Surname 11   (Name) (Instructor’s Name) (Course) (Date)   The seven days of the week and the astronomical objects they honor. According to ancient literature, the days of the week represent different astronomical objects. Monday represents the moon while Tuesday represents the planet Mars. Wednesday represents planet Mercury, Thursday represents planet Jupiter while Friday, Saturday, and Sunday represent planet Venus, planet Saturn, and the sun respectively. The above astronomical objects have maintained their names for centuries and are still associated with the days of the week. The names symbolize the names of gods in ancient literature, and the cycle has never been broken even today. Eratosthenes measures the side of the earth. Eratosthenes is known for his calculation of the earth’s circumference which he estimated using the overhead position of the sun in an Egyptian town called Syene and the distance between Syene and Alexandria in Egypt. Syene is located very close to what is in modern science known as Tropic Cancer. Using data on the distance between Syene and Alexandria, Eratosthenes was able to estimate the angle of the…

Atlantic Drawbridge Media Storage Cabinet We are indeed living in a global village in addition to the Generation Alpha and this a time where almost everything is being modernized. That is because of the advancement in technology in the various areas in a changing world.   And therefore, I bet you also want to be among those who are styled up, with a proper arrangement of fun stuff the likes of; games, DVDs and the rest. So, let’s be frank and say that every other homeowner desire to have a properly, descent and arranged house. And the perfect example of decency is the storage cabinet. And not just a cabinet, but the Atlantic Drawbridge Media Storage Cabinet which comes with a motley of qualities attached to it. Therefore, when you visit someone’s home, it’s a natural thing that you’ll be interested in checking out the books, CDs, video games and DVDs. Therefore, since the storage cabinet portrays much about the homeowner, it’ll be of good interest of the owner that they make it as fashionable as possible. And for the…

Benefits of Self-Publishing After putting much time and resource into writing a book for your audience, you are now probably torn between self-publishing or contracting a publishing press company to publish your masterpiece. Conversely, it is essential to note that publishing using either of the options is not easy. Each option has its own befits and drawbacks. For a long time, publishers have always opted for traditional publishing; it was perceived as a more effortless channel to get your ideas out there. However, the internet has changed that narrative. More and more book writers are self-publishing their work. So, what are some of the benefits that are motivating writers to self-publish their work? Well, below is an account of the benefits that come along with this choice. Speed Sometimes getting a publishing company can take time, even months. If you manage to get one, getting your book to the shelves for your audience will as well take time. For big publishing houses may take a minimum of one and a half years to get your book to the market. On…

Running Head: ADVERTISING 2                 A Consumer Analysis of an Advert Student Name Institution             Author Note   Advertisements are always created to attract the attention of its readers. The type and design of an advert depend on the targeted audience. For example, beauty products often target women magazines and also celebrity magazines. Healthcare adverts often target fitness magazines and parenting magazines and newspapers. We often see brands using celebrities to advertise their products since these celebrities have more audience than regular people. Advert creators often use attractive language and design in their adverts to entice the reader to buy, use, or subscribe to their products or services. There are many aspects of an advert that may not be visible to the reader. This paper analyzes the following adverts of a product which appeared in Muscle and Fitness Hers magazine, issued on 2nd January 2019. This product is meant for muscle development. BlueLab 100% Plant Protein targets athletes and gym-goers. The magazine is from South Africa.   The…

Business and Management: Leadership Jeff Bezos’s Corporate Success Scenario at the Amazon Plc. The prospects of uncertain economic conditions, changes in consumer tastes and preferences, and advances in technology are some of the factors posing a threat to organizational growth. Internal to the business environment, there is a need for a culture that streamlines processes and forms the demarcation line within which the employees should operate. Business organizations are complex entities to lead. This domain’s success tends to anchor on effective policies and adherence to an impeccable corporate culture that guides internal processes to achieve the intended business deliverables (Alvesson, 2012). The primary key to success in Amazon Corporation is adopting a culture based on a firmly held and broadly shared set of principles and values supported by structure and strategy. Empirical studies contend that Amazon has a positive and welcoming organizational culture that blends with Jeff Bezos’s leadership style to bring forth success. The culture inspired the company’s human resource department to ensure resources are effectively mobilized to achieve customer satisfaction and excellent customer services. The CEO (Bezos) introduced…

Surname 3   Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Integrated Marketing Communications and Nostalgic Advertisements How marketing and communication take place, between the consumers and the manufacturers has changed a great deal over time (Smith and William 26). The change is because of the increase in innovations, as well as revolutions in technology. If we look at the internet as well as the mobile phones, we realize that the control of information has just shifted from the hands of the manufacturers and it is now in the hands of the consumers. On the other, hand due to the globalization of the marketing strategies, it has led to the change of the environment, confidence in the mass media advertisement has also decreased, there has been increased reliance in the targeted communication methods. Since the market environment has changed, there is a need for the development of efficient as well as cost-effective marketing strategies, and because of this, marketers have changed the manner at which they conduct their marketing activities, and they have ended up adopting approaches that are more integrated. The result of…

Jong Advocates 0001 Ontario Street, Ab. 12345678910-222 The Senior Editor, Maritime Company Local Paper, 134, Commercial Street, Also City, WD 45321. Dear Sir, RE: CHILD ADVOCACY CENTRE I like to express my sincere concern about the need for a Child Advocacy Centre in our area. The rise of victim cases is becoming exceedingly high, and a need for such a Centre is paramount. Although there will be several requirements that must be put in place for the success of the Centre, our organisation has formulated a comprehensive budget that includes several donors to help in putting up the Centre. Based on the child focused and national model, the Centre will provide the victims coordinated and sensitive responses to all the disclosures and allegations of child abuse. Notably, each abuse case will be handled through a multidisciplinary team which is comprised of the Department of Children and Families, Law enforcement as well as the District Attorney’s office. The collaborative approach that the Centre will embrace will act as the heart of all the evidence-based model for providing a process and…

AFFIDAVIT 4   Running head: AFFIDAVIT 1       Affidavit Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation                           Affidavit I, J.L, am a Patrol Officer and I am currently assigned to carry out an initial investigation of crimes in London (Bogus) County, Virginia. I received a call by a wealthy family, who invited me to their residence in London County, 12345, Mockingbird Lane, “Donald” Virginia. They have a sizeable two-story-single family home with a brick façade. The house is set on a 5-acre plot of land. At 8:00 a.m. I arrived at the location with my Partner Officer known as John Smith, as I was walking towards the entrance, I noticed a woman, who looked like to be a housekeeper keeping a parcel of material enfolded in a bed sheet in the trash bin on the side of a residence. I knocked at the door and to my surprise the same woman I had seen outside, opening the door for me. She introduced herself as “Mrs. Dawson. She explained to…

Impact of US Presidential Elections on US/China relations for business USA presidential election is a salient feature in the plummeting of the Chinese and American relationships; therefore, with each election, the rift between the two republics widens and creates more glitches for the already fragile rapport. The two countries have cultivated a common platform riddled with competition and negativity; not only do the two countries try to outsmart each other but also plan to plunder each other’s economic power. Trade between the two countries is a crucial feature in the USA political arena. It garners more followers to an aspirant who vows to restore the state’s supremacy in the international market. Therefore, the two presidential aspirants Joe Biden and Donald Trump, promise to be tougher on China if elected to the white house. Notwithstanding the existing tension and losses being incurred, the United States continues to press harder and relentlessly. (Friedberg, 2005) Global marketing of goods is at stake as Donald Trump’s political agendas revolve around the USA’s total dissociating from China. He has further directed that Chinese companies in…

Surname 2           Student’s name Professor’s name Course title Date Celebrating Public Service in Florida In February, Americans commemorate the rich history of African-Americans by celebrating the black history month. At the heart of the progress made by African-American communities are the many leaders who have in one way or another shaped the public service sector in Florida. Various leaders have made great sacrifices and helped foster equality. Furthermore, these leaders have inspired and paved the way for younger generations to also assist in fostering social equality and justice. Floridians continue to honor black women and men who are committed to diversity, equality and human dignity. Floridians should reflect on leaders who have been agents of change within Florida. For instance, the appointment of Justice Peggy Ann Quince the first African-American to be appointed to the Florida Supreme Court. This greatly influenced the induction of many young black lawyers who now had a chance to practice law and scale to all levels in the state’s judiciary. Additionally, the Florida Civil Rights Hall of Fame has honored…

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