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Based on the literal context concerning student loans, the financial element is not worth it, for it leads the student to financial bondage of debt shortly. For instance, the propositions for the loan are influenced by the political prospects, as the aspect is targeted at making the student become a worker within the system posing as government ‘puppets’ (Huffpost, 2015). Concerning the graduate’s loan being significant during the present learning times of a student, the loan’s concept being given a time frame for its closure is financially unfair. The reason being is the graduate might not be stable in the coming times yet and despite proposing considerations being placed on a forceful payment panel (Huffpost, 2015). The loan becomes deducted from the graduate’s first payments when employment is granted. Failure of not becoming employed within the speculated time frame for the loan’s expiration is termed as a crime, thus making the graduate entitled to debt. The bureau for issuing student loans caters to mortgages packages, tuition fees, and partial life insurance during the learning years. However, the loan is insignificant, for it fails to support the graduate concerning capital funding for self-empowerment and entrepreneurial mindset. Instead, the student falls to financial bondage and being on credit, despite one’s first financial success being interjected with deductions as short-term payments over the next decades (2015).


Huffpost. (2015, February 17). The hidden student loan debt problem. HuffPost.


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