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Am I Using Social Media Too Much?

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Am I Using Social Media Too Much?

In the past decade, social media has become an integral part of life. Almost all US millennials are active users. Although the usage is not problematic, some individuals are at risk of developing an addiction, especially the youth. How can you tell when you are suffering from process addiction? Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center looks at how you or your loved one could be using these platforms excessively.

You Can Rarely Put Your Phone Down

If you often look for an opportunity to grab your cellphone and scroll through social media during other tasks, you may be developing an addiction. The addiction does not occur spontaneously. It stems from being too fond of your device and having a frequent urge to check your accounts. It grows and reaches a moment when your phone becomes the center of attention.

Suppose you go out with your friends for dinner, but everyone is busy on their phones, and little physical conversations occur. What may happen next is taking selfies or pictures of the food and posting them online. If you or a friend is manifesting these behaviors, you need to consider rehab treatment.

You Are a Top Fan of Many Pages You Follow

A constant presence on social media platforms ensures you view all posts. Many users consistently like or comment on other people’s pages, making them the top fans of these pages.

However, the truth is that you may be having a strong urge to comment on every new post you see.

Once you receive a top fan badge on many Facebook pages that you are following, it is an indication you have gone too far on your use. It is time to embark on strategies for overcoming social media addiction.

Chronic Anxiety and Agitation

You may find yourself agitated when you experience a slow Wi-Fi network that affects your effectiveness of accessing your accounts. Addiction can also cause anxiety, especially when you are away from the charging ports.

When you are in process addiction or your usage has become problematic, you may find yourself always carrying a power bank everywhere. Others find themselves unable to leave their phones to charge fully without feeling the need to update a post.

Excessive use of these platforms is among the leading causes of anxiety and depressive disorders in teens. The resulting nervousness when addicts are unable to access their accounts can cause serious mental health effects.

Operating Multiple Accounts Across Social Media Platforms

For example, many teens in the US are fashion enthusiasts who like to get opinions on their dressing modes. As a result, they may have several accounts that they log into daily, post pictures, and wait to see the comments or likes they get.

The accounts that such individuals manage include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, and TikTok. Their days are never complete if they have not logged into all accounts to update posts.

If you have a similar experience, it would be best to seek professional help from a therapist.

What to Expect at Rehab

Social media addiction negatively impacts overall mental health. If your teen is grappling with such a condition, do not hesitate to check into rehab for treatment.

For a holistic approach, therapists can combine several therapy programs, such as:

  • Trauma treatment program
  • ADHD treatment program
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Anxiety treatment program
  • Depression treatment program
  • On-campus family program

Overcome Addiction at Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center

Our therapists can offer advice on how to use social media while protecting your family’s mental health. If you or your teenage loved one struggles with such mental disorders, a customized rehab program could offer much-needed help. Contact Stonewater Adolescent Recovery Center at [Direct] to get started on addiction recovery.


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