Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Email to a Friend who is Failing, Offering Advice Hi, How are you? I trust you are doing quite well, my friend. This email is to advise you on how to succeed based on memory and recognition. I understand you have been failing in your exams. This is the best moment I will advise you on how to apply memory and cognition in learning. First, you need to understand what it means by memory encoding, storage and retrieval. Out of the three, memory retrieval plays a significant role in success. The success in academics is based on long term memory, and this involves a process known as encoding. A student is needed to have a long term memory which will facilitate retrieving for college student success during exams. Therefore, for a college student to be successful, it is crucial to understand memory and how it functions. Students should avoid short term memories as that will make them fail in their exams. Facts and memory are part of semantic memory. These kinds of memories…

Reflection on Geroge Micheal’s “Careless whisper.” Low pitched beats slowly accompanying the low toned male voice sends a cold feeling in the air. The weary, tired and shallow voice brings a clear sense of the pain he is going through. The song begins in kind words of comfort of a good friend, but the confronting low tone of the singer’s voice and the singer’s deflecting words creates an irregular tone that emulates the singer’s fear and sadness.  The names, ‘There’s no comfort in the truth, Pain is all you’ll find’ (Micheal 5-6), confirms the doubt of the fear and pain behind the low tone. It creates a scene of a good romantic relationship that is being destroyed by the hidden truths. The unsure natures of the changing tone and unwinding lyrics create a scene of a dramatic relationship. As the low tone continues, the fears grow bigger as the tone continues to fall – I feel so unsure, and all is sad goodbyes (8-13). The rising tone of the singer’s sharp voice rises sharply – I’m never gonna dance again-…

                  Reflection Essay Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Date                     The video ‘Not Just a Paycheck’ examines how the job employment policy and insecurity affect an individual’s health. On the other hand, ‘Place Matters’ video indicates that an individual’s geographical area is a good predictor of someone’s health. Place matter is a designed national wide initiative that improves the health outcomes by engaging communities primarily through learning experiences. The essay discusses factors that influence the vulnerability of individuals as well as that of the community levels. Films are essential tools to disseminate health information, promoting health as well as constructing health-related narratives. Not Just a Paycheck is a video showing how the residents living in western Michigan struggled against domestic violence, depression, diabetes, and heart diseases. The struggle started after the Electrolux Corporation closed the country’s largest refrigerator factory. I believe that closing the local manufacturing plant turned the lives of Greenville, Michigan workers upside down. In my view, Greenville residents’ health deteriorated quickly…

                  Reflection Essay Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Date                     This essay will examine on factors that influence the vulnerability of individuals as well as the community levels. The video ‘Not Just a Paycheck’ examines how the job employment policy and insecurity affect an individual’s heath. Films are essential tools to disseminate health information, promoting health as well as constructing health-related narratives. On the other hand, ‘Place Matters’ video indicates that an individual’s geographical area is a good predictor of someone’s health. Place matter is a designed national compr initiative aimed at improving houtcomes of engaging communities especially through learning experiences. Its main purpose is to advance the Flair Health Movement in one community at a time. Not Just a Paycheck is a video showing how the residents living in western Michigan struggled against domestic violence, depression, diabetes, and heart diseases. The struggle had started after the Electrolux Corporation shut down the Country’s largest refrigerator factory, which was later moved to Juarez, Mexico. Closing…

                  Reflection Essay Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Date                     The essay will examine factors that influence the vulnerability of individuals as well as the community levels. The video ‘Not Just a Paycheck’ examines how the job employment policy and insecurity affect an individual’s heath. Films are essential tools to disseminate health information, promoting health as well as constructing health-related narratives. On the other hand, ‘Place Matters’ video indicates that an individual’s geographical area is a good predictor of someone’s health. Place matter is a designed national wide initiative to improve health outcomes by engaging communities primarily through learning experiences. Its main purpose is to advance the Flair Health Movement in one community at a time. Not Just a Paycheck is a video showing how the residents living in western Michigan struggled against domestic violence, depression, diabetes, and heart diseases. The struggle started after the Electrolux Corporation shut down the country’s largest refrigerator factory, which later moved to Juarez, Mexico. Closing the local manufacturing…

Student’s name Professor Affiliation Course title & code Date of submission Red Bull’s Advertisement Red Bull is a beverage company that facilitates energy drinks distribution across the United States (Red Bull, 2020). It is a long ubiquitous brand that has sustained its existence attending to many college students with an intention that you can partake in studies as efficiently and effectively as possible. As a student, you require enough energy to stay on your feet and active as long as possible during school and class hours. Red Bull’s caffeine-fuelled energy drinks will offer these advantages and ensure you fulfill desired activities effectively. The energy drinks come in different flavors whereby the student can select the preferred drink flavor and head-fast to class. Moreover, during the exam or test periods, using these energy drinks helps one maintain alertness as students might need to extend their study time to attain good grades. Caffeine is a significant product that improves the thinking capabilities of an individual. It keeps the brain alert and ensures that an individual is capable of comprehending difficult concepts. It…

  Change Process   Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name and Number Instructors Name Assignment Due Date     Change Process Change must be carefully planned and executed (Shirey, 2013). While taking a different route to class, I will have to leave home earlier to be on time since the route is longer compared to the one I usually use.  I am likely to meet with different people on my way since most students in the senior class use that route. Senior classes are along the new route I want to take. I will come across different sights like sculptures, fountains and paintings all over the walls. The route is long, with many distractive things along the way; therefore, I could not use this route during an exam day. Changing my route to class comes with adventures and meeting new people; however, I might be late for class. I relate by case to change in the nursing department, which is vital. Change to nurses sometimes comes with challenges of evolving health care environments to provide quality health care to the…

Gestalt Therapy Carl Rogers believes that each client should be evaluated a separate individual who is unique in some respects and who should be evaluated independently. When the client is allowed to analyze her life in detail, there is a chance that they may discover new aspects about their lives and make associations between their personality and behaviours, which can be used as a basis of change (Rodgers, 2008). The patient is encouraged to analyze certain aspects of their present life, that can be used to make constructive changes in different aspects of their lives. The therapist plays a minor role in enabling the patient to make these changes, as the client makes most of the realizations alone. Fritz Perls uses the humanistic approach to get the patient to understand the perspective she has about different aspects of her life. The humanistic approach is meant to get a patient to focus on the present and future instead of analyzing what happened in the past and how it affected their lives. The client is, for example, asked why they feel the…

Student’s name Professor Affiliation Course title & code Date of submission Red Bull’s Advertisement Red Bull is a beverage company that facilitates energy drinks distribution across the United States (Red Bull, 2020). It is a long ubiquitous brand that has sustained its existence attending to many college students with an intention that you can partake in studies as efficiently and effectively as possible. As a student, you require enough energy to stay on your feet and active as long as possible during school and class hours. Red Bull’s caffeine-fuelled energy drinks will offer these advantages and ensure you fulfill desired activities effectively. The energy drinks come in different flavors whereby the student can select the preferred drink flavor and head-fast to class. Moreover, during the exam or test periods, using these energy drinks helps one maintain alertness as students might need to extend their study time to attain good grades. Caffeine is a significant product that improves the thinking capabilities of an individual. It keeps the brain alert and ensures that an individual is capable of comprehending difficult concepts. It…

7 Tips for Traveling With a Pet to Remember for Your Next Trip Traveling with your furry friend is a tough decision to make. No matter how calm and friendly your pet is, they’ll probably get restless at one point of the journey and become a nightmare. But it can be fun for both of you if you do things right. Aside from the pet behavior, there are authorities to comply with. You also have to consider the welfare of the people around you so that your pet doesn’t become a nuisance to them. Traveling with a pet entails much more than the eye can see. But it doesn’t have to be impossible as long as you prepare both the pet and yourself for the journey. Follow these seven tips and have an easier time the next time you plan to travel with your pet. Prepare Your Pet for the Journey If you’re traveling with a dog for the first time, you need to prepare them for the long journey ahead. Schedule days to take them out for short drives…

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