Anxiety Disorders
Scenario 1- Panic Disorder
Brandy experiences unexpected but repeated episodes of intense fear that are made worse by the accompanying physical manifestations of pain, a factor constant with panic disorders, alternatively referred to as panic attacks. The episodes are as a result of a shocking event (the death of her father), but unlike post-traumatic stress, the incident did not risk the bodily harm of Brandy which is always the case for people with PTSD. Also, the intermittent occurrences of the episodes characterize the disorder as panic attacks as much as the chest pains and breathing difficulties that highlight the episode confirm the diagnosis.
Scenario 2-Social Phobia
In the case of Jerry, the diagnosis is pretty much social phobia which is also known as the social anxiety disorder. The hatred that the patient has for himself stems from the perception of inferiority to his peers making him feel awkward in social moments. While the feeling of self-hatred and inferiority do not actively point to social anxiety disorder, the reaction of the patient in social settings does. Alongside the sense of nervousness in social situations, Jerry is not capable of holding captivating or mature conversations ending up in dull monotones, a classic pointer to social phobia.
Scenario 3-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
As for Alexis, the danger to which she was exposed to in the accident in physical and emotional terms was the trigger of her episodes. Constant association with the events or the perpetrators and victims are perpetually engraved in the survivor’s mind and sometimes provoke feelings of guilt and pity to the patient, making her feel unworthy or undeserving of life. The situation exhibited by Alexis’ behavior seems to be consistent considering the rigger as a violent event involving death and the continued association of the incident with her friends.