Running head: ANIMAL PHARM 1
Animal Pharm-Food for Thought
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Animal Pharm-Food for Thought
I have chosen Food Inc. a documentary which was done in the year 2008. It is based on the topic of food and nutrition. What I learned from the literature is the terrifying secrets of the food industry for example “unsanitary” conditions of meat processing, and this may have a negative health impact on red meat consumers (Lindenfeld, 2010). I already know that meat processing should be done in hygienic conditions to ensure they can meet the standards required for the consumption of meat. I also have the knowledge that unhygienic processed meat processing has caused deaths of more than 20,000 over the last three years in Sub Saharan Africa.
The most surprising part of the show sees how the meat is un-hygienically processed, and yet the vendors result in selling the meat to consumers, without thinking of the possible consequences. This shows how they are money oriented. The most encouraging thing is that the documentary has revealed all the dirty dealings within the meat commissions and action will be taken to ensure the meat is processed in hygienic conditions and meets the standards for consumptions by human beings.
I would change the narrative of concentrating on the negative sides of meat without offering the best alternative solutions. I wish it would have highlighted on un-hygienic processing of beef and propose people to be vegetarians and to consider eating chicken or mutton. This document is also based on health, hygienic and meat consumptions but on the adverse effects since it is not appropriately processed (Lindenfeld, 2010). The documentary is refutable and the information being relayed is real and issues affecting human kinds.
Lindenfeld, L. (2010). Can documentary food films like Food Inc. achieve their promise?. Environmental Communication, 4(3), 378-386.