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Summary of Quantitative Studies in Nursing

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Summary of Quantitative Studies in Nursing

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It is essential for the appraisal of nurses’ critical skills when taking patients to care as it improves nurses’ decision-making, the quality of hospital delivery, and the outcome of patients (Heydari, 2016). The practicing nurse should possess the ability to do studies on the clinical evidence available and critically research their quality. The quantitative research pattern uses subjects selected from random sampling, which is the representative, and applies tools of statistics in the presentation of data and evaluation; hence, a nursing profession must be familiar with designs and components in quantitative research. This paper examines factors affecting the critical appraising of quantitative studies and the most important of them.

It is essential that nursing care establishments be on solid research; this requires the nursing profession to evaluate factors such as applicability, validity, credibility, and reliability of any written quantitative study (Coughlan et al. 2007). The reliability and validity of the research focus more on the methods applied in the research study. Any instrument of analysis must determine the general idea understudy consistently and steadfastly. The research instrument validity is the measure of its ability to calculate the concept intention of the study. The study’s reliability is the measure of the used research instrument’s power to analyze the intended concept in a regular and exact style. The main aim of research in clinics is to answer a specific concentrated clinical question. Applicability in research is the appropriateness degree of the study identifying in distinguished situations of patients. Research validity is the most important of all quantitative study elements. Research becomes reliable and applicable when the study research is valid.

In summary, there are factors to consider in the assessment of critical appraising of quantitative study. Factors such as applicability, validity, reliability, and credibility determine nursing care’s foundation in quantitative research. Validity is the most important of the four elements, as shown above.


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