Changes in the psychological state refer to the difference in characteristics that determine if an individual is experiencing an altered or the normal state of consciousness. These differences in the characteristics include levels of awareness whereby awareness refers to how an individual is conscious or aware of whatever is happening around them, whether internally or externally. The level of awareness that an individual has influenced the other characteristics of awareness. Various awareness exists during normal waking consciousness, such as individual switches from little or low awareness of events around them, either internal or external to specific ones. Usually, the level of awareness increases or decreases in an altered state of consciousness compared to the normal waking state. For instance, individual suffering from fever is less aware of the events around him or her. Simultaneously, a normal person may experience heightened awareness, which makes them aware of all that is happening around them. Attention is an example of the level of awareness, whereby it can shift consciously or unconsciously. In most cases, it focuses on actively processing information in the external or internal environment. Controlled and automatic processes are another characteristic of consciousness whereby the automatic process requires little attention and mental effort. They can allow an individual to engage in other activities since they do not interfere with the other controlled or automatic processes. An example of automatic processes is the act of writing a word or letter and texting through a mobile phone where one is well-practiced; they, therefore, require little attention to do it. Controlled processes require an individual’s full attention and mental effort to focus on the required task. They generally interfere with any other controlled process that may take place at that moment. For example, when a person has just bought a phone for the first time, they need to lay all their focus on it to text a message.
Content limitation as another concept of the state of consciousness. The content in a normal waking state of consciousness is more limited compared to the altered state. It is easy for an individual to control what they lay their focus and thoughts on to ensure that thoughts are logical and well organized in a normal waking state. In an altered state, whether through sleep or drugs, the mental defense is lowered, and the content of one’s thoughts may be broad and deeper than when in a normal waking state. Another concept of the state of consciousness is cognitive and perceptual distortions. During the normal waking state, one’s perceptions are more rational and clear since perception requires organizing sensory input and synthesizing to give meaning compared to altered states where perception in terms of vision, taste, hearing, touch, balance, and smell are affected. In normal waking individual’s cognitions is much clear and rational and meaningful since it relates to mental activities such as analysis, thinking, problem-solving, and reasoning unlike in altered state where cognitive functions are distorted thereby becoming disorganized which is clearly evident in dreams. Emotional awareness; in a normal state, an individual is aware of their feeling compared to an altered state where individuals can display their feelings at any moment. Self-control is highly maintained In a normal state compared to an altered state where the maintenance is reduced, and lowered inhibitions. Time orientation; in the normal state, an individual is perceived to move in real-time compare to an altered state where an individual is not time conscious.