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The pleasure of Eating is an article written by Wendell Berry describing how standards have been degraded of what is eaten by the people. It also explains what measures can be done to have a chance to such a problem. Most of the urban shoppers would let people understand that food is mainly produced within the farms, although many do not understand the kinds of firms, where the farms are located, or even the skills involved in the process of farming. They usually doubt that there will be a continuation of production within the farms; they are not aware of farm production’s impending obstacles. However, an individual will always find this obliviousness represented in the virgin purity within the food industry advertisements. The food is considered to wear as much makeup as the actors.

Everyone is believed to have bought food that may seem to be fair, although, in reality, it is not what appears to be outside, what is on the inside part. There is a great need to understand where the food came from if any fertilizer or chemicals were applied to it, the methods of production that were utilized, and not being engaged in picking whatever seems to be easiest within the shelf Berry explains all about such issues. Berry offers various tips that should be used to fix such a problem. Some of the recommendations include; ensuring that an individual prepares his or her food. An individual should learn where the food has originated and therefore purchase the foods produced close to their homes (Berry, 1990). Another tip is ensuring that one deals directly with the local farmers; he should ensure that he learns as much as possible to understand the technology and economy of industrial food production.


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