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Addiction and Obsession

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 Addiction and Obsession

What are novel psychoactive substances (NPS), and why are they so dangerous?

Novel psychoactive substances (NPS), also known as “legal highs/ bath salts/research chemicals,” are substances designed to “mimic” the commonly known and abused recreational drugs. These substances can be in the form of hallucinogens, depressants, stimulants, and even cannabinoids. In large quantities, the emergence of NPS in the “global drug market” has posed a “significant risk/challenge” to both public health and drug policy. Although little information is known about NPS health effects, they pose a significant challenge in treatment and prevention. NPS are dangerous since they cause health problems and have adverse side effects such as aggression, agitation, acute psychosis, and even addiction. NPS users are frequently admitted in connection to severe intoxications.

What is fentanyl, and why is the scope of the problem so deadly in the US?

fentanyl is similar to morphine, though “fifty to a hundred more potent.” It is considered an example of the “most powerful” synthetic opioid. Researchers have proved an increase in the deaths caused by opioids, such as fentanyl from 14.3 to 36.6 percent. Due to its high potency, it can “enter brain tissues” in less time; hence it is considered lethal when breathed in or even when one comes into contact with contaminated surfaces. The US’s scope problem is the rapid movement of fentanyl in target for health care system, policymakers, and even health officials and its “escalating death toll.”



What is the “opioid crisis”? (Why is it called a “crisis”?)

Opioid misuse is considered a crisis due to related abuse and overdoses, combined with the high incidences of withdrawal symptoms by newly born babies due to opioid misuse during pregnancy periods.

Which illegal or legal substance/drug (or category of drugs) has the most negative impact on the body, mind, and society today, in your view?  Why?

In my view, I will consider alcohol, which is a legal substance and has adverse effects on the body and society today. As we know, heavy drinking causes liver disorders and even other health problems. It also causes family violence and dependency on society.





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