CHAPTER SIX     PARENTS AND THEIR CHILDREN Mentorship starts at home Those nostalgic moments I can recall every bit of it; my mother was not someone you could mess around with her and find peace after that. Any indiscipline case called for punishment of similar weight. Were it not for her sternness; I couldn’t be where I am today. Everyone is born innocent not knowing the direction to take in life. Parents are the one to give guidelines. The Bible tells us to teach a child at a tender age even when of age they won’t forget. They are further advised to tie on the neck and let them lit their way even as they sojourn throughout their lives. If one is not taught how to go by in life, every wind that comes will compel them to take its direction. There is absolutely nothing to compromise concerning discipline matters. If something is rightfully done, pat the person in question on the shoulder and on the contrary it should be rectified. Children are gifts from God, and each parent…

[00:00:00] [music] [00:02:10]   Male: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage the Senior Vice President of Organizational and Practice Development, Kirk Hewlett.   Kirk: Welcome. Welcome to Nashville, Tennessee Music City USA, and our Elevate, the Latin Berg Advisory symposium. Thank you for being here on the start of this January week. I know it might have been a little difficult with weather, and TSA and such to be here. So, we appreciate that effort, and we’re glad to host you here at the JW Marriott. We have 307 advisers here in attendance tonight, and that’s from across all five of the Latin Berg Independent Advisory and Brokerage Firms, or IABs as we call them. And that’s advisers from 39 different states. Our largest contingents are from Florida, and from California. So, welcome to everyone. It’s really great to be here in Music City USA. Now there’s some divergent history about where the term Music City USA came from. Some say that the radio disc jockey in the 50s came up with that name. A more unusual origin…

 Table of Contents Mobile Banking Ecosystem of Oman. 3 Introduction. 3 Stakeholders. 3 Early Adapters. 4 Main Developments. 4 Possibilities Offered By Mobile Banking System In Achieving Financial Inclusion And A Cashless Economy In Oman. 5 Potential benefits. 5 Threats of Mobile Banking System. 7 Approaches towards Innovation in Mobile Banking. 8 Merits of incremental and radical innovation in mobile banking. 9 Demerits of incremental and radical innovation in mobile banking. 10 Disruptor tools suited for Oman. 11 References. 12 Books and Journals. 12 Websites. 12         Mobile Banking Ecosystem of Oman Introduction Mobile banking is a system or platform that enables clients of a financial system to carry out various financial transactions with mobile devices like mobile tablets and mobile phones. The first mobile banking services operated through the use of SMS offered through SMS banking, which was later advanced through the development of smartphones that supported the WAP system in 1999, allowing the use of the mobile web. Most banking institutions offer mobile banking by using the WAP system platform to their clients (Estelami, 2017).…

Surname 3   Name Tutor Course Date Chapter 8 Pat I: Summary The chapter explores the media system. It starts by looking at the media basics where different formats of communication are addressed. It goes ahead to cover types of media before addressing various functions of media. In short, it encompasses all communications or information transmitted to citizens. Both mass and print media are catered for. Televisions usually take various forms like cable, network, satellite, and network. According to history, programming used to be transmitted from networks to broadcast and local stations through airwaves. Due to advances in technology, streaming and on-demand now can access programming. This has led to changes in scheduling and advertising practices. Large media corporations like conglomerates usually own so many stations. This may result in a monopoly and a decrease in the information flow within the public. Media helps in entertaining the public, watching for corruption, setting of various national agendas and promoting the public good. Part II Radio: The transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves of radio frequency, especially those carrying sound messages. Television:…

Chapter 13: Case Study 13.2 Question 1 Suppose you were a consultant called into the project by the federal government in 1990 when it still seemed viable. Given the start to the project, what steps would you have taken to reintroduce some positive “spin” on the Superconducting Supercollider? Answer: If I were a consultant in the SSC project in the 1990s, I would have taken the following steps to give the project a positive turn: I would have applied Earned Value Management (EVM) to evaluate the status of the project as it progresses. The government of the United States of America had not even thought of abandoning the project before 1994 in spite of its increasing budget (Pinto, 2016). The main reason behind this project’s failure is the misjudgment of the project’s progress and conflict of interest between the two groups. The groups that do not want the Superconducting Supercollider (SSC) to become a reality had their reasons. The people who were in support of the project also had their part of logic. The authority had utterly failed to resolve…

8   SOCIO-ECOMOMIC DETERMINANTS OF WATER ACCESSIBILTY IN URBAN INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS IN NAIROBI CITY COUNTY, KENYA         C50/21825/2012       A PROJECT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OF KENYATTA UNIVERSITY   JUNE, 2018     CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Background to the study Globally, human development is primarily premised upon availability and accessibility of basic services such as the provision of water (Tissington, 2012; Showkat & Ganaie, 2012). Accessibility of water is, intrinsically, a backbone to the sustenance of life; hence, universally, water is acknowledged as the panacea for the sustainability of human development (Butuala, Vankooyen & Patel, 2010). Whereas water is seen as a scarce natural resource that is precious, survival of human beings is almost impossible without it. Human survival mainly revolves around water availability and accessibility. Concerning this, conditions and standards of living in any human settlement are determined virtually by water availability and accessibility (World Health Organization, 2010). Informal settlements that have the characteristic of being unplanned tend to experience an immense challenge on water resources…

Best 3D Printer Under 500 With the mission of reaching out to every customer who values quality, we are an award-winning elite company that has gained ground in social media, the likes of Facebook, among other renowned social sites. Therefore, to confirm that you’ll have the best, we have gone for you the extra mile to unearth priceless information that pertains to our products from almost all the social sites. Following in-depth research in the market to embrace quality, thus offer you the best, we have gotten first hand information from our numerous followers who have had an excellent experience with the performance of our products. You, therefore, don’t have to spend any valuable time to pick the best, for we have narrowed down every single detail that will be useful to you for the selection. The Formation of 3D Printer Under 500 With the use of the Stereolithography sales technique, Charles E. Hull invented the first 3D printer around the 1980s. Hull was able to come up with the printer, even though the technique was considerable, costing around $100,000…

Exploring Case Studies Related to Discrimination Quong Wing case Quong Wing employed two white waitresses in his restaurant and was found guilty of violating the Saskatchewan law to prohibit white women from working for chinamen in 1912. However, Quong Wing challenged the law asserting that it was not within its jurisdiction province. The outcome is that he lost the case, and an appeal was denied with the court declaring that Saskatchewan acted based on its rights (“Quong-wing v. The King – SCC cases (Lexum),” 2012). Consequently, the court discovered that Saskatchewan had working conditions legislated from white girls and women within its power. The minority group that was being discriminated against is the Chinese in Canadian society. Defining legislatures for who one can work for seems rather odd since they are not forced to provide labor. The implication is that segregation was termed as the community’s norm when owning from facts that the women were not moved, and Quong Wing was denied an appeal. The case occurred on Quong Wing occurred in 1914. Fred Christie case In the case of…

——–Best Affiliate Program to Join in 2019 You want to know more about affiliate programs and the best plan you can join to reap significant benefits? Well, first, it’s worth noting that joining an affiliate program is one of the best ways of investing in a good and worthy business. In fact, you can earn a lot in 2019 by joining the best affiliate program available in the world today. But hang on a minute; do you know what an affiliate program is? Read on, and you’ll find out. What an affiliate program is A corporation can hire individuals or other companies to help market and sell its products at a commission. That is called affiliate or associate program. Usually, the arrangements are done online between the affiliate website and the commercial website, where the affiliate website is paid a commission for sending traffic to merchant website. When associate or affiliate website directs potential customers to merchant websites, they get paid for helping the corporation increase its customers and earning them money. The point is, as an affiliate site, you…

METHODOLOGY 2   Running head: METHODOLOGY 1           METHODOLOGY Name Institution     CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY Introduction This section will deal with the study design, the purpose of the design, methods used in the collection of data and sampling techniques. This section will also take into account the sample size determination, research instruments, the unit of analysis, data management and analysis and logistical and ethical consideration. Research Design The study will employ a mixed research method whereby data will be obtained both qualitatively and quantitatively. The purpose of the mixed research method will be to enable us to explore the link that is there between counter-human trafficking and sustainable development goals. Qualitative data will be vital as it will help the research gather in-depth data, the methods that will be used to get qualitative data will include transcribed and recorded semi-structured interviews with participants and groups, and secondary data from previous surveys that include public records, government reports, census data and opinions, key informants will also be used for in-depth interviews. For quantitative data, a survey…

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