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Importance of classroom learning in schools

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                                     Importance of classroom learning in schools

   Learning in schools cannot take place without a proper curriculum. A curriculum basically is a set of instructions, lessons, evaluations, and other academic content taught in schools. A curriculum governs the process of learning. Some of the essential aspects of the curriculum include teaching, learning, and evaluation. Over the years, the manifestation of these aspects has transitioned to what they are now, and they are bound to keep transitioning in the years to come.

Recently, some schools have adopted using technology to deliver academic content, assignments, and even assessments. Learning may be changed from physical classroom learning to online learning. Online learning, or better known as virtual learning, is on the verge of replacing physical classroom learning. This is my main worry because classroom learning will be lost, and many will lose interest in learning.

According to me, classroom learning is important because it involves the physical interaction of teachers and learners, hence improving the learners’ social skills. This helps the teacher quickly identify their students’ strengths and weaknesses, hence maximizing their level of productivity. Physical learning is also very convenient since it allows the learners to get an immediate response to any query or question that they may have (Redding, 2001). This kind of learning encourages teamwork since the students can easily form groups to discuss different topics and assignments. Classroom learning is more interesting and engaging, which helps the students recall more from what they have been taught, unlike online learning (Anna, 2013). It helps students develop skills like presentation skills since they present ideas in front of their classmates. Some exams and assignments in our school are done online. This has encouraged a lot of cheating in exams.

All things considered, it is said that change is inevitable. However, students should be given a chance to choose which type of learning works for them. Though online learning has many advantages, physical learning should be preserved because it has proved to be efficient in the past.

Work Cited

Ni, Anna Ya. ”Comparing the effectiveness of classroom and online learning: Teaching research methods.” Journal of Public Affairs Education 19.2(2013):199-215.

Redding, Terrence R., and Jack Rotzien. ”Comparative analysis of online learning versus classroom learning” Journal of interactive instruction Development 13.4 (2001):  3-12






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