World of Cities: Journeys through Urban Space and Time Field Observation Report Name Course Tutor Date World of Cities: Journeys through Urban Space and Time Field Observation Report Background Information The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic affected has affected the globe in unprecedented ways. The social, economic, political, and cultural aspects of communities have been altered in ways that have never been seen. No past pandemic saw the level of the global shutdown that was seen in this one. World cities have been affected in different ways and scales. One of the characteristics of the present pandemic is that the disease is passed from one individual to another through respiratory droplets and contact routes. Experts suggested that one of the best and most effective ways to fight the disease is to limit human interactions as much as possible. That reality was invariably going to affect the cities adversely. To reduce human interactions, countries came up with varying strategies. One of…
DiDi Entry Mode Choice into the Australian Market DiDi has entered Australian markets through a joint venture mode (Arabian Business, 2019). However, service quality and pricing competition are internal matters of the individual ride-sharing company. DiDi has just established a good relationship with local operators and tech firms. They have acquired local ride-sharing services and have managed to convince taxi operators to join them. DiDi has also established a good rapport with the local regulators and tech firms. DiDi has advanced technology; they rely on AI capabilities to address mobility problems. Due to their improved service delivery, DiDi has become a significant Uber competitor in Australia (Vij, 2020). The price is lower compared to uber hence many people prefer it. This method has helped DiDi gain a market despite its late entry. Selection Criteria of the Joint Venture Entry Mode DiDi’s selection of the joint venture entry mode was a matter of combining external and internal factors (Watson IV et al., 2018). The Australian market size was a critical factor in consideration of the appropriate entry mode. High demand for…
Uses and Gratifications Theory Name: Institution: Course Code: Uses and Gratifications Theory Uses and gratifications theory suggests that individuals use media to fulfill specific needs and requirements (Qiao & Zhu, 2011). This view is contrary to other media conceptions that consider users as passive. The uses and gratifications theory views media consumers as active agents who directly influence and chose what they consume. In this context, users have specific reasons for selecting various media types at specific consumption times. The digital age brought in new forms of media and access platforms that introduced unprecedented applications of uses and gratification research. For instance, increased social media use introduced new gratifications that form significant components of people’s lives. History Origins of uses and gratifications theory date back to the mid-20th century, when researchers investigated why people consume specific media forms. Gradually, the research narrowed down to particular gratifications sought by consumers. The 70s introduced a new direction of investigation where the…
Research: Design Study Name Corse Institution/Department Date Impacts of Digital Technology on Children Currently, the use of digital technology, particularly the internet, has rapidly dominated the globe. This technology comes in several forms, such as tablets, video game systems, mp3 players, electronic book readers, and smart phones. Children start schools when exposed to varying digital technology levels with a wide range of related skills (Mattoon et al., 2015). According to OECD 2017, Programmer for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015 research, an average of ninety-five percent of fifteen-year-old children have access to the internet within OECD member states. Further, the researchers discovered that children spent a minimum of two hours on the internet, which is a forty-minute rise when compared to 2012 research findings. The OECD report indicates that seventy-two percent of OECD member states children access the internet from school using laptops and tablets to learn while ninety-three have access at home (OECD, 2017). From various reports concerning the rampant exposure and the use of technology by children is an issue of concern that…
Uses and Gratifications Theory Name: Institution: Course Code: Uses and Gratifications Theory The theory claims that individuals typically use media to satisfy specific needs and requirements (Qiao & Zhu, 2011). This view is contrary to other media conceptions that consider users as passive. The uses and gratifications theory views media consumers as active agents who directly influence and chose what they consume. In this context, users have specific reasons for selecting various media types at specific consumption times. The digital age brought in new forms of media and access platforms that introduced unprecedented applications of uses and gratification research. For instance, increased social media use introduced new gratifications that form significant components of people’s lives. History Origins of uses and gratifications theory date back to the mid-20th century, when researchers investigated why people consume specific media forms. Gradually, the research narrowed down to particular gratifications sought by consumers. The 70s introduced a new direction of investigation where the most…
Reflection Tests Institutional Affiliations Student’s Name Date Attempts to understand human being behavior and factors that affect human behaviors has always been for many scientists. Psychology as a field came in to help out understand human behavior in a more detailed and pragmatic way. It is out of this that psychology is defined as the study of the mind, how it works, and how it affects behavior. However, this paper seeks to carry out a reflection about a career in psychology and project XN’s role in shaping the career of students. First, being a psychologist resonates with me because it helps me understand the issues that impact not only health but also daily life. Understanding issues that impact our health is critical as it helps us live a healthy life. As a result of this, my childhood dream of venturing into a profession that directly touches human beings’ lives will come through. Secondly, psychology helps an individual…
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Name Date Sociology Assignment Language Use Differences exist in language use between the middle-class parents and the working-class parents as they bring up their children. According to Brooks (2006), middle-class parents take time to reason with their children; they present the children with choices that would later influence their decisions. Also, middle-class parents bring up children to express themselves freely, pass judgments on adults, and express disappointment. Additionally, children excellently talk to adults, with proper word choices, eye contact maintenance, and courage for audiences. On the contrary, working-class families bring up their children with little preparation for the world of adulthood and organizations. The working-class parents give short orders without explanations. Their children are bulldozed by harsh language from teachers and doctors. Quite often, their children feel constrained and tongue-tied. Considering Heller’s views, middle-class parents cultivate language skills in their kids by correcting grammar, suggesting new vocabulary, and elaborating on discussion concepts. Whenever their children asked questions, they would ask more key inquiry questions that would trigger further debate. On the contrary, Heller records…
Film Miss Representation and Sociological Concepts Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Couse Number and Name Instructor’s Name Due date Film Miss Representation and Sociological Concepts Sociology pertains to the study of society and its various aspects, such as relationships, interactions, and generally, the way of life within it (Ritzer & Wendy, 2019). It focuses on individual persons and how their character and personality are influenced by interacting and socializing with others. As represented in the documentary, sociology also focuses on how personal decision-making affects their interaction with those around them. Sociology addresses sex and gender, culture, socialization and interaction, body health and medicine, deviance and crime, global inequality, and many others. Socialization and interaction The Miss Presentation film challenges how both men and women meet at their workplaces, searching for better lives, but women remain culturally pressed down. The efforts to rise through the hierarchy of leadership are neutralized by culturally-held stereotypes suggesting that women are symbols of beauty and that males are…
Sociology Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date Sociology Part A Option 1 Same-sex marriages were once a deviant behavior but accepted in societies and accepted in 29 countries. Same-sex marriages were taboo and were considered abnormal behavior among many communities. The cultures were rooted in religion, and their norms conform to their religion. They argue from the biblical point of view that same sex marriage did not result in the birth of a child, which in the societies were considered the essence of marriage (Goode, 2015). Same-sex marriages were considered to be against society’s norms, would destroy the traditional marriages, and therefore were deviant. The consequence of the people who engaged in same sex marriages was that they were put to death. The punishment is based on the biblical story of Sodom, and this validates that anyone involved in same-sex marriages were to be punished by death without any discrimination. Additionally, the social desires involved the traits that were learned by socialization from society, specifically from religion. The people learned to express their…
Name Instructor’s name course Date Sound and Mise-en-scène The films’ performances are all over the place, from main characters who are all through the movie to the supporting characters who are only seen in one or more scenes. They play a part in promoting the “The Good, The Bad and the Ugly” within the film. Blondie is calm and less evil representing the good in the story; Angel Eyes is a sadistic psychopath who enjoys carrying out the assassination. He represents the bad in the film, and Tuco, a stereotypical Mexican scoundrel, is not so cool and cold-blooded but can double-cross anyone representing the ugly in the film. The three main characters are very entertaining to watch, especially Blondie’s chemistry with Tuco is quite humorous at times there on and off again. The film is held together by partnership throughout its too long running time. Lee Van Cleef also plays a very realistic villain in Angel Eyes as we can see that a face like he was born for that role. He also has a villainous laugh and…