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Universal Basic Income (UBI)
Robert & Mimi (2018) describe UBI as an income policy with a record of failure idea. The policymakers who reform the state of welfare major in UBI; it is a government program where every adult citizen regularly gets a certain amount of money. The UBI system’s primary goal is to alleviate poverty and substitute it with other essential needs that require greater potentials and involvement of the bureau (Robert & Mimi, 2018).
UBI has gained much momentum in the United States since its automation improves workers’ replacement in manufacturing and other economic sectors. Both UBI and Guarantee of Job opportunities are good complementary ideas. UBI is first an unconditional salary for everyone in the country. It is a job guarantee as an open-ended government commitment to improve living standards with many benefits to everyone who wants to receive it (Jeff, 2017). There are many arguments concerning UBI, which are discussed in this context; one of them is that it fights unemployment in the country. Although research has reported UBI’s role in fighting unemployment, there are still other strongest arguments against it, such as eliminating social security needs. This paper provides an in-depth explanation of these arguments in the context of UBI.
Strongest argument in favor of UBI
UBI helps to fight unemployment.
Strongest argument against UBI
Gale collection (2020). Universal Basic Income. Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection.
Jeff, S. (2017). The United States Needs a Universal Basic Income and a Job. Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection.
Robert, R. & Mimi, T. (2018). Universal Basic Income Harms Recipients and Increases. Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection.