Business Consulting
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A consultant is a professional who has diverse knowledge and skill in a specific field. They use this expertise to offer advice to organizations or individuals. A consultant can also serve as an implementer or a trainer. A business consultant works with clients to bring a fresh perspective and to foster change (Hiriyappa, B. 2018). They are experts in marketing, human resource, information technology, and management. Consultants do need to have special skills.
Good communication skills. Communication is an important tool. Consulting needs a lot of teamwork between the expert and the clients. The consultant needs to communicate his ideas clearly for them to be effective (Moseley, S. 2018, July). Being a good communicator makes one stand out from the rest. This skill can be easily learned through continuous practice.
Creative thinking is a skill required of all consultants. Clients look up to the expert to come up with solutions for their problems. Sometimes the consultant may lack previous experience or data to assist in tackling that problem; thus he may require to think fast and in a creative manner. A creative thinker will always look beyond barriers to come up with practical solutions.
Customer oriented as a skill. Consulting is basically about two parties, the expert and the client. Because the expert has been hired by the client, it is his mandate to satisfy the needs of the customer. He needs to listen, research, understand, create a rapport and integrate themselves with the clients and their team (Peterson, R. A., & Crittenden, V. L). This will make everything run smoothly. This skill cannot be learned but can be developed over time with experience.
On the other hand, a consultant cannot do his work correctly without a unique set of skills.
In conclusion skills such as good communication and creative thinking are useful to a business consultant. They guide him to produce quality work as per the client’s demands.
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Holmes, A. (2018). The Chameleon Consultant: Culturally Intelligent Consultancy: Culturally Intelligent Consultancy. Routledge.