Capital Punishment Capital punishment has remained a contentious issue in the United States since its inception because some believe that it is necessary as a crime deterrence method. In contrast, others believe that human beings do not have the authority to take another person’s life as a form of punishment. Our stance on capital punishment cannot solely be determined by our moral compass but must be interlined with scientific research and facts. Other factors that should be considered while making such decisions include social and economic factors. We must also analyze the application of capital punishment in the criminal justice system and its economic impact. The aim is to provide concrete statistical data on factors considered when handling a capital punishment penalty to support that the practice of capital punishment in the US should be abolished. The death penalty should be abolished in the united states because of its irreversible nature. Unlike other crimes where people have a second chance just in case they appeal the case based on new evidence, once the punishment is served in the death penalty,…
Memorandum Non-Emergency Call system in Boston Prior to the implementation of the 311 call system in New York by Bloomberg, New Yorkers had to navigate an 11-page city directory that contained the contacts of the various government agencies meant to deal with public issues. The guide contained over a thousand phone numbers to different agencies, and citizens were supposed to use the numbers. Not everybody in New York had access to the inventory, making it an inefficient way of responding to the city’s issues. The system was also slow in that someone had to comb through several pages to get them a specific number that they needed. The 311-call system is innovative in that it created a central non-emergency call center deviating from the traditional directory that had considerable numbers. The innovation made it easy for New Yorkers to remember the essay 311 number for all city concerns. It made it easy for the New York metropolitan to keep track of the most pressing issues of the city dwellers. Thus the system created an easy-to-remember non-emergency number for residents, visitors,…
Mental Health in North Ireland Introduction Mental Health in Ireland is governed by the Mental Health Act of 2001, which was later enacted in 2006 (Latif & Malik, 2012). The definition terms of mental illness and mental have developed over the years. Literature has concluded that there is a conceptual confusion on using the words (Leighton 2008). Nonetheless, the term mental illness arose in the 1960s to decrease stigmatization (Rowling et al. 2002). There is no joint agreement on how the terms should be used other than they both address an individual’s mental state. Mental health and mental illness are different but related. Reports have established that health focuses on whether an individual is living a holistic lifestyle within the society, such as having a life purpose, interpersonal relationships, and much more. At the same time, the illness is the disease (Ryff and Singer, 1998). Statistical Assessment of Mental Health in North Ireland Fundamental Facts were first established in 2007 for purposes of analyzing England’s Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey. However, the publication had developed over the years to post 2015…
Justin Fairfax believes in Virginia’s economic prosperity, and therefore he came up with the agendas that will spearhead the growth and improvement of the economy. His manifestos to cushion the economy include; grow small businesses, increase the minimum wage, and expand workforce training and development. However, for Justin to achieve these, he should consider threats that may hinder his promises to Virginia’s people. I strongly feel the measures he has put in place will not help cushion the economy due to Virginia. Even if he is elected, no significant changes in the economy A large Virginians operate small businessntreprises that were greatly affected by the Corona virus.The revenues collected from the small business declined with asignifacnt margin compared to other years, thus the government of Virginia also was stranded on how to b alance the economy.Although Justin and his wife runs a small business at Virginia and knows the best ways of providing condusive environment it wsould be hard because there would be sources of relief to improve the welfare of small business operrators. Additionally ,Justin looks forward to…
Executive Summary The article aims to analyze Nike, and it was the market leader in the footwear and apparel industry. The stakeholders of the company include the employee, management, athletes, and shareholders. The employees, especially women, are discriminated through sexual harassment, executive positions, and ignorance of HR to handle their complaints. Management is interested in the financial performance of the firm and to meeting sales revenue forecast. Athletes are primary consumers of Nike’s product, and they rely on the firm’s product. Shareholders are interested in the profitability of the firm. The main problem facing the firm is discrimination, HR issues, and business growth. Female employees are discriminated against through sexual harassment, fewer executive positions, and not participating in the meetings. The discrimination problem can be solved by embracing diversity and inclusivity principles or changing the organizational culture. The HR department has several concerns resulting mainly from neglecting complaints raised by the employees. The department does not respond adequately to the cases reported by female employees on sexual harassment from their male bosses and in the promotion. The issues in the…
Tanzania-Regulatory Framework for Access to Justice for Gender-Based Violence Analysis of the legal Frameworks on Gender-Based Violence in Tanzania Tanzania has implemented women empowerment and gender equality projects to improve the living condition of women. The legal frameworks address gender rights and the goals of the project. The institutional framework includes; i Regulations of the Republic of Tanzania It is through gender inequality that violence is rooted. Most of these factors are society based. In 1977, the regulations of the United Republic of Tanzania billed rights and duties. Articles 12 -29 of the Constitution prohibits discrimination based on sex addresses. The constitution cited the letter of the law and not the practical effect it caused on people. However, state parties are required to address both directions. ii Law Marriage Act. In this Act, the law prohibits marriages of girls under 18 years. Early marriage is against women’s rights to make their own decisions. Also, the law forbids polygamous marriages and wife-beating by their spouse. Women should report abusive husbands. iii Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act. There are many cases of human…
Essay #2: Proposal to Solve a Problem Having to retake a course due to poor grades is devastating for most students. Not only does it need an investment of time and finances to pass the course, but extra input needs to be placed by investing in tutor services to enable the student to cover more coursework within a limited amount of time. Tutoring comes in handy for those students who need to be jump-started after a long summer break and those who juggle between work and studying not to fail their courses outright. With the Covid-19 pandemic, tutoring has become relevant as most classes go online, and in-person teaching is no longer possible. Although many schools have tutoring services available to students, if we want to see higher graduation and retention rates during the pandemic and beyond, we must improve tutor accessibility for students across the board. For this reason, the learning gap among high-risk students is widening, and they will lag behind in their studies. According to, a learning gap is a difference between what a student has…
MapReduce Paradigm for Distributed Inverted Index Creation MapReduce concept in programming aims to allow a parallel distributed system to be developed, mainly when large data sets are processed. MapReduce paradigm, therefore, ensure the available dataset is converted to tuples set, and then they are reduced and combined to develop a smaller tuple set. The computing nodes clusters process the map by reducing the user’s tasks earlier defined by the program. Steps in developing MapReduce Paradigm for Inverted Index As defined earlier, the MapReduce concept aims to reduce the large dataset to smaller tuples that can be managed independently. Therefore, the significant steps involved n Inverted Index include; They are collecting the necessary documents which require indexing. During this phase, a programmer may decide to order a set of strings for indexing as the working documents. Text tokenization. Each collected document needs to be converted into a list of tokens. Carry out Linguistic processing – the programmer ensures a list of indexing terms s produced during linguistic processing. The documents are then indexed based on the term of occurrence, creating an…
Justin FAIRFAX OF DEMOCRATIC PAR IN THE US VIRGINIA Among the Justine, Fairfax manifestation is working towards economic, jobs, and growth. In response. According to Justine Fairfax, the aspirant for the gubernatorial position in Virginia, the economy is a crucial aspect and element in people’s lives. More so, fair and state economy helps the people grow and have more investment if the economy favors people under all classes. In response, Virginias states of the economy need an individual who will handle it effectively in the right direction for people in the countries. Therefore, under Governor Justine Fairfax, within a span, one year will be in apposition to create over 200,000 new job vacancies for unemployed youth in Virginia’s states. Besides, the governor will have saved $16 billion as for investment, such as giving top people loans to start a small-scale business. Open up new industries will be a source of income through employment to many people, including; management, supply, retailers, and transporters. Justin Fairfax aims to progress with forwarding thinking ideas, mostly focusing on economic wise I Virginia by…
What is the actual stress? Stress is a word that you find many people using nowadays. Running late, an argument with someone, strict deadline, breaking, or losing some things is a frequent occurrence. When it happens, you will hear someone say, “It is causing me stress.” Some even tell others, “you are stress.” Do we use the word very casually without thinking about its real meaning? Maybe yes. You know if you got stress is by determining the actual meaning of the word and its effects. Stress is a physical or emotional tension that causes you to feel uneasy. The feeling is the reaction of the body to demand or challenge due to thought, or even that causes frustration, anger, or nervousness. Positive stress Stress can be a monster, but did you know that it can sometimes be beneficial. It can help meet challenges, sharpen your concentration to get something right and keep you alert. It can also inspire you to do something that you would have postponed like studying instead of relaxing. In emergencies, stress may become a life…