Appreciative Inquiry
An appreciative inquiry provides a rather positive approach towards organizational change and leadership development; the premise of this strength-based approach is to help people move forwards towards a shared future through engagement in strategic innovation. The practical nature of the framework is a motivating a factor that can be used in the facilitation of organization development through their positive experiences. The interview questions presented were designed based on the approach’s 4Ds that include Exploration, Dream, Design, and Deploy. The initial action is to discover the interviewee’s experiences, which are done at the discovery stage, to try and look at the positive elements that affect the organization. The second stage sought after the expectations of the interviewee for the further development of the company. The third and fourth looked at the interviewee’s feasible suggestions based on his perception of the organization’s future.
The interviewee who works for the sales department of the Sun brand storage is responsible for managing the two most important teams in the sales channel as they are closely linked and tend to cooperate in their marketing activities. Despite them being established recently, they are developing vigorously and are getting better and better. The interviewee is noted to have a considerable positive influence on the two teams’ growth and transformation; hence, he does have a clear vision for the further development of the organization. According to Cooperider & Srivastva (2001), organizations’ systems and their participants tend to move towards questions asked; hence an organization with positive questions will succeed. The questions created were directed to establish what works for the company now and make the company more successful.
Works Cited
Cooperrider, David L., and Diana Whitney. “A positive revolution in change: Appreciative inquiry.” Public administration and public policy 87 (2001): 611-630.