INTRODUCTION AND METHODS SECTIONS 4   Running head: INTRODUCTION AND METHODS SECTIONS 1                       Introduction and Methods Sections Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation                     Introduction and Methods Section Introduction The severe drinking problem is given the name Alcohol Use Disorder(AUD). AUD is a chronic relapsing brain disease which is characterized by compulsive usage of alcohol, negative emotional state when not using the substance and loss of control over intake of alcohol. An estimation of sixteen million people in the US has been diagnosed with AUD (Barton, 2019). Approximately 6.2 of the total number are 18 and above while the rest have been indicated to be adolescents. The rapid growth of AUD makes it a significant topic that needs to be addressed effectively. For a person to be diagnosed with AUD, one must meet some specific criteria which are outlined in the(DSM), Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). According to the criteria outlined in the DSM, one is considered to be suffering…

Cheap Ways to Make Your Commercial Property Look Brand New   Taking care of a commercial property involves much. However, with proper planning and an understanding of what the work involves is one step to a successful remodeling project. Business buildings need constant maintenance schedule to ensure that the offices are in good conditions for occupancy.   For someone who is not accustomed to commercial development works, understanding the relationship between the physical components of a structure can present a challenge. The following guide will take you through some essential tips to help you transform your commercial property into an appealing business building.   Understand the Need for Renovation   The first thing you need to ask yourself before embarking on any renovation works is: “Why do you need to do the renovation?” Several reasons push building owners to remodel their structures. They include a switch of tenancy, to upgrade the visual appeal, to enhance energy efficiency or to expand the amenities.   The next stage is to gather all the relevant and legal documents regarding commercial works. Thus, ensure…

CHEMISTY TERMINOLOGIES. Alkalinity is a measure of how basic a substance is. Absolute alcohol : common name for high purity ethanol or ethyl alcohol. Absolute error : expression of the uncertainty or inaccuracy of a measurement. Absolute temperature : temperature measured using the Kelvin scale. Absolute uncertainty : the uncertainty of a scientific measurement, given in the same units as the measurement. Absolute zero : the lowest possible state at which matter can exist, 0 K or: 273.15°C. Absorbance : measure of the amount of light absorbed by a sample. Absorption : process by which atoms, ions, or molecules enter a bulk phase. Absorption spectroscopy : technique used to determine concentration and structure of a sample based on which wavelengths of liquid are absorbed. Absorption spectrum : graph of amount of absorption as a function of wavelength. Absorptivity : absorption cross section of extinction coefficient, which is the absorbance of a solution per unit path length and concentration. Accuracy : the closeness of a measurement to a true or accepted value. Acid : a chemical species that accepts electrons or…

CHILD ABUSE 2 Running head: CHILD ABUSE 1             Child abuse Student’s name Institute of Affiliation                             The topic of child abuse has been enlightening for me as a course. Before doing this course, I had no information about child abuse in general. I always thought that it is an issue that is affecting a few countries and is reducing due to modernisation. However, in doing a child abuse course, I got enlightened and got more concerned about looking for a solution so that I can protect children around my environment. Generally, according to the course, I learned that child abuse had been one of the major issues that have affected the world today. Moreover, Child abuse has been common in countries that are not well developed. Therefore, there are different forms of child abuse that many people do not know. First of all, let me talk about physical abuse. Physical abuse is basically physical injuries that are caused by beatings, punching…

Surname 4   Surname 1   Student’s name Professor’s name Course Date Growth Stages in Children Introduction Middle age is a stage between the ages of 7 and 11, referred to as cognitive development. At this period, children gain skills and are quick at understanding concrete information. As children enter school, they start paying attention to all the things around them. During this period they look at people and compare themselves to their peers. At middle age, children also undergo changes that are emotional and social. At that stage, they also become curious and do things on their own and may have problems when dealing with other children. During adolescence, the physical, cognitive and social changes may affect the adolescent’s ability to perceive and judge risks effectively. There are advantages in early diagnosis in children like managing medical documents. Additionally, it is possible to streamline the workflow and improve doctor-patient relationship. The disadvantages of the initial determination can result in lack of self-esteem. Hence this can lead to acting up since small children cannot communicate their feelings due to lack…

VIRTUAL REALITY AUGMENTED REALITY 2   Running head: VIRTUAL REALITY AND AUGMENTED REALITY 2                           Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Student Name Institution           References Akçayır, M., & Akçayır, G. (2017). Advantages and challenges associated with augmented reality for education: A systematic review of the literature. Educational Research Review, 20, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.edurev.2016.11.002 Bhowmik, A. (2016). Advances in Augmented- and Virtual-Reality Technologies and Applications. Information Display, 32(5), 30-34. doi: 10.1002/j.2637-496x.2016.tb00936.x Barker, P. (2011). Virtual Reality: theoretical basis, practical applications. Research In Learning Technology, 1(1). doi: 10.3402/rlt.v1i1.9463 Chen, C., Lau, S., & Teh, C. (2015). A feasible group testing framework for producing usable virtual reality learning applications. Virtual Reality, 19(2), 129-144. doi: 10.1007/s10055-015-0263-7 Craig, A. (2013). Understanding augmented reality. Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann. Harris, M. (2018). A virtual tour of virtual reality. Physics World, 31(3), 12-12. doi: 10.1088/2058-7058/31/3/21 Liao, T. (2018). Future directions for mobile augmented reality research: Understanding relationships between augmented reality users, nonusers, content, devices, and industry. Mobile Media & Communication, 7(1),…

CHILD NEGLECT 2   Running head: CHILD NEGLECT 1                 Child Neglect Name Institution Child Neglect This paper presents a child neglect rating of Aaron, a seven-year-old boy from Orlando, FL. In cases when children’s rights, especially the right to good care and ownership are deprived, one can determine the abuse rate through a child neglect score. When parents fail to provide basic needs to children like shelter, clothes, education, emotional needs, medical care, and supervision, it constitutes child neglect (Dean, Avery, & McDonald, 2016). The issue is cross-cultural, cutting across the society’s entire divide. The immediate symptom of the conundrum is a failure to thrive. A lack of immediate remedial action may jeopardize the child into long-term deleterious effects such as emotional, cognitive, and physical impairments. Response measures require coordinated efforts by professionals to detect, diagnose, and to provide therapy as well as social and legal protection. Incidences of child neglect in the US have been all the time high with the U.S. State Department of Health and Human Services (2018) reporting…

Surname 3   Student’s Name: Tutor’s Name: Course: Date: The success of August Wilson’s “Fences” Play in Using Metaphors and Symbolism Fences is a play written by August Wilson about a man known as Troy. Troy had been working hard to ensure he supported his family in the late 1950s. Throughout the play, the audience is presented with a Troy who hurt people closest to him. For instance, he has been very unkind and uncaring to Rose, his wife, Gabriel, his brother, and his son. Unlike most people, Troy puts his interests in front of his son’s dream leading to a conflict between him and his son. Fences were written at a period when there was a great fight against segregation with Troy representing the main protagonist of isolation. In the play, August Wilson through the play, Fences, reveals a reflective perspective of the real world and that of Troy and his friends and family. The title fences put out a revelation of the significance and meaning of the impending construction of the fence in the Maxson yard. Additionally, the…

AusCotton The impacts of less-than-perfect demand forecasts for AusCotton products can affect the company will cause a fall equilibrium price. The impacts will be like The low demand and high supply will cause a price fall of the product. Auscotton will run through a loss in the business. If there are low demand and high supply, the price of the product will fall. The consumers will buy the products at a low price. The company can be affected financially for its long run. As the impact of low demand Auscotton can have the obstruction in expanding the business. As the impact of low demand, it will affect the manufacturing strategy of Auscotton. The future business of Auscotton will be affected by this fall of demand. The volatility in the length and cost of transport services used to move its products from contract manufacturers to distribution centers will also affect the business of Auscotton. It will It will cause a shortage of revenue for the business. It will affect the income of the business. The price of the product will rise.…

Cover page   Retail Industry in Australia Despite the Global and economic change in climate, Australia has managed to enjoy the changes. Australian macro market has enjoyed a strong and reliable economic stance. These benefits are evident in the history of the country’s GDP. The Annual Growth Rate of Australia is at 3.48% from 1960 up to 2013. This is according to the Australia Bureau of Statistics results. Mayer holdings are one among the few companies in the region that has managed to reap the benefits of strong financial performance in the country. Myer holdings have recorded a growth of $2.5657 billion from the year 2006 to the year 2012.   PESTEL ANALYSIS Myer holdings ltd Pestle analysis is a strategic tool that will be used in analyzing the macro environment of the position of the Organisation in the Australian retail market. Changes that are experienced in the macro-environment areas can have not only an impact on the Myer holdings but also the retail players of the Australian market. The company has a significant influence on the Australian GDP. Factors…

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