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Case Application

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Case Application

  1. What important elements are missing in the performance management process? In what ways would improve the performance management process help improve discipline and morale at Modern Office Supply?


Lack of honest feedback about the employee’s performance is one of the essential elements missing in the performance management process. Employees need to be given an honest opinion about how they perform in various areas. According to Fatima, the supervisor does not provide an honest opinion about how the employees perform in various areas. To improve the discipline and morale of the employees, it is essential to hold employees accountable for their actions. Whether the feedback is positive or negative, the employee should be made aware of their performance. An example is when the driver claims it is okay to do something wrong because other employees are also doing the same without getting reprimanded. In Modern Office supply, all the employees should be trained on how to train on how to handle customers, and feedback about their performance regularly given so as to motivate them.

  1. Explain ways the form used for hourly employees contributes to errors and distortions in the appraisal process. How would you revise the form to reduce those errors?


The form used contributes to distortion because the performance rating is not based on factual information. Since the comments are not honest, an individual assumes that the performance is okay when it is not. Employees are also added more salary despite poor performance. Also, despite customers complaining of poor performance, the employees are still rated as performing well. Therefore, the form can be revised to avoid the error that occurs through ensuring that specific information is filled about how an employee performs. Whether the employee is failing or succeeding in a given area, specific detail should be noted on the form. There should also be formal notice that ensures all the employees are informed of areas that need to get improved.

What type of appraisal method would you recommend that would be more effective for the hourly employees? Construct an appropriate form for the delivery driver position.

The appraisal method I would recommend is a twice-a-year approval for all the organization’s employees. Through this approval, the supervisors will be required to give clear information about what is expected of the employee. They would provide various codes of conduct that they should adhere to while working in the organization. To ensure effectiveness in the organization, I would also recommend training all the employees in the organization. When the employees are trained, it is an assurance that services rendered by the employees will be similar. It will also ensure that they remain motivated because they will be aware of what is expected of them. For other employees like the delivery drivers that have a duty to deliver furniture on time, the supervisor should ensure that their delivery record is regularly evaluated.

How can the appraisal process for the managers be improved?

It can be improved by training the managers on what is expected of them. The mangers have been delaying and even failing to give an appraisal for the employees. Therefore, employees feel demotivated, and this leads to poor performance. Through the training, the manager is aware of what is expected of them, and this led to better employee performance. The other process is setting a timeline that the managers should meet on giving the appraisal. Consequences should also be given for the manager that fails to meet the set timeline. It is essential that the managers are disciplined so that the employees can follow their lead. The other process is ensuring that the managers are motivated to work. It can be done by rewarding all the manager that perform well in their duties. Hence, the mangers are motivated; they will meet the timeline, and this will lead to an improvement in performance.

  1. Research: Find two online examples of performance appraisals for hourly employees that are more effective than the example in the case

The First example is Accenture performance appraisal. It is the first part of the appraisal that contains detail about various information. By looking at the appraisal, one can quickly tell the details of the employee. The other part contains various information about what is expected of them in terms of performance. The other part contains information containing the rating of various employees’ performance. The supervisor gets to give detailed information about employee performance, and this makes it useful.

The second example is Nike performance appraisal. It is a more effective performance appraisal because it contains a section with a job description and an employee performance in each area. It also contains a section where an employee can get a rating for their performance and a section where the supervisor comments on what needs to get improved within a specified duration.






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