Grade Point Average
Grade Point Average or GPA is the average value that specifies and shows how good the students’ performance is. It is a number that indicates the evaluation of the student inside the classroom. Grade Point Average also displays the student’s performance on a particular course subject. It helps them to be assessed regarding the standards that they need to achieve to be able to gain the excellence that a specific university needs (Potter, n.d.). According to Ali et al. (2009), students are the saving grace of a particular university. They serve as the basis of how outstanding a university is by divulging their good academic performances. Unambiguously, a university that has students that carry an excellent mental capability together with determination and skills is an asset. Therefore, various universities use the Grade Point Average (GPA) to measure their students’ academic performance. That being the case, results help the students to motivate themselves and maintain their scholarly executions.
Proper guidance is a factor of having excellent academic performance. According to Heick (2020), six educational achievement factors benefit students and teachers. Engaging with the students is an essential factor for high academic performance because it gives them the proper guidance they deserve. Trustworthy and genuine advice given to the students is necessary to provide them with enough motivation to push them in acquiring a first-rate academic performance. Moreover, encouragement from the people outside the school increases their academic success (Teach Thought Staff, 2019).
According to the study of Adzido et al. (2016), there is a significant mixed relationship between the income of the family and the academic performance of the tertiary students in Ghana. That being the case, the family’s good revenue does not automatically define a student with high academic performance. A family that produces an income that is not enough does not interpret that the student has a low academic performance. However, as Theodor (2012) stated, the socio-economic factors positively influence a good student’s account.
Knowing that parents are significant in children’s lives, their involvement in their children’s academic performance is inevitable and essential. A child is more likely to achieve better academic success if their parents help them be motivated. These show a significant relationship between the parents’ involvement in a student’s academic success (Anwar & Shah, 2014). According to the GPE Secretariat (2018), the parents’ commitment to their children gives high assistance to attain success.
For students to be academically inclined and confident, they must be socially active to have the courage to stay in school and continue learning. Getting along with their co-students is a crucial factor of academic success (9 Signs Social Engagement Helps Student Retention, 2012). According to Blumenfeld and Paris (2004), engagement is more than participation for the reason that it includes:
1.) Behavioral engagement
2.) Emotional engagement
3.) Cognitive engagement
Which may help them excel in academics.
According to Zimmerman (2001), self-regulated learning is a process by which students use their strategies to excel in academics to be proficient in academics. As stated by Rheinburg (2000), self-regulated learning helps reveal the learning processes to acquire learning motivation. As claimed by Panadero (2017), self-regulated learning (SRL) have different aspects that influence the students’ self-discipline and resilience in terms of cognitive, metacognitive, behavioral, motivational, and emotional/affective elements.
Reflecting on oneself and setting one’s goal is a way to achieve success. Setting personal goals has a high impact on academic success because a student can contemplate what they want to do what is best for them (Schippers et al., 2019). For students to maintain their focus in life and initiate self-mastery, setting personal goals is essential. According to Locke and Latham (1990), there are five (5) principles of successful goal setting: commitment, clarity, challenge, complexity, and feedback, which provides specificity on differentiating goals to achieve success. Believing in oneself is one of the most significant fundamental factors to attain success in life. Improving one’s self-system will give one a stronger sense of commitment to know that various challenging tasks and situations can be finished (Loeppky, 2017). According to Chowdhury (2020), Self-efficacy influence our thoughts, emotions, actions, and motivation. That being the case, students are more likely to attain a career development and contribute to their academic achievements.
Developing effective study habits is related to “studying smarter,” which leads a student to the right mindset to finish their task within a specific time. It helps them let go of toxic positivity regarding academic studies and concentrate on their particular goals and dreams (Grohol, 2020). Being a successful student indicates that he or she must have time management skills, self-discipline, concentration skills, memorization skills, organization skills, and effort. On that account, students will now learn what type of learner they are and focus on achieving academic success (Mayland Community College, 2012).
Self-discipline is the mastery of an individual’s thoughts, making them clear and concise on what they want to do and what they need to do. According to Sasson (n.d.), manifesting self-discipline allows a person to stick with their decision until they accomplish them, making them more determined and enthusiastic. On the authority of Ecole Global International Girls’ School (2019), discipline declares that significant role in a student’s life for the reason that it:
1.) Helps the students become more focused
2.) Leads to a stress-free life
3.) Having a better academic performance
4.) Being active at all times
5.) Allows them to manage their time
According to Saito et al. (2016), the teachers’ time management makes them more organized and more punctual, making them produce better and more adequate lesson plans. The teachers’ time management skills are directly passed and conveyed to the students, making them more academic. As stated by Kayode (2015), there is a significant relationship between the teacher’s time management and the student’s academic performance. It indicates that the teachers must show their time management skills in planning, assessing, diagnosing, task-setting, questioning, and explaining the lessons to create a harmony between them and the students that will lead to success.
Reaching academic success is also acquiring to be a good leader in the future. According to the Professional Learning Board, developing students’ accountability improves their academic performance. On the authority to The National Academies Press, the students’ quality of being responsible will make them an effective state leader.
According to Angus and Nelson (2019), implementing school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports (SWPBIS) is associated with positive feedback regarding students’ performance. Moreover, the Positive Behavior for Learning (PBL) framework contributes to the excellent academic performance. This learning facility improves all the school staff’s effectiveness, making them more focused and responsible in all aspects (NSW Government, n.d.).
Dyer (2015) stated that improving student engagement is also improving their academic performance because they are more aligned and showing interest in the subject matter. According to Chasteen (2020), there are ways to know if a particular student is showing engagement in the classroom, such as Classroom Climate Scale, Instructor Credibility Scale, and Facework Scale. Undoubtedly, teachers’ approach to teaching can also contribute to a student’s academic performance. According to the Australian Institute for Teaching and school leadership, a new teacher’s classroom performance can be assessed by the Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) to review their performance for future references that may help them achieve good academic excellence.
On Denhiere et al. (1972) ‘s authority, when studying in a self-paced environment, the study time that’s lined by the coed is controlled and modulated by the coed, himself, in a manner conforming to the item of interstimulus similarity. In keeping with Beyer (1997), he stated that self-paced learning is an excellent tool to form and generate a precise student’s independence for the rationale that it permits himself to manage his capabilities to be ready to learn in his ways and his own time. Within the self-paced learning atmosphere, instructors are the students’ guides regarding the learning and must carry out a versatile teaching temperament. In line with these, the study of Cho and Heron (2015), it was mentioned that the significant differences in motivation and feelings were discovered in each passing and non-passing student; nonetheless, different strategies of learning did not massively contribute to the students’ learning.
A new multi-view self-paced learning (MSPL) instruction for schools that utilizes various views to be distinguished has been discovered and has been practiced for a time now (Xu & Tao, 2015). Additionally, per Meng, Zhao, and Jiang (2017), this bounded self-paced learning type has been applied to the FCVID dataset that resulted in an exceedingly high-performing strategy.
Online learning has been vital today, creating the learners be a lot of inclined to self-studying. Concerning those as mentioned earlier, the importance of online education ought to be studied and perceived. Per the study of Balentyne and Varga (2016), self-paced learning has a connection to the students’ attitudes and values to different subjects such as Mathematics. Students that have specific familiarity with online learning are a lot of impelled to effective online learning methods. The association of the students’ technology self-efficacy levels and course satisfaction in online learning is currently interrelated. Facilitation and promotion of self-regulated learning are applicable for a more robust educational performance of the coed (Wang, Claude E. Shannon & Ross, 2013). According to Tullis and Benjamin (2011), self-paced learning is influential among learners since there is a rise in their high educational performance because it improves memory performance.
There are different types of learning in humans’ progression to stimulate people’s and students’ capabilities. In line with Jiang et al. (2014), Self-paced Learning with Diversity (SPLD) has an association as an approach that sufficiently utilizes an entirely different and varied view, considering diversity. A unit of various factors will affect the learners’ learning outcomes once self-paced learning is being established. Owing to the absence of technical information and non-English speaking students, students may probably look at it as arduous to manage their own ability to learn on their own. However, there are significant findings that the appreciation of self-paced learning is helpful (Smith & Inkson, 2001).
Performance improvement is knowing the effectiveness of an output from a specific business. As stated by Wehlander (1997), various employees are needed to be helped and supported to achieve a more appropriate action for a particular situation. Due to online classes’ proliferation, students are more likely to be inclined to self-paced learning and automated learning. According to Broadbent and Poon (2015), peer learning is suggested to be shown and revealed even in online education to promote engagement between the students, making them more enthusiastic in learning. Moreover, self-regulated learning is not as effective when applied in online learning instead of traditional learning.
According to Cho and Shen (2013), online learning is continuously being developed. That being the case, self-regulated learning strategies should be improved and enhanced by the instructors’ assistance and the students themselves to achieve high academic performance.