional copy of the 21st chromosome. This occurrence causes mental and physical developmental disabilities and delays in a child. The disabilities are mostly life-long and can sometimes reduce life expectancy. However, with recent advances in the medical field coupled with institutional and cultural support, people with the condition can live fulfilling and healthy lives. Down syndrome ranks the most prevalent genetic disorder in the USA, with the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) estimating 1 in 700 kids born has Down syndrome. During reproduction, babies get their genes from their parents. The genes are contained in chromosomes. Each of the baby’s cells should receive 23 chromosome pairs, with half of them being from the father and the other half from the mother. In the case of Down syndrome, one chromosome does not separate as it should. The baby, therefore, gets one more chromosome 21 copy. This additional chromosome results in complications as physical features and…
Age of reasons 2 Age of reasons: Author: Date: The objective of this study was to examine age-related differences in reasons that postmenopausal women began and stopped hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The same telephone survey was conducted of women members of Kaiser. Foundation Health Plan who had started HRT within the previous 3years. The first, in 1997 was of 604 older women aged 65years or older; the second, in 1998 was as of 866 younger women aged 50-55years. Prescription records for both groups provided the means for determining continuation of therapy. Among older women, 35% reported prevention or treatment of osteoporosis as the primary reason for starting HRT. Younger women were less likely (14%) to say this (p < 0.001). Older women were more likely than younger women to discontinue HRT; it was the primary reason in 34%.In contrast, only 7% of older women reported relief of vasomotor symptoms as the primary reason for starting HRT {p < 0.001). Older women were more likely than younger women to discontinue…
Narrative essay Ever since the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 raised the federal minimum wage of hourly pay to $ 7.25, beginning in 2009, there have been numerous abortive endeavors by the US Congress to increase salaries further. The major dual exertions are the Living Wage Movement to increase the payment by 100% and the Harkin-Miller proposal to increase the compensation up to $ 10.10. (Sabia & Burkhauser, 2020). For three consecutive years, 2012 to 2013, United States Senator Tom Harkin and Representative George Miller initiated the bill to elevate the minimum wage. Nonetheless, none of these efforts bore fruits. While their suggestion to advance the minimum wage by $2.6 was re-presented for the third time in 2014 under the Minimum Wage Fitness Act, which was supported by the US President Barack Obama. Unfortunately, the bill successfully failed by only four votes to flabbergast a Republican-led filibuster in the Senate on Apr. 29, 2014. (Sabia & Burkhauser,2020). The federal least possible remuneration was hosted in 1938 in the Great Depression under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It was initially set…