Anthropometry design
It the science aspect of obtaining measurements related to human morphology. It is a systematic measurement of the human body to study the variations occurring as a result of evolution for both the living and the extinct. Anthropologists have used this technique to measure attributed to the racial aspect, cultural and psychological aspects. It involves measurement of size (which includes height, weight, volume and surface area), structure (morphological composition of an individual), and the composition of an individual. In the modern world, anthropometry plays an important role in industrial design, architecture, clothing design and ergonomics. The statistical distribution of the body dimensions in a cohort can easily be established which helps to optimize products design thus reducing on cost and wastage. It enhances the economies of scale for an enterprise.
It is the average value in a set of data obtained summing all the values in a data set and then dividing the total value by the number of items in the data set. Mean =x=∑xn
It is used to obtain a central value that represents the average of the data set. Or the value that is expected to a standard score in a group of related items.
Standard deviation
It is a statistical value used to establish how values in a given data are deviating from the mean of the data. It is calculated as the square root of the variance.
I.e., α=∑x-µ2n where α is the standard deviation
µ is the mean of the population
x is the sample value
n is the number of items in the population.
It is used to give an impression of how data is spread, how each value is deviating from the mean.