According to bioethics’ ‘personism’ context, a human being does not become a person from the fertilization moment. It is only at a later stage of development that the fetus qualifies to be a person (Wu and Ida, 2018). Therefore, according to this context, there are human beings who are yet to become persons. The concept of abortion relates to this explanation: the question ‘is abortion an act of killing a person or not’ arises. The explanation further influences the decision on the legalization of abortion.
I do not find this distinction relevant in discussing abortion. It assumes the time factor that the fetus will eventually grow to be a person (Palazzani, 2017). There are other more relevant considerations to be made, such as access to medical services that perform the process without endangering the woman’s life. The attitude of the public towards abortion is also a factor to consider in the abortion discussion. Criminalizing it in a place, it is widely accepted could lead to more unsafe cases of abortion.
Wu, B. and Ida, A. (2018) Ethnic diversity, religion, and opinion towards legalizing abortion https://search.proquest.com/openview/6a921e3156963cdf8f7b790f68d8b095/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=2045987
Palazzani, L. (2017, March 24) Person and Human Being in Bioethics and Biolaw https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-53462-6_7