Running head: AMERICAN IDOL 1
American Idol
Student’s Name
American Idol
- Importance of conducting the research study
Research is one of the most effective aspects that all companies and individual cannot ignore is evaluating a certain a particular situation. For instance, in the marketing case study, Marcello and Litzenberger chose to carry out the survey to address the key issues surrounding client development. The main challenge was convincing potential client organizations to carry out marketing research since they felt it was costly. Marcelo and Litzenberger did not choose to use the previous samples due to privacy, rights and confidentiality details. Therefore, they choose different research to demonstrate to potential clients on the role of market research and why a firm should carry out.
- Purpose of the study of the survey
The main purpose of the research conducted by Marcello and Litzenberger was aimed at establishing the importance of market research to potential clients. The strategy of data collection would be through the American Idol programme. The data collected would be essential to convince sponsors and win their confidence of advertising their products and services in between the show. Marketing research would be ideal to Marcello and Litzenberger since it will improve their ratings and also lure more clients.
- Key questions of the study
The main questions of the study that Marcello and Litzenberger used to evaluate on the importance of carrying out marketing research comprised of
What are the main needs of viewers as well as voters for American Idol show contestants?
The above question answers the question demands for the main details of audience demographic to establish the main viewers, those who do not watch and why?
- The methodology used in the research study
Data collection is one of the critical steps that determines if the research would be successful. Marcello and Litzenberger used telephone survey to collect the data. The two marketing researchers chose telephone data collection method to collect larger data. Also, they engaged in data preparation, analysis, report preparation as well as presentation to demonstrate their professional experience in the field of marketing research. The process is critical in luring more clients which is a plus for the organization.
- Steps that are evident in the six-step marketing research from the case study we see the definition of the problem. The other step that is also notable is the formulation of the objectives of the study in any study research objectives should be well designed as it helps in obtaining both the secondary and primary data. The third step that is evident is the formulation of a research design where in this case a survey was proposed. Methods of data collection are also evident through the use of the telephone.
- The role of marketing research in marketing decision making as suggested in the study is that when research is done using credible and empirical methods whereby the company is sufficiently equipped with adequate knowledge from the research, it reduces the risks of decision making sufficiently
- The telephone survey is an important method of doing such a study. The telephone survey will enable the researchers to get a good geographical coverage, lower cost as compared to surveys, they are done face to face, and there is personal interaction. Despite these advantages, it is still not the best, the study could benefit more if it opted for online surveys because of the following strengths: lower cost and there is higher speed, online is also visual, do not require the presence of interviewers, flexible, interactive and can reach a big number of people.
- An experiment is normally used when the population of study is relevant small and the factor that is under study is put into isolation to test hypothesis. Contrary to this a descriptive survey is used for this study as it can take a sample that is large, the descriptive survey is also good since in most cases it used to check behavioral and social sciences. For the American idols, an experiment can be used to check things like emotions of the viewer’s where the study factor is isolated for testing of hypothesis.
- The role of measurement and scaling to assess the response of the audience in this study is that it helps in ascertaining the quantity, capacity and the dimension of the behaviors or events of the study. The events that are of interest to the researcher have existed as a domain. Measurement is important as it can link the events present in the domain to events that are in another space that is known as the range. Measurement and scaling in this study is important as it helps in the interpreting of data systematically and accurately
- The wording of the following question “who is your favorite American Idol? This question can give the research some insights and data for the study. Firstly from the question, the research can get to know if the respondent is a viewer of the America Idol which is an objective. Secondly, the question gives insights on the number of people who are keen in watching the American Idol hence it defines the programs popularity. This question is also critical as the researcher will be able to give insights of the voting patterns on those who watch the show