The cardiovascular system is the transport system of the body by which food, oxygen, water and other essentials nutrients are carried to the tissue cells and their waste products are carried away. It consists of three parts:
1. The blood,
- The heart-
- The blood vessels
Brief anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system
- Blood
This is a viscous fluid that varies in colour from bright to dark red depending on the amount of oxygen carried. Blood contains oxygen, nutrients, waste and immune and other functional cells that help in homeostasis
Function of blood
- Transportation
Transportation of oxygen
Transportation of nutrients and other needed substances such as minerals and vitamins to the cells
Blood transports waste products from the cells to the site from which they are released.
- Regulations
Blood help in keeping the pH of the body fluids at normal.
It also regulates amount of fluids in the tissues by maintaining the proper osmotic pressure
Regulates body temperature through blood circulation
- Protection
Blood carries cells that are among the body’s defenders against pathogen also contains substances that are concerned with immunity to diseases (white blood cells).
Blood also contains factors that help in blood clotting to prevent blood loss.
Composition of blood
Red blood cells- aid in transportation of oxygen.
White blood cells- protect body against infections
Platelets- they participate in blood clotting.
- The heart
The heart is a muscular-pump that drives or pumps blood through the blood vessels. It is bigger than a fist and located between the lungs in the centre and a bit to the left on the midline of the body.
Heart is divided into four chambers which help in pumping of blood to the lungs and the rest of the body. The blood carried inside arteries is rich in oxygen while blood carried in the veins is rich in waste products from the body tissues. The following are the chambers and their functions:
- Left upper chamber (left atrium) receives impure blood from the body.
- Left lower chamber (left ventricle) pumps the impure blood to the lungs for oxygenation.
- Right upper chamber(right atrium) receives pure blood from the lungs
- Right lower chamber(right ventricle) pumps the oxygen pure blood to the rest of the body
- Blood vessels
The pure blood in arteries carries oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the body while impure bloods in the veins carry carbon dioxide and waste products out of the cells.
1 Asparagus
Is rich in fibre and minerals that helps in lowering our body blood pressure and prevents blood clotting that can lead to serious cardiovascular illnesses.
Asparagus boosts the body’s production of glutathione an antioxidant that fights inflammations and prevents harmful oxidants to build in our body that can cause clogging or blocking or arteries.
2 Avocados
Avocados are rich in recommended healthy cholesterol that helps to clean the arteries. Avocado also contains Vitamin E, which prevents cholesterol oxidation as well as potassium which lowers blood pressure.
3 Broccolis
Broccoli contains Vitamin K which prevents artery clogging and also prevents calcium from damaging our arteries. Also prevents cholesterol oxidation. Broccoli is rich in fibre which lowers blood pressure and reduces stress. per week
4 Fatty fish
Mackerel, salmon, sardine, herring and tuna species of fish are rich in healthy fats which can help to clear the arteries.
Fatty acids in these fish also increase good cholesterol while reduce cholesterol levels hence decreasing blood vessels inflammation and formation of blood clots in the arteries which can lower blood pressure.
5 Nuts
Almonds are the best choice due to their high content of monounsaturated fats, Vitamin E, fibre and proteins. They also contain magnesium which prevents plaque formation and lowers blood pressure.
Walnuts are good sources of Omega-3 fatty acid which reduces harmful cholesterol and in turn lowering the risk of plaque build-up in the body arteries.
6 Olive oil
Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid an essential fatty acid that lowers cholesterol in the body. It is also rich in antioxidants.
7 Watermelons
Watermelon is rich natural source of proteins. Eating watermelon causes relaxation of arteries as well as decreasing inflammation which helps to lower blood pressure. It also helps in modifying blood lipids and lowers belly fat accumulation.
8 Turmeric
It contains curcumin which is a power anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is a major cause of arteriosclerosis.
Turmeric also reduces damage to arteries walls which can lead to blood clots. It also contains Vitamin B6 which helps in maintaining healthy levels of homocysteine (a type of protein obtained from meat) which in excess can cause plaque build-up and damage of the blood vessels.
9 Spinach
This dark leafy-green vegetable is rich in potassium, folate and fibre which helps in lowering blood pressure and prevents artery blockage. Incorporating spinach in our diet helps to lower homocysteine levels which are risk factors for heart disease.
10 Whole grains
Whole grains contain soluble fibre which binds with cholesterol leading to its removal from the body. They also contain magnesium which helps in dilation of blood vessels hence regulating body blood pressure.
1 avocado
Avocado is rich in Vitamin E which is an antioxidant .Avocado provide body with healthy monounsaturated fats that may reduce cholesterol and other risk factors contributing to heart disease.
2 Asparagus
Asparagus is rich in anti-inflammatory nutrients eg folate, Vitamin C and Vitamin D that promotes health heart.
3 Oats
Oat is one of the delicious, comforting and healthy meals for your heart that can be taken as break for a good day start. Oats contain Omega
4 Leafy green vegetables
Vegetables like spinach, kales etc. are rich in vitamin K, minerals and antioxidants. Vitamins help to protect arteries and promote blood clotting. They also have high amount of nutrients which reduce blood pressure and also improve the functions of the cells in the blood vessels.
5 Berries
Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and other berries contain crucial nutrients which play a big role in maintaining our heart health. These nutrients protect body against oxidative stress and inflammation which can contribute to development of heart diseases.
6 Walnuts
These are great sources of fibre and micronutrients which reduce the risk of getting heart problems.
- Tomatoes
They contain a natural pigment, a powerful antioxidant, which neutralises harmful free radicals preventing oxidative damage and inflammation which contributes to heart disease.
- Soda
Soda has high levels of sugar which exceeds our daily required amounts. Drinking more soda leads to gaining of weight, be obese and even contributes to type 2 diabetes. These are linked to increasing blood pressure hence affecting our circulatory system
- Baked foods
They contain high sugar levels which lead to weight gain. Weight gain is a risk for heart diseases.
- Processed food
Processed food such as hotdog, sausages and meat products are worst for our heart.They contain high fat content which increases cholesterol levels in our body hence risk of developing heart problems.
- White rice and white bread
They have low fibre content, vitamins and minerals. These foods are easily converted into sugar which is stored in our body as fat. This results in weight gain which is unhealthy for our cardiovascular system.
- Pizza
Pizza has high fat, salt and calories content which can increase risk of heart attacks.
- Alcohol
Heavy alcohol consumption can lead to high pressure, heart failure, heart stroke and weight gain.
- Butter
Butter contains high levels of fat which raise body cholesterol content making your heart unhealthy.
- Flavoured and full fat yoghurt
Yoghurt is a good source of nutrients required by our body but you should what out on the kind of yoghurt you buy and consume. Flavoured yoghurts contain high sugar content which is linked to weight gain, high blood pressure diabetes and other heart diseases.
- Deep fried foods
Consumption of deep fried foods has a negative effect on your health. Most of them contain high amounts of fat which builds in our body. Accumulation of these fats leads to clogging of our arteries, weight gain, obesity and other conditions which are risks for our healthy heart.
- Table salt
This an additive used to flavour food. Although it has some benefits in our body, excessive intake can result to some complications. Excess salt works on our kidneys making our body hold more water. This extra water raises the body pressure putting strain on the kidneys, arteries and heart hence risk of heart diseases. Table salt also reduces the amount of blood reaching the heart which may lead blockage of our arteries.
This is a condition caused by taking diets with high cholesterol levels which accumulate or are deposited on the lining of blood vessels.
These depositions stick together making blood vessels hard, less flexible and narrow. This cause elevation of blood pressure which can damage the heart.
- Eating foods with high fat(cholesterol) content
- Smoking
- Obesity
- Lack of body exercises
- A strict diet of vegetables without milk and eggs is a remedy to artery problems.
- Foods such as broccoli, Brussel sprouts, carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes are beneficial for body arteries.
- Eat high fibre foods that are low in fat and cholesterol levels.
- Eat fruits, vegetables and grains eg nuts, seeds, whole grains, garlic etc.
- Exercise your body regularly to improve the health of your heart.
Things to avoid
- Avoid refined sugar because it increases cholesterol levels in the blood.
- Avoid animal because they have high cholesterol levels.
- Reduce stress and avoid circumstances which cause it.
- Stop smoking and drinking of alcohol.
- Avoid eating more food at night because the body is inactive hence nutrients are converted into fats and stored.
This is a condition where the blood flowing through blood vessels is higher than it should be and the pressure remains consistently higher over time. (Pressure above 120/80 mm Hg)
- Headache
- Shortening of breathe
- Nose bleeding
- Rapid pulse rate
- Dizziness
- Taking diet with high salt, fat or cholesterol
- Family history of hypertension
- Lack of physical activity
- Overweight and obesity
- Some birth control medicine
- Stress
- Tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption
- Pregnancy
- Manage your eating habits
Avoid taking high amounts of table salt. Eat a diet rich in fibre because it helps the body in getting rid of sodium and ease pressure on blood vessels.
Eat food rich in potassium (stabilizes pressure )e.g vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes etc, fruits (melons, avocado, oranges), nuts, seeds and beans.
- Manage stress
Stress is a driver of hypertension. Stress can be managed by e.g listening to music which helps relax your nervous system and also work temperately.
- Exercise your body
This makes your heart strong and more efficient at pumping the blood. Exercises also reduce accumulated cholesterol from your body and also aid in loss of weight.
- Avoid drinking alcohol
Consuming alcohol in any quantity may raise your body’s blood pressure.
- Quit smoking
Smoking elevates blood pressure. Chemicals in the cigarette smoke also damages blood vessels.
- Check your body pressure regularly
It is important to keep monitoring your body pressure through check-ups regularly
It is a condition where the pressure at which blood travels through our blood vessels is lower than normal.( pressure below 90/60 mm Hg). This means blood is not circulating in the body efficiently as it is required.
- Dizziness
- Fainting
- Blurred vision
- Lack of concentration
- Pregnancy
- Heart problems
- Endocrine disorders
- Inadequate water in the body
- Loss of blood
- Deficiency of certain nutrients in the body.
- Use of some medicine
- Food allergies
- Low blood sugar
- Kidney diseases.
1 Avoid drinking alcohol
Alcohol consumption lowers blood pressure. People with low blood pressure are advised to avoid alcohol.
2 Increase amount of salt intake
People with low blood pressure should increase amount of salt intake moderately which can help elevate blood pressure to normal.
- Discuss medications with your doctor
Low blood pressure can be a side effect of some medication. In case you experience low blood pressure after a medication you should seek advice from your doctor to change or withdraw the prescribed medication.
This is a condition where veins in the legs appear large and swollen as results of failure of valves in the veins. This causes inadequate blood flow within the tissues in the legs. When this condition become severe, the veins may rupture or develop into varicose ulcers in the skin.
- Menopause
- Pregnancy
- Standing for long periods
- Family history of varicose veins
- Obesity
Observing your diet
Include enough fibre in your diet which is low in fat and refined starch. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat whole grains, nuts and legumes.
Exercise your body
Regular exercises encourage better blood circulation in the legs which helps to push along the blood that has collected in the veins. Exercising can be through swimming, walking, cycling and yoga.
Wear non- restrictive clothing
Wearing of tight-fitting clothing restricts blood flow in some parts of body tissues. It is advisable to wear loose- fitting clothing that allows free movement of blood.
Avoid siting for long periods of time
It is advisable to be having breaks in between working hours, get up move around and change positions to keep blood flowing.
This is formation of a blood clot within the blood vessels which obstructs flowing of blood through the circulatory system. It is fatal condition which when left untreated may reduce blood supply in tissues leading to death.
- Lifestyles
Some lifestyle choices such as overweight, obesity, smoking, drinking alcohol and eating habits increase the risk of developing thrombosis.
- Physical inactivity
Lack of regular body movement can cause the flow of blood around the body change by making the heart unhealthy.
- Damage of blood vessels
In case of over clotting of blood after an injury, increases the likelihood of formations of clots in the blood vessels which can result in blockage of the vessels.
- Diet
Reduce amount of fat in the food you take every day. This can be reduced by stopping intake of meat and dairy products.
Eat a lot of complex carbohydrates like brown rice and foods rich in fibre.
Foods and vegetables are always essential for our bodies because they are rich in vitamins and nutrients required by the body.
- Exercise your body
This is important in lowering cholesterol and fat levels in our body. It also improves the health of our heart hence improving its efficiency of pumping blood.
This is occurs when supply of oxygenated blood is cut off from reaching the heart often by a blood clot. This is caused by fat deposits build-up in the blood vessels. During a heart attack, the formed plagues in the blood vessels can rapture and spill cholesterol and other substances into the bloodstream.
What contributes to heart attack?
- Age(old age)
- Tobacco smoking and exposure to second hand smoke
- Obesity
- High blood pressure
- Lack of body physical activities
- Stress
- Family history
- Use of some drugs like stimulants(cocaine)
- Coughing
- Shortening of breathe
- A feeling of attack that life is ending
- Feeling clammy and sweaty
- Painful chest
- Eat a healthful and balanced diet
- Keep exercising your body to remain fit
- Ensure you get enough sleep
- Maintain a healthy body weight
- Manage stress
- Avoid anxiety
Heart failure occurs when heart muscles fail to pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs for oxygenated. In some cases, the heart fails to be filled with enough blood which can be pumped to the rest of the body organs with enough force.
A weakened heart. These causes the heart chambers become stiff and not fill properly between heartbeats. Conditions which weakens the heart include heart attack, faulty heart valves, abnormal heart rhythms, weakened pacemaker, coronary heart disease and diabetes.
- Shortening of breathe
- Fatigue and weakness of body.
- Swelling of legs and ankles
- Irregular heart beats
- Rapid urinations especially at night
- Chest pains
Changing our lifestyles is the best way to manage heart failure by:
- Avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol
- Controlling certain conditions such as hypertension and diabetes
- Staying healthy through physical activities and exercises
- Eating healthy and balanced diet
- Maintaining a healthy weight
- Manage your stress
This is a condition which affects the production and functions of the blood cells. It mostly starts in the bone marrow the site for blood cells production. In blood cancer, the growing healthy blood cells are interrupted by a uncontrollable growth into abnormal types of blood cells. These abnormal cells become cancerous cells and prevent function of the blood cells in fighting infections and blood clotting. Blood cancer is of different types
- Cancer found in the bone marrow which causes rapid production of abnormal white blood cells.( leukaemia).
- Cancer that affects the lymphatic system leading to removal of excess fluid in the body.( lymphoma)
- Cancer which affects plasma cells which prevents production of normal antibodies in the body leading to weakening of body’s immune system (myeloma).
- Coughing and chest pain
- Fever and chills
- Itchy skin and rash
- Loss of appetite
- Night sweats
- Persistent weaknesses and fatigue
- Swollen, painless lymph nodes and armpits
- Nutritional support
- Eat plant based diets by eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans and avoid proteins from animal products. Choose real food to provide enough energy and avoid herbal products, vitamins and supplements unless advised by your doctor.
- Drink adequate water, unsweetened tea and coffee.
- Practice good food safety by reading food safety guidelines to protect your body from food bone illnesses
- Maintain a healthy weight that can help you stay energized, recover faster, improve mobility and blood circulation.
- Give your body physical activities. This helps in maintaining lean muscle mass and improves your mood, energy levels and mobility