Name Instructor Course 13th October 2020 Protecting a Company from Ransomware Attacks As a technology student and an aspiring cybersecurity specialist, I believe that any article concerned with data security is of utmost interest. I find eWeek Editors’ article “How to protect your company from ransomware attacks” the most interesting and ideal for my career and education. This article, which can be retrieved from, presents five strategies to protect a company from ransomware attacks. These strategies include deploying a real-time malware detector, deploying a backup solution that supports comprehensive data analysis, conducting forensic analysis including machine learning, not paying a ransom, and implementing ideal cyber-recovery practices. Reading the respective feed allowed me to appreciate that malware attacks are among the most difficult cybersecurity issues the technology industry is currently facing. Even though numerous of these attacks exist, the editors chose to base their analysis on ransomware, in which an attacker denies users access to certain computer resources until they pay some amount of money known as a ransom. The article’s most critical parts are the five strategies that the…

Jacob The favoritism that Jacob had in his family was that he loved Joseph more than the other siblings. The favoritism made his brothers hate and despise him. Joseph dreamt of him, and his brothers securing bundles of grain were his brothers gathered around his bundle and bowed as a symbol of respect; the brothers hated him more. The second dream is about the moon, eleven stars, and the sun bowing for him, he told his family, and the father approved him. The first dream meant that Joseph would be the head of his family after his father’s death, while the second dream meant that he would become a national leader and reign over his family. He approved Jacob’s dreams since he was his favorite child. Joseph was sent to check on Jacob’s flock and brothers’ well-being. Joseph’s brothers planned to kill him by throwing him in a hole. When Joseph reached his brothers’ location, they removed his robe and threw him in a ditch. Later on, Ishmaelites from Gilead passed by, and they decided to sell him for twenty…

Report International business organizations that operate in multiple countries have to adhere to the policies set by host countries. Good relations are required for the companies to gain access to customers and partner with local firms. However, some issues may arise and affect relationships between host countries and international firms. Differences between individual states can have adverse effects on business cooperation in the international arena because sanctions may be placed and make it difficult for individual companies to operate effectively in some nations. The article U.S. sanctions turn up heat but Huawei serving European 5G clients, executive says by Michael Shields, discusses an ongoing issue that involves Huawei, a telecommunications firm, and the United States government. The author writes that the company is getting affected negatively by sanctions imposed by the U.S. government (Shields). Since the country imposed sanctions, the firm has been unable to access semiconductors provided by American companies. The report states that since last, U.S. manufacturers have been banned from supplying semiconductors to the company. Thus, Huawei is finding it difficult to access technical support for new…

                Opportunities for Walmart and Walmart Plus   Name Institution Course Number/Name Instructor Date       Opportunities for Walmart and Walmart Plus Walmart is the globe’s largest retail company that sells everything ranging from groceries, electronics, books, and music instruments. It is estimated that about 270 million clients make their purchases at the store every week while others make purchases through the firm’s website. Recently, the corporation launched a new membership service known as Walmart plus with services offered including same-day delivery of purchases for the firm’s over 160,000 products, scan and Go feature, which enables customers to pay for a purchased item using Walmart mobile application, and a five-cent discount on Murphy gas stations and fuel at the retail store (Bandoim, 2020). While Walmart’s launch plus is believed to offer competition to Amazon Prime, there are distinct opportunities for Walmart and Walmart plus. The essay offers an analysis of Walmart and Walmart’s available opportunities plus by making full marketing mix recommendations about the launch of Walmart plus in Canada. Launching Walmart…

Ethereum After bitcoin, Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency. It was created out of Bitcoin since the ethereum founder felt that Bitcoin hadn’t reached its decentralized capacity. Ethereum is a digital currency that works both as a currency and as a platform. Hence making the coin unique from other coins. This virtual coin likely to be staying with us for a long period. What makes Ethereum different is that it works as a platform on a smart contract, for example, forage and lion share. ethereum, like Bitcoins, also uses blockchain technology, whereby all transactions are stored under a public ledger. Smart contracts allow the performance of verified transactions without a third party. This makes the platform transparent between the permitted parties. Contracts help you exchange money and share transparently and in a non-conflict way while avoiding brokers. In this case, Ethereum will continue to grow and develop to overcome present and future competition. It is also almost a monopoly on smart contracts and tokenization of other coins. Despite facing a complication in June 2016, a smart contract called DAO was hacked,…

            Samar Character Traits Name Date Institution       In the book ‘Wishtree’ by Katherine Applegate, Samar’s character brings out racism. She is a Muslim, and her family is mistreated and segregated by other members of the community. Samar is lonely, liked, and quiet. Samar is a lonely young girl. “I wish.” She whispered, “For a friend.”(p. 32). She was just ten years old, and they had moved to a new community. She was always alone and had no human friends. Samar has liked Bongo brought her gifts as an “I’m glad we’re friends.” Animals of different species came made friends with Samar and would not fear coming out and spending time with her. Samar is a quiet person who enjoys the peace and calmness brought about by nature and other species. “I wish she whispered for a friend page.” (pg.7). She only had Red and other animals as her companion. She could not talk to them either, and her wish was to have a friend. Samir presented herself as a lonely, quiet, and…

forensic investigators When conducting an investigation, the crime scene should be used preserved. Nobody without relevant authority should be allowed to enter or exit free from a crime scene. A forensic crime investigator may be able to get much substantial evidence from a crime scene. According to Dr. Edward Locard’s exchange principle, it states that whenever a perpetrator enters or leaves a crime scene, they exchange material. A perpetrator will leave something behind and take something with them. A suspect may leave tracing evidence, such as hair, fibers, latent prints, or semen deposits. Such trace evidence is crucial as it can be used to be linked to a suspect. For forensic investigators, it is advisable to be the first at the crime scene. The first move should seal off the crime scene completely. It would be best if you also documented the time of arrival of any other officer present at the crime scene. In case of emergency, evacuate any possibly injured person. Again, in case of a possible bomb threat or fire, try to keep a safe distance to…

Nike Strategy Analysis SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis can be used to carry out a detailed analysis of the internal and external environment of the company, which can provide management with useful information for decision making. The analysis of the strengths of the organization can enable the organization to know how it creates value and where it excels in different areas of its operations. Key strengths of the organization include the strong brand value of the organization, a loyal customer base, a diverse range of products, and financial stability that can be used by the company for growth. The strengths of the company act as the basis for the strategy selected by the company, as growth can only be attained by leveraging on the company’s strengths (Reading, 2019). An analysis of the weaknesses of the organization, on the other hand, can aid in identifying areas of the company’s operations that need improvement. Key weaknesses identified by the company include a reputation for unfair labor practices, overreliance on one market, and high long-term debts. These weaknesses can be taken into consideration…

What Is a Static Code Analysis Tool? Without automation, it would take a long time to read, understand, and debug codes. With various static code analysis tools that you can use, we introduce you to static code analysis and identify the types of analysis tools used in the process. So, what is a static code analysis tool? A static code analyzer is an automated software system used by software engineers to check for any codes‘ flaws. Using specific tools for analysis, an organization can detect defects in codes and debug them early, which saves them the cost of fixing it later. These tools are useful in reviewing codes before the program can be implemented. There are various static code analysis tools available, and each is unique in structure and functionality. It may be a challenge to choose the one that works best for you. Let us go into the details of static code analysis tools and find some of the most effective ones you can deploy.  What Is Static Code Analysis Static analysis is the use of computer software to…

The roles of the private sector in policy formulation and implementation The devolution revolution in the united states sought to give each state in the country some autonomy to make policies that affected them. The federalism tradition means that the states are in a position to make policies that are unique to their population and can answer to specific demands for the region. For example, some policies are only unique to Texas, such as those put in place to curb illegal border crossing from Mexico and other Latin countries. Contrastingly, states such as Pennsylvania do not deal with illegal border crossing but with other issues such as traffic jams, which require local attention. In this regard, there is a need to give the states autonomy to implement their own policies to deal with the locals’ issues. Granting state governments the role of policy-making does not mean that the national government is robbed of their role (Francis and Francis 82). There are other crucial policies that can only be made by the national government so that they are uniform for the…

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