Computer forensics is viewed as a practice of identifying, extracting, and considering evidence from digital media like mobile phones, computers, hard drives, and so much more. The term forensics literally means using some sort of established scientific process to collect, analyze, and present the evidence collected. However, all forms of evidence are essential, especially when a Cyber-attack has occurred. Its main goal is to examine digital media in a forensically sound manner to identify, preserve, recover, analyze, and present facts and opinions about the digital information. Its concept consists of four necessary steps and is constant at the same time, regardless of the technology used or specific case. The main aim of the field of computer forensics is to perform crime investigations through the use of evidence obtained from digital data to ascertain responsibility for the crimes. Computer forensic scientists require solutions that effectively capture relevant data, support an ongoing investigation, in the course of the inquiry, and feature sophisticated technical analysis capabilities for finding buried, hidden, or even tricky to locate digital data. There are many steps to a…
Total quality management (TQM), corporate sustainability (CS), and knowledge management (KM). The 2019 article by Jawad Abbas highlights the changing preferences and demands of consumers and ways organizations can use to develop corporate sustainability through total quality management while incorporating knowledge management. Abbas states that consumers have become increasingly aware of the dangers corporate activities pose to environmental resources such as water, air, and soil over the past years. To respond to changing consumer preferences, Abbas believes that corporate organizations should adopt a three thronged approach of total quality management (TQM), corporate sustainability (CS), and knowledge management (KM). Under TQM, Abbas provides the eight elements, with the major ones being leadership, strategic planning, and customer focus (Sila & Ebrahimpour, 2002). On the other hand, according to Abbas (2019), an organization should also engage in KM by implementing knowledge creation, acquisition, sharing, and application by the managers and other members of the staff (Alavi & Leidner, 2001). Moreover, Abbas (2019) believes that TQM and KM are not enough without the incorporation of corporate sustainability. The elements of CS include environmental, social,…
Student’s name Professor Unit code Date Racism in the Criminal Justice System Goodall, Kay. “Conceptualizing ‘racism ‘in criminal law.” Legal Studies 33.2 (2013): 215-238. Goodall addresses the effects of racism and the concept of hate crime. It also handles the various legal approaches to ending racism among the united states countries and the problems faced in ending racism in such countries. Since the article addresses the racially aggravated offense, it will be useful in the research process on finding out matters concerning racism, its effects, and the various strategies towards handling it. Its definition and precise illustration of racial and racist will also provide information on differentiating the two during the research process. Of late, many people fail to differentiate between a racist and racial, especially in the law courts just as Goodall puts, “I look at the ‘racial’ and the ‘racist’, showing that legislation and courts do not clearly distinguish between the two. When the term ‘racial’ is used, it refers in effect to racism, with all the moral and political implications that entails,” (216). Jetter, Michael, and Alejandro Mesa-Osorio. “Racism…
Module 3 Discussion Should Apple Comply.edited Apple against the government gives a wide view of how the company should base its operations with the set regulation to protect its customers’ privacy of their information. The act of finding a solution to the challenges if the company should comply with giving up their consumers information is not an easy task (Kinicki and Williams, 2018). After the analysis of the options outlined, I picked statement number four “Invent other options.” My understanding and believe on this statement is that it can be used as a tool to tweak the aspects concerning the situations to which Apple should allow access to personal information and a new type of warrant should be put in place. First, as mentioned earlier, the company should comply with the investigations which comprise of any terrorist incidents together with any criminal activities with felonies classification. Once the investigations have been completed, and enough information or evidence has been gathered to determine the extent of a felony or terrorist incident, there should e existence of the new warrant for such…
Racial, education and economic disparities Racial, education and economic disparities are highly entrenched in the united states of America. Despite the declaration of independence that all men are created equally, American democracy has historically discriminated against some groups. A short essay was published. Lastly, Lonnie G. Bunch said that the recent death of George Floyd forced the country to confront the reality that, despite all the gain for the last years, America is still a nation governed by racial division and inequality. From the year 1525 through to 1866, 12.5 million Africans people were kidnapped and taken to America as a slave. 10.5 Africans survived through the two-month journey as 2.5 Africans dying. Comparing the transatlantic slave trade and interregional trade-subsequent slave supply scale can help you understand equality and racism across America. Once you take a story of John Casor, indentured African descent, in 1654 or 1655 court case is concerned with determining his contract’s lapsing. He was declared as the first slave for life in the united states. Later after 200 years, a Yoruba man by the Manuel…
Journal Entry. Good leadership is vital because it helps in maximizing efficiency to achieve organizational goals and objectives. There are many roles of leaders and, therefore, it is imperative to develop certain attributes that will ensure that they do their work in the best possible way. For instance, they should communicate policies and plans to groups from where the work starts. They are not only expected to supervise their groups but also to guide on what is expected. To best achieve organizational or group objectives, the people involved under the leadership are supposed to be confident. It is the duty of the leader to help them understand that they can achieve their goals effectively. For these reasons, identifying strategies from another leader to adopt in a different organization is imperative. For instance, the guest speaker has highlighted good leadership practices that can help a leader effectively achieve his or her mandate. For instance, they should be result-oriented. They should work with their groups to identify areas that need improvement and present it to the right people for advice and recommendations…
Consequences of smoking during pregnancy Student name University affiliation Submission date Introduction Smoking is a way of abusing drugs. Pregnant mothers are discouraged from smoking drugs as it has so many effects on the unborn child and also to the mother. Smoking affects the health of the unborn child as well as that of the mother. It can lead to preterm birth, low birth weight of the child and also can lead to the death of the infant. This is referred to as (SIDS) the Sudden Infant death syndrome. Smoking highly increases the risks of complications during pregnancy. Smoking by pregnant mothers passes harmful chemicals pass to the unborn babies. Carbon and nicotine are some of the harmful substances passed to the baby. A pregnant mother should avoid using these drugs as they have so many effects on the unborn baby and also to the mother using these drugs. The following are some of the health effects on the unborn and the pregnant mother. Premature delivery is one of the effects caused by smoking. Premature birth is whereby…
Introduction Healthcare programs help improve the quality of life among the target population (Eldredge et al., 2016). Nurses are currently playing a major role alongside other healthcare staff in the implementation of these programs. Some of the roles that nurses play are participating in the programs, educating their patients and the community about available healthcare programs, monitoring the programs’ success, engaging the relevant stakeholders in ensuring that these programs are successful and advocating for reforms where need be. The government and other private stakeholders are coming up with useful health programs targeting the well-being of a patient. These programs, however, require closer interventions for success. There are many programs to initiate in the healthcare sector. Diabetes Control Healthcare Program One of the programs that I could recommend as a nurse is diabetes prevention among adults, especially the aged. In the USA, the number of diabetes cases increases with an increase in age. The most affected persons are those aged above 65 years, accounting for around 26.8% of the USA’s total diabetes cases. Targeting the aged, I estimated a cost of…
Japan’s military strength Geopolitics, experience, and logistics were major reasons why Japan did not attack the Soviet Union during WW2. After the outbreak of World War II, in April 1941, Japan signed a neutrality treaty with the Soviet Union to avoid a two front war. The agreement was seen as a temporary arrangement to the Soviets forces meaning that they had more time to attack Adolf Hitler in his 1941 invasion. On the other hand, while Japan fell free after attempting to attack the Soviets in 1939, the Khalkin Gol attack, which left Japan greatly weakened by the Zhukov army even before the red army began its operations. At this point, the country’s naval power and jungle fighting were still strong. Despite the unsuccessful Soviet attack at Gol, Japan further sought to conquer and attacking western powers located in the pacific. In the two years, the Japanese government made decisions that worsened the situation. In August 1940, Political leaders who were unable to control their military sought more security by founding the “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.” This meant that…
Executive Summary: Before the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses had digital transformations strategies. However, these strategies halted after the pandemic, leading to significant digital disruptions. Unlike the pandemic, which only took a concise period, digital transformation takes years. Another reason for this failure is the business’s slow response to the pandemic. Also, businesses are incurring high costs to regain normalcy in their digitization. Most businesses are also suffering bad advice in terms of their digital transformation. There is, therefore, a need for CIOs to identify these challenges and come up with measures to handle them to regain normalcy in businesses. Why Important to a CIO: CIOs are responsible for the implementation of digital transformations. By understanding why most strategies are failing, CIOs can develop the best approaches to digitizing existing and upcoming businesses. Knowing why most strategies are failing is also important to a CIO since they can identify the weak points in the commerce sector. This approach helps the business to be up to date with the current trends, thus maintaining competition.