Amazon Prime
Since its foundation, more than twenty years ago, Amazon has experienced tremendous growths. For its customer service and superior service strategy, the company has managed to reach a near-mythic status. Today, the company is considered the largest e-commerce company in America. One of the company’s major step towards its growth and development is the introduction of Amazon Prime that offers customers easy access to products and services that might otherwise be unavailable or might cost higher for an ordinary customer. Since Amazon’s introduction of Amazon Prime, the company has had quite a number of competitors. Some of these competitors include; eBay, Netflix, Apple’s iTunes, Time Warner Cable, Walmart, among others. Although there have been many competitors over the years, Amazon’s most fierce competitor has been Walmart’s Prime which has given Amazon’s Prime a run for their money.
Support services offered by Amazon
As an Amazon seller, there is too much to manage, too much to do and too much to track. There is, therefore, a need to understand the support services that buyers need. Fortunately, there are numerous tools in the market that can help an Amazon seller to achieve his/her success by understandings buyer’s support services. One example of support service that buyers need is a feedback genius software. Before a buyer hands over his/her hard earned money to purchase an online product, he/she would desire to firsts review from other satisfied buyers. With a feedback genius software in place, it enables an Amazon seller to automatic contact his/her customers after they have received their products and/or services and ask them for a review.
Other than the Feedback Genius Software another support service needed by Amazon buyers is a keyword inspector. The keyword inspector offers an important tool that buyers use for multiple tasks. By simply searching for a keyword, this tool brings out all the products and services with that particular word. Buyers uses this tool to search for all other related keywords. The keyword tool is also beneficial to Amazon sellers as it provides an Indexation Tester. Sellers use the Indexation Tester tool to make sure that buyers within the target market can easily find their products listing.
Support services offered by Amazon’s main competitor
The main competitor of Amazon Prime has been Walmart. With Amazon Prime, buyers pay $99 annually for them to stream services like Amazon music and Amazon videos. In addition to that, Amazon Prime customer would also receive unlimited delivery of items the following day –at no additional cost. Within one hour, Amazon’s drones would be able to deliver products to customers and at no extra charge. With its shippingPass, Walmart has brought fierce competition to Amazon Prime. With ShippingPass, at only $49 Walmart customers are offered unlimited delivery. One support service offered by Walmart and that is completely different from Amazon’s is the fact that Walmart has nationwide coverage of physical stores. Walmart uses this to leverage on the services it offers that the online kingpin, Amazon, cannot. Walmart also pays its customers to collect their products from in-store physically. By doing this, Walmart demonstrates that they understand and appreciate the value of omnichannel marketing. Rather than considering in-store and e-commerce as competing streams, Walmart considers them to be complementary.