Business Technology Assessment
What Are Technologies Responsible For The Operation And Success Of The Organization?
The organization, in this case, embraces three critical approaches in relation to the business. The tactical technology, in this case, includes tactical technology. The strategic techniques, in this case, provide an essential basis on which the organization can be able to develop their tactical capabilities within the immediate environment. The tactical technologies offer an edge for the business in the course of advancing the technical skills within the entity (Bommakanti, 2015). The intermediate techniques form the next part of the technologies in the business. In essence, this category of technology focuses on addressing the short or middle term needs within an organizational setting. The techniques may be tailor-made to achieve specific immediate goals and targets within the organization. Finally, there are the strategic technologies that are critical in the course of dealing with the strategic jails and objectives within the organization. The strategic techniques, in this case, form an essential part of the strategic development process within the organization.
What is the organizational structure and where does IT reside in this structure?
The kind of organizational structure that the organization embraces is more of a functional structure. The architecture defines the setting where the authority is established, and decisions on issues such as the use of technology must reside within the top brass within the organization. However, the place of the technology and innovation, in this case, faces observable threats especially because of the reality that such an organization must depend on the decision- making the process from top tire management, which may often fail to recognize the importance of such technologies within the organization setting (Kortmann, 2012). In fact, the organizational context, in this case, seems to be slow in the process of embracing change and adapting to the benefits of technology.
The extent to which the organization leverages technology?
The current organization does not seem keen on leveraging technology as a source of competitive advantage. The argument, in this case, is due to the reality that in the time I have been at the entity, there is observable lethargy to implement and commence the process of introducing innovation and technology as critical parts of any modern business’ competitive advantage. For this reason, there are distinct areas where there an apparent failure by the current technology used in the organization to meet the various business needs. For instance, the existing business set within the organization does not utilize the internet for communication and other important issues (Patroni, 2014). The adverse outcome, in this case, is that such an approach may fail to communicate the various aspects such as marketing and product promotion in a practical way. The failure to communicate through the available technological opportunities such as the internet may be the source of innovative growth.
To what extent does your organization leverage the Internet as a source of competitive advantage? This includes use for marketing, customer relations, and services?
The use of the intranet in the entity may have specific implications on the overall growth trajectory of the organization. The assertion, in this case, means that as the organization utilizes more the idea of the intranet, as a source of communication is critical in the course of improving the overall process of communication within the entity. The use of the intranet serves to provide a basis on which the organization can establish a base for checks and balances and a unique sense of collaboration between the various departments within the entity.
Are There Inefficiencies Or Redundant Systems?
Indeed, there are underlying redundancies and inefficiencies within the organization because there are obvious issues that form part of the operations within the entity. For instance, there are specific roles and responsibilities within the organization, which are shared an aspect that leads to cases of confusions especially when records and other relevant information is under the custody of more than one individual (Bellatreche, 2017). The other aspect relates to the issue of inefficiency where the organization has to deal with concerns regarding the repetition of tasks, due to the underlying reality that there lack systems and structures to continually review the roles and functions and to ensure that there are no overlaps and redundancies in the operational structures within the entity.
Does Your Organization Have A Strategic Technology Plan?
The organization, however, does have an underlying organizational strategic technology plan. The entity, in this case, focuses on the development of a needs assessment as a tool towards achieving the set systematic exploration mechanisms. The approach allows the existence to have a well- defined needs assessment approach, where the needs assessment addresses the technological needs within the organizational setting. The needs assessment, in this case, deals with the process of decision- making and the need to address the various issues that must be a consideration in the method of determining the probable technological changes within the entity.
Are there potential vulnerabilities in the existing systems that could impact operations in the short term? What about in the long term?
Vulnerabilities also exist in the current organization and the dynamics that may influence the outcomes of the operations within the organization. For instance, the systems currently stand the risk of physical effects such as fire, destruction, and misplacement of relevant information. The problem relates to the fact that the system still keeps physical files and has not fully- embraced aspects such approaches such as crowd computing. On the same note, the system may face underlying challenges that relate to hacking and other issues related to the changing scope of technological advancements.
Bellatreche, L. (2007). Selection of Redundant and non Redundant Optimization Structures in VLDBs. 18th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2007). doi:10.1109/dexa.2007.4313008
Bommakanti, K. (2015). Innovation in Strategic Technologies. India’s Military Modernization, 10-37. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199451623.003.0002
Kortmann, S. (2012). Organizational Structure. The Relationship between Organizational Structure and Organizational Ambidexterity, 12-17. doi:10.1007/978-3-8349-3630-1_2
Patroni, J. F. (2014). Opening up Innovation: How a Retailer Leverages User-Generated Social Media Content for Innovation. doi:10.5204/thesis.eprints.116547