Business continuity plans
Business continuity plans and sister recovery are crucial aspects of businesses’ information security. According to Ghormley (2008), businesses with a well-tested and effective BC and disaster recovery plans have a higher chance of surviving any disaster than a business without such a plan. The business community is diverse. Therefore, one of the essential factors to consider before adopting a BC and disaster recovery plan is the resource availability and technical capabilities. It is important to ensure that the business community has the technical knowledge necessary for adopting the BC plan and that sufficient resources are available to ensure the effective application of the plan.
As a manager in charge of implementing the growth plan for my organization, I would first ensure that there is sufficient information on the need and processes to be involved in the new plans. I would ensure that all employees understand and appreciate any changes that will result from the implementation of the growth plan. I would then assess the employees’ technical knowledge and initiate training sessions to ensure that they will be able to handle the assigned tasks. In the process, I would keep in mind that employees have different abilities and come from different backgrounds. I would, therefore, exercise patience to ensure that no critical aspects are overlooked.
Ghormley, Y.. (2008). Business continuity and disaster recovery plans. Handbook of Research on Information Security and Assurance. 308-319. 10.4018/978-1-59904- 855-0.ch026.