Employee Benefits and Employee Development Introduction In managing human resources, employees are the firm’s biggest asset and ensure company growth and success. Continuous development and training improve employee in their dedication and engagement to the organization. Employee development requires time and investment of capital to facilitate the process. The practice of employees allows managers and HR professions to build an organizational culture and is more effective than acquiring new employees and training them. This paper identifies how Harry and HR applied formal education for their career, the advancing of Harry through employee assessment, and how Harry went through career stages of exploration, establishment, maintenance, and disengagement. Management of human resources of developing employees who are talented in their work requires planning. Harry Saunder’s career is the best example of the importance of developing talent at Big Buy supermarket. Harry’s application of 3 options: assessment of employees, personal experience, and formal education. Harry, while in college, tried studying various business courses before he focused on accounting. After graduation, Harry was employed to work for a local and national account, where…

        SUPPLEMENTARY ASSIGNMENTS   Students name Institutional Affiliation           Supplementary assignments Ford Hunger March The March, also called the Ford Massacre, was organized by unemployed auto workers in Detroit, Michigan, on Mar. 7, 1932, in the United States. It was a project of the Communist Party of the USA. It ended in Dearborn, Michigan, by starting in Detroit and, during a confrontation, four workers were dead shot by security guards of the Ford Motor Company and the Dearborn Police. Gunshots injured around 60 workers; out of them, the fifth one died three months later, due to injuries. It was an essential part of events that resulted in the unionization of the U.S auto industry. Raids Placita Olvera It took place on Feb. 26, 1931, in Los Angeles.  The raid’s target was immigrant and U.S.-born, citizen and non-citizen, long-time residents, and temporary workers. The number was around 1.8 million adults in total. It forced relocation of people solely based on their status perceived as “Mexican.” The La Placita park was a cultural hub place…

Major Findings The main finding in Mocker and Ross’ article is that marketing many variations of the same product makes it difficult for an organization to maintain the distinctiveness of each differentiated product in the long term. Moreover, many variations of products are easy to copy when compared to a few variations. The other major finding in the article is that too much differentiation of products exceeds the customers’ needs. This causes the demand for the products to decline to lead to low sales.   Key Implications Product integration, especially in films, leads to a long-standing advertisement. The advertisement in the film will continue to exist as long as the film exists. Marketing products in television programs exist for a short time since many television programs don’t last for a very long term. The other implication is that product proliferation attracts individuals into the illegal activity of copying a product.     Reference Mocker, M., & Ross, J. W. (2017). The problem with product proliferation. Harvard Business School

How to build my direct mail campaign Despite the vast growth of digital channels, direct mail has retained its rank as one of the most successful forms of marketing tool. It involves targeting the right people with the right offer. The first step in building a successful direct mail campaign is to define your audience, which helps in knowing to whom you’re mailing, whether it’s a large or small audience. The next step is to summarize the outcome of your mail in one short sentence, by finding one call to action. The third step includes being creative with the use of colour and clever folds, which makes a significant impact on your audience and the postage cost. The fourth step includes having a good quality mailing list to ensure you reach the right person at the correct address, with the right data, customer responses increases up to 50%. The last step includes having the capacity to handle responses whether it is brochure requests, call inquiries or data capture. How can I obtain the right data for successful delivery? To build…

                        Uses and Gratifications Theory Name: Institution: Course Code:                 Uses and Gratifications Theory Uses and gratifications theory suggests that individuals use media to fulfil specific needs and requirements (Qiao & Zhu, 2011). This view is contrary to other media conceptions that consider users as passive. The uses and gratifications theory views media consumers as active agents who directly influence and chose what they consume. In this context, users have specific reasons for selecting various media types for at specific consumption times. The digital age brought in new forms of media and access platforms that introduced unprecedented applications of uses and gratification research. For instance, increased social media use introduced new gratifications that form significant components of people’s lives. History    Origins of uses and gratifications theory dates back to mid-20th century, when researchers investigated why people consume specific media forms. Gradually, the research narrowed down to specific gratifications sought by consumers. The 70s introduced a new form of research when emphasis…

Pick-Cup Business Plan Executive Summary The pick cup mobile application is a new business idea that aims at providing high-quality customer access to coffee shops to allow quick ordering of favourite drinks and reduced traffic in coffee shops. The application will focus on linking the coffee shops with the many customers who provide their information mainly the phone number and car plate before the customer picks up the order in person from the coffee shop that is nearly available with less traffic. Pick Cup gets consumers out of line and back to the coffee shop by applying modern service allocation and management technology. The application aims at addressing the point of sale inefficiencies and maintains swift customer flow by improving customer experience and driving coffee sales high for the vendors. The Pick Cup customer development research indicated that many customers spend a lot of time outside the coffee shops due to increase traffic to access their coffee cup. The long queues and overcrowding are the significant factors inhibiting their preferred coffee experience from local coffee shops. The consumers are willing…

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date ‘Where to Invade Next’ Michael Moore is an American author and the director of the film ‘Where to Invade Next.’ The documentary aims to point out the social, economic, and political activities in different countries compared to the United States of America. Therefore, Moore visits other countries like Germany, Norway, France, Tunisia, Portugal, and Italy, to monitor their way of living and proposes America’s good aspects to adopt. Education, leadership structure, and workers’ benefits are some of the subjects that Moore observes. Therefore, understanding Moore’s documentary entails explaining two countries’ underlying values compared to America and defining different concepts like culture, symbols, and norms. The documentary film was produced in the United States and released in the year 2015. Furthermore, it runs for 120minutes. Michael Moore visits nine countries and explains their values. It has also been translated into different languages like Arabic, English, French, Norwegian Finnish, Portuguese, and German. However, only two countries that Michael Moore visited will be selected for clarity purposes, and their values discussed. Therefore, the two countries chosen…

King Edward VIII King Edward VIII took the throne after his father, King George V, passed away. King Edward VIII only occupied the throne for a short period before finally deciding to abdicate in favor of his brother, King George VI. In his abdication address, King Edward VIII talked extensively about his arrival on a decision to abdicate. However, based on his address, there were two main reasons why he chose to leave the monarchy. First, King Edward VIII said that after careful thought and consideration, he had come to the conclusion that he could not manage to take on the responsibility that came with being King and Emperor. He had already been crowned King, but after some time, he came to the realization that he could not continue in this position. So, he made a decision to abdicate in favor of his brother, whom he knew was well prepared and willing to take on the mantle of King and Emperor. King Edward VIII also noted that this was not a sole decision, and neither was it imposed on him…

    Walmart, Inc: Foreign Exchange Practices for Multinational Corporations. Student’s Name Course Number Professors Name Date                           Walmart, Inc: Foreign Exchange Practices for Multinational Corporations. Founded in 1962 by the famous American entrepreneur Sam Walton, Walmart has risen to the world’s biggest retailers. Walmart focused its operations in rural areas in its early stages, where they launched stiff competition against the existing retail giants like Kmart and Sears (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2020). The company then progressively grew over the years to explore other retailing formats like Walmart discount warehouses, Walmart supercentres, and Walmart groceries. Their versatile nature in providing retailing options hastily catapulted them to be one of the popular retailing brands across America. Moreso, Walmart placed a keen emphasis on customer attention, cost controls, and increased efficiency in their distribution networks. By the beginning of 1990, Walmart had asserted its presence in the American retail market enough to consider exploring cross-border trading activities. They went on an international retail acquisition spree that saw them buy out established retailers…

The review on Coronavirus The review on Coronavirus has been published by the Eurasian Journal of Medicine and Oncology that works on publication of original examined papers of highest clinical value and scientific information regarding medical speciality. The site by the Author Ahmad outlines what coronavirus disease that has threatened public lives since its inception in Wuhan province is. The article cited gives the background information on the causes of the disease that resulted from seafood and how it is transmitted. Besides the spread of the virus, it also outlines how the virus is treated to those who are infected. The article offers measure to undertake to prevent the virus to those individuals who are not infected, giving them guidelines on safety. The site is vital to gather knowledge of coronavirus. Analysis The article views Covid-19 as a communicable respiratory disease that is caused by several viruses that leads to illness when someone is infected. Coronavirus has affected people globally through a transmission that involves coughing and sneezing. When respiratory droplets from an infected person come into contact with an…

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