Running head; BUSINESS CONSULTING 1         Business Consulting Student’s name Institutional affiliation                         A consultant is a professional who has diverse knowledge and skill in a specific field. They use this expertise to offer advice to organizations or individuals. A consultant can also serve as an implementer or a trainer. A business consultant works with clients to bring a fresh perspective and to foster change (Hiriyappa, B. 2018). They are experts in marketing, human resource, information technology, and management. Consultants do need to have special skills. Good communication skills. Communication is an important tool. Consulting needs a lot of teamwork between the expert and the clients. The consultant needs to communicate his ideas clearly for them to be effective (Moseley, S. 2018, July). Being a good communicator makes one stand out from the rest. This skill can be easily learned through continuous practice. Creative thinking is a skill required of all consultants. Clients look up to the expert to come up with solutions for their problems.…

Sociology Deviance entails an act or behavior that is against a given society norm. However, what may be labeled as a norm in one society may be labeled as a taboo in another. one example of an act that can be deemed deviant behavior is walking naked in public. When a young man decides to walk naked in public, people may label him as deviant. Therefore, it is A deviant behavior in a society because people see it appropriate to hide one nudity. Society assumes that being naked in public is inappropriate, and it is against their norm. It is considered to cause distress to the public, and it is also a form of sexual harassment. Most people will assume that when a young man walks naked in public, they are doing harm to the community. There is a possibility that a child may see him and cause a lot of distress. The society also assumes that one should not share their nakedness with the public. In one community, nudity may be considered a norm, but people see it as…

Business ethics case study Introduction The ability to make a decision based on what is right and what is wrong without reliance on the law represents an ethical streak. The importance of not relying on the bill in considering moral decisions is based on the fact that sometimes, the law does leave something out which may be or fair. However, it is common knowledge that an ethical decision more so in cases where business transactions are concerned refers to conclusions that are made based on the mutual benefits for both of the parties involved. The action is conducted while taking care not to falter the interests of other well-meaning parties who though may not be a part of the transaction but may get affected in one way or the other by the interaction in progress. In as much as there are other considerations when a company is founded, the ethical roadmap that the company wants to take is a vital part not only because it influences the manner in which external participants may view the company, but also because it…

Business Law 6 Running head; Business Law 1           Business Law Assignment Name: Institution:                   Introduction Conflict of interest develops in businesses when the benefits of the organization clash with the personal interests of an employee or employees. BlackRock, a fund’s management firm in the US, was in 2015 fined $12 million for failing to inform its shareholders about an investment that was done to benefit one of its employees who was a fund’s manager at that particular time. Dan Rice who was a financial advisor at BlackRock was accused of breach of trust to the organization and investors. Dan failed to disclose that he had interests in the energy funds he managed. The individual attention was associated with a family owned oil and gas business that he advanced to become the biggest shareholding fund in BlackRock. Organizations have developed measures that prevent the advancement of personal interests at the expense of the company (Bennett, 2015). To safeguard shareholders investments, the government has also enacted laws with penalties…

Identify Behavioral Contingency Intervention Which of the following best summarized the purpose of the study? Examine how a similar intervention increase and maintain the appropriate behavior across repeated measures without using functional behavior assessments. How many sessions occurred to establish baseline for Joey? 3 sessions What tools did observers use to collect data? Computers and real-time data What was Peter and Marsteller’s (2017) general definition for “problem behavior”? Inappropriate vocalizations, disruption, and aggression How did Peter and Marsteller’s (2017) operationally define “aggression”? Hitting, kicking, biting or scratching another person, or throwing an item or spitting within 0.5 m of another person. What type of interobserver agreement method was used to calculate interobserver agreement? Block-by-block agreement method Based on Figure 1 (p. 257), which child(ren) benefited the most from the initial healthy-contingencies intervention without changing positive rein forcers? Sam Based on Figure 1 (p. 257), Peter and Marsteller’s (2017) stated that they continued the healthy-contingency phase to 9 session of stable, reduced problem behavior to ensure that the revised treatment remained efficacious for Sam. What session number did the steady-state (9…

BUSINESS LAW 4     Business Law Discussion Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation                             Business Law Discussion A new law was introduced by the government to ensure they oversee all contracts for the improvement, sale, licensing and necessary “support” of the computer software. This law will be an adjustment of the “Uniform Commercial Code”. The change is known as “law of licensing” (Article 2B) and also controls the law of sales in all the fifty states. The purpose of UCC is to administrate the sale of goods, leasing procedure, transfer of funds, “negotiable instruments”, “bill of lading” among others in the country. Organisations use “standard-form” agreements as an alternative to negotiating an agreement separately. Licensing includes precincts on the use of “intellectual property”. They normally have requirements and precincts on how the product is used and who can use it and also the allocation of the licensed product. This is a case of in software companies (Williston, 2010). The main point is that UCC can help software companies…

2019 Guide On Business Lines Of Credit There are times those with small businesses need extra funds as their working capital. Others use the business line of credit (LOC) to address an emergency which comes on the way. And instead of closing your production due to lack of extra cash, it’s good to consider financing it using the line of credit. Remember, it’s beneficial to have this type of credit since much capital which may need monthly payments is not provided. And this takes us to the next step. Pros of a business line of credit One can advance his or her cash flow easily since a business line of credit is best used for short-term working capital. Getting a business line of credit, it’s a better way of improving and boosting your credit score. Also, it’s easy to access the cash you need to purchase the business expenses. One can pay interest on the specific amount drawn where the balance can get carried each month. Additionally, those with bad credits can also get a business line of credit. One…

  Paul of Tarsus’ view of Jesus and how it differs from synoptic gospels Introduction The Apostle Paul was initially called the Saul of Tarsus and was religious leaders of the first Christians. Paul is usually considered as a crucial Christian figure in Christian history. Notably, Paul had made many friends and foes in his days, and this depicts that even though he was a prominent Christian figure in the movement, Paul had amassed many detractors as well as enemies[1]. Moreover, his contemporaries failed to accord him the respect that was given to other apostles such as James and Peter. As a result, Paul was compelled to strive in the establishment of his authority and worthy in the ministry. Paul’s letter contained an enormous influence on the Christianity foundation, and this enabled him to secure. The objective of the study is to explore how Paul views Jesus in his letters and provides the difference view that Jesus was depicted in the synoptic gospels. Paul View of Jesus Paul was an intriguing figure in the formation of the first Christianity movement…

                                          EGERTON UNIVERSITY                                                   (  NJORO  CAMPUS)     DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, ACCOUNTING  AND  MANAGEMENT SCIENCE   BUSINESS PLAN   BODYWISE HAIR SALON   PO BOX 100 NAKURU   BUSINESS PLAN SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF DEGREE IN BACHELOR OF COMMERCE     PRESENTED BY;     OCHIENG’ KENNEDY OTHORO             C12/60090/08                                      OTIENO GEORGE OUMA                         C12/60009/08                                      OMONDI CORNEL OTIENO                     C12/60893/07                                      JONATHAN DANIEL OMOLLO               C12/60040/08         LECTURER;                MR AUKA DANIEL               SUBMITTED ON;                   10TH APRIL 2012                       TABLE OF CONTENT Cover Page…………………………………………………………………………………1 Table of Content…………………………………………………………………………..2 CHAPTER ONE: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Business Description…………………………………………………………………..4 1.1Market Plan…………………………………………………………………………….4 1.2 Organization and Management Plan…………………………………………………..4 1.3Operation/Production Plan……………………………………………………………..5 1.4Financial Plan…………………………………………………………………………..5 1.5Statement of Purpose…………………………………………………………………….5   CHAPTER TWO: DESCRIPTION OF THE VENTURE 2.0Business Name…………………………………………………………………………6 2.1Business Location and Address………………………………………………………..6 2.2Type of Business……………………………………………………………………….7 2.3Products and Services Offered…………………………………………………………7 2.4Industry Which the Business Operates…………………………………………………7 2.5Justification of the Business……………………………………………………………8 2.6Short and Long Term Goals……………………………………………………………9 2.7Entry and Growth Strategy……………………………………………………………10   CHAPTER THREE: MARKETING PLAN 3.0Customers…………………………………………………………………………….11 3.1Competition…………………………………………………………………………..11 3.2Market Share………………………………………………………………………….13 3.3Pricing Strategy……………………………………………………………………….13 3.4Advertising and Promotion……………………………………………………………13 3.5Sales Strategy………………………………………………………………………….14 3.6Distribution Strategy………………………………………………………………….14   CHAPTER…

Listening Reflection What listening skills do you appreciate in others? Give an example of a time when someone really listened to you. How did that affect you? Among the listening skills, I appreciate in others is showing that one is listening. It feels good when someone listens to you and shows that they are listening. When people listen to me and use their body language and gestures to indicate they are engaged like occasionally nodding, smiling, and other facial expressions and demonstrating a posture that is open and interested, I feel I am really saying something. I also like it when one pays attention to what I am saying by looking at6 me directly and eliminate distraction thoughts. An excellent example of a time when someone listened to me is when I was explaining a math concept to my little brother. He listened attentively, looked at me directly, and I couldn’t anything distracting him or his thoughts. There were many distractions, but he wasn’t carried away. He could communicate with facial expressions. This affected me by getting the urge to…

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