BUSINESS LAW – PARTIAL BUSINESS PLAN 14 Running head: BUSINESS LAW – PARTIAL BUSINESS PLAN 1 Business Law – Partial Business Plan Name University Name Date Business Description Louisiana, USA is home to many Gaming and Anime companies with a majority of the users having homemade play stations. However, there is a need to have a central point where children can compete and compare prowess in gaming and Anime activities. The main idea of this business plan is to come up with a business that will provide high-end gaming and entertainment services to the residents of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. The business will focus on importing anime and game products from the Japanese market. The company will be called Otaku Imports, LLC which will be one-stop shop for everything anime, gaming, collectibles, and pop culture. The business will be co-owned by Marcus (USA) and Okiti (Japan). The business will not only target children but also adult as it seeks to spread the Japanese Pop Culture. Otaku Imports, LLC will focus on products and services that…
Identify Behavioral Contingency Intervention Which of the following best summarized the purpose of the study? Examine how a similar intervention increase and maintain the appropriate behavior across repeated measures without using functional behavior assessments. How many sessions occurred to establish baseline for Joey? 3 sessions What tools did observers use to collect data? Computers and real-time data What was Peter and Marsteller’s (2017) general definition for “problem behavior”? Inappropriate vocalizations, disruption, and aggression How did Peter and Marsteller’s (2017) operationally define “aggression”? Hitting, kicking, biting or scratching another person, or throwing an item or spitting within 0.5 m of another person. What type of interobserver agreement method was used to calculate interobserver agreement? Block-by-block agreement method Based on Figure 1 (p. 257), which child(ren) benefited the most from the initial healthy-contingencies intervention without changing positive rein forcers? Sam Based on Figure 1 (p. 257), Peter and Marsteller’s (2017) stated that they continued the healthy-contingency phase to 9 session of stable, reduced problem behavior to ensure that the revised treatment remained efficacious for Sam. What session number did the steady…
Business plan Executive Summary Bodywise Hair Salon (B.H.S) will be the registered name of the business entity. It will be a private limited company located in London City, next to the University of London. The location of the business is a busy place. Therefore, the corporation will be located at a strategic point. The high quality service will also be an added advantage. The business will offer salon services such as plaiting, blow-dry, hair setting, steaming, and chemical application. These will be provided for individuals and institutions. The business will also hire its services, for example, door to door services on request by the customers who cannot make it to the premises. The location of Bodywise Hair Salon will significantly influence the marketing of its services. The salon will be surrounded by many university colleges and offices where ladies work. The business will be better than its competitors within the town because it will provide door to door services to customers, and the employees will always see that they offer quality services in time. The company will offer fair and…
BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT 6 Running head: BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT 1 Business Technology Assessment Name Institution What Are Technologies Responsible For The Operation And Success Of The Organization? The organization, in this case, embraces three critical approaches in relation to the business. The tactical technology, in this case, includes tactical technology. The strategic techniques, in this case, provide an essential basis on which the organization can be able to develop their tactical capabilities within the immediate environment. The tactical technologies offer an edge for the business in the course of advancing the technical skills within the entity (Bommakanti, 2015). The intermediate techniques form the next part of the technologies in the business. In essence, this category of technology focuses on addressing the short or middle term needs within an organizational setting. The techniques may be tailor-made to achieve specific immediate goals and targets within the organization. Finally, there are the strategic technologies that are critical in the course of…
Change Process The change process is one of the ways to achieve success in any organization. For change to happen, it should always start with the top management, involve other organization members, and then make it that given change formal and official. Whenever the organizational result is not expected, it is always essential to engage in a change process until the desired result is achieved. The knowledge and skill of systematically addressing the human side through communication are always crucial in the change process. This knowledge involves communicating the organizational goals to the employees to pull in the same direction. Communication skills have significantly impacted my organization positively; as the program coordinator, I have always assigned tasks clearly to my fellow employees, thereby eliminating the chances of confusion in terms and responsibilities (Notaras et al., 2020). Again, through communication skills learned from the change process, my organization has been able to achieve its goals since the employees are always updated with the organization goals, and individual roles and responsibility (Notaras et al., 2020) Assessment of the organizational culture, after clear…
The Scope International Business 5 Running Head: Scope of International Business 1 The scope of International Business University Affiliation Course Date The significance of international business is seen whereby it allow businesses to have a greater scope to facilitate selling their goods and services. It is very risky for a company which relies on the home market only as it may fail badly if the market falls. According to Dai et al. (2014), while a firm engages in selling its products internationally, it greatly minimizes the chances of such failure since it is unusual for every market to decline at the same time. For instance, manufacturers from retaining who make their sales around Europe have experienced some of the markets fall because of the Eurozone crisis, but they have successfully increased merchandises to Asia especially in China and also in India where there is a sharp rise in demand for British goods. No country is self-sufficient no matter its size. Also, no state can be…
BODY-WORN CAMERAS 21 Running head: BODY-WORN CAMERAS 1 Body Worn Cameras Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Body Worn Cameras Background Many policy-makers, community stakeholders, and leaders in the criminal justice system have advocated for the use of body-worn cameras by the police officers to improve their civility, transparency, and legitimacy during their interaction with citizens. In response, most police departments have embraced technology to improve their policing experience in their line of duty (Huff, Katz & Webb, 2018). Body-worn cameras (BWCs) come with different consequences both intended and unintended. The issues surround the number of complaints against the police like the use of too much force and control of the officers without the cameras (Huff, Katz & Webb, 2018). Also, the use of the technology has significantly increased the number of arrests and reduction of the time required to settle complaints, owing to the readily available evidence in most occasions (Huff, Katz & Webb, 2018). For that, BWCs have been attributed to high savings for the police departments and the…
Atomic Bomb as a Diplomatic Measure One might think that the aerial bombing on Hiroshima was a military move. Still, the decision was more of a diplomatic one, intending to mitigate the Soviet Union influence in Europe. As depicted by State Secretary, Byrnes[1] the U.S. Government had known that Japan was defeated, and the war would be over in six months. Their concern was the growing influence Russia had on Europe. Secretary Byrnes states that the acquisition and demonstration of the bomb by the U.S. would make Russia more feasible in Europe. The Soviet’s intention on joining the Japanese war could provide [2] specific difficulties to the United States. The country did not want to put itself in a position to request or begging for Soviet aid.1 Therefore, the constant need for the war to be over before the Red Army could join it because no power on earth would have kept the Soviet Union out of the war. Like any war, there are always casualties, and Japan’s people were on the losing end of this war. [3]With 241,000 people…
INVESTIGATING PR0BLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF POULTRY REARING A CASE STUDY OF KAKAMEGA COUNTY FARMERS THE RESEARCH DONE BY; KEVIN MONDI- AN2/50203/16 DOREEN JEPKOSGEI-AN2/50194/16 EVANS AGUMBA-AN2/50205/16 MERCY KIMUTAI-AN2/50220/16 BENARD OPIYO-AN2/50210/16 BSc. ANSC ( Kisii University) A PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNDER THE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE KISII UNIVERSITY 2019. DECLARATION We hereby declare that this research work is our personal and original work with no other than the indicated sources and support, which has not been done before nor presented elsewhere in any organization or any higher institution of learning. All the information contained in this research is and has been compiled with high integrity as required by the university rules and regulations. Name……………………………… Signature………………………………… Date: …………………. Registration Number: ………………… Name……………………………… Signature………………………………… Date: …………………. Registration Number: …………………………… Name……………………………… Signature………………………………… Date: …………………. Registration Number: …………………………… Name……………………………… Signature………………………………… Date: …………………. Registration Number: …………………………… Name……………………………… Signature………………………………… Date: …………………. Registration Number: …………………………… APPROVAL BY THE SUPERVISOR The research is submitted…
Collaboration Cafe week 7 The change process initiated was professional development among nurses. The need for delivering quality healthcare to patients requires all medical professionals to stay updated. One benefit of advanced training in this field is improved safety among health practitioners (Cooper et al., 2017). Additionally, the time has gone when dentists and other practitioners would solely deliver services that satisfy their patients’ needs creating the need for nurses to go beyond just caring for them. This change will affect nursing officers across all levels. It will affect patients and nurses in various ways. First, once the nurses undergo the proposed professional development course, they will significantly improve their efficiency, which will, in turn, improve customer satisfaction (Cooper et al., 2017). Second, the training will contribute to the overall quality of services provided in different areas of the medical profession (Opperman et al., 2016). Some of these departments include the pharmacy, theatre, and medical records because they will have the capacity to give informed advice (Opperman et al., 2016). The main supportive factor towards achieving this change is that…