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Daniel Pink’s Theory

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Daniel Pink’s Theory

Motivation is an essential aspect of society. This is because it helps in increasing the satisfaction of the organization and even in increasing the productivity of an organization. This ink turn, leads to a successful organization—also, the motivation of the students in schools to excellent performance. There are various types of strategies that are applied in motivating the employees of an organization. For example, the use of the reward reinforcement, where the individuals work hard to have good rewards in return. Also, the use of punishments motivated individuals to do to avoid negative punishments. Also, some of the individuals are motivated by purpose, mastery, and even autonomy. Out of interest, the employees work out to achieve a given interest. Individuals, therefore, adopt the best strategy that works for their organization. This paper is written to argue over the use of mastery, autonomy, and purpose motivation over punishment and reinforcement.

Daniel Pink’s Theory

Daniel Pink is involved with the works of the motivation of an individual that includes purpose, autonomy, and mastery. The theory identifies the three factors as the main contributors to the motivation. The motivator, however, will work when the motivators are eliminated, unlike in the case of the use of the reinforcements and rewards systems where they are used at the same to lead to motivation. This is dues to the following. For example, eliminating the autonomy, in theory, will leave the two factors of motivation of purpose and mastery. Some of the individuals are motivated by purpose. They have the urge to achieve more and even achieve the goals of the organizations. This is will them to work harder to achieve a given outcome. Also, the fact that some of the individuals have different kinds of motivation within themselves will make the theory well in achieving the success of the organization. The elimination of autonomy will, therefore, lead to the success of the other factors due to the interdependent nature of the motivation factors.

The factors of motivation are not dependent on each other and thus will still motivate individuals to eliminate one of the factors. The application of mastery is another motivating factor that leads to the motivation of individuals. The mastery factor is independent of the autonomy and the purpose motivators, and thus it will not affects motivation. Mastery refers to the desire to improve in a given field. This leads to an increase in productivity to improve from the position that one was before. It is also achieved with improvement in the skills and knowledge that an individual has in a particular field, thus leading to the motivation of the employees. The elimination of this factor, therefore, does not affects other factors.

Besides, the use of the ability to control as the motivation of an individual is independent of the other factors. Thus its elimination still leads to the working of the mastery and the purpose motivators. The autonomy factor motivates individuals by providing them with full control of the situations and the activities they engage in. The application of autonomy motivates the employees to thinks on the other creative means of achieving a given outcome, unlike the use of reinforcement and punishments.

From the discussion of my colleagues, they argue that eliminating one of the factors that motivate individuals in the Daniel Pink Theory does not affect the other factors because of the interdependence that is showed among the elements. The motivation one factor does not depend on another one for its functioning. This is different from the case of the use of rewards and punishment, where both of the motivators should be used at the same time to acquire motivation hence making the use of Daniel Pink theory the best.

Children and Intrinsic Motivators

The intrinsic factors can be applied in motivating the children that are young and unmotivated. For example, those children can be motivated by the application of the purpose factor. In this case, they will be motivated to complete classwork and even compete in solving a given mathematical homework. However, children are motivated while they are unaware of the motivation factor. They can go home early and avoid playing games and watching cartoons before finishing the assignment that is given to them. The children’s purpose, in this case, is a complete a given task, and thus by the end, the purpose motivates them to work hard. Children’s motivation by the intrinsic occurs out of their consent of the type of motivation. This is different from the use of rewards and punishments that the children are aware of them.

Besides, mastery is another factor that motivates young children to work hard. The factor encourages the children, especially in their classwork, where they are desire to work to improve in their position. The desire to be ahead of his/her friends, a child will be motivated to work hard in class to improve. In the case of the children that are found to the last in the class performance, they are motivated by the master motivator in making efforts in class to improve their position and not become number last. This leads to the early completion of the assignment. The mastery, too, helps children in improving in the classwork and even the other roles that are given to them. This is different from the use of reinforcement and rewards system where children may give because the efforts of motivation will not lead to them receiving the gifts.

In addition, autonomy is another motivating factor of the children. This is applied in classwork when the teacher leaves the pupils to conducts the assignment by themselves. This gives the pupils the freedom to engage in creating ways of doing the assignment and even to develop the simple ways of doing it. For example, a child may develop a simple way of drawing a given animal in their books, and this leads to motivation by developing other better ways of making the task that is given them simpler. The application of the autonomy in motivating young children is, however, limited because of the nature of children. At a young age, the child needs to be guided and controlled in everything they engage in since they do not know whatever the activities to engage in and their impacts. Children’s autonomy to engage in the various role and classwork at home and school should be limited. Autonomy can lead to the right choices being made by children, but they are not aware of them.

Role of Purpose in Achieving Successful

Purpose, as one of the factors of motivation, play an essential role in the motivation of individual via the playing of the following functions. For example, the purpose gives a direction that will lead to the achievement of a given goal. This will lead to the drive of individuals to achieve bigger goals at the end of the day. This is different from applying the reinforcement and the reward system o in motivating individuals since it does to lead a given direction in achieving the final goals at the end. Another role of ensuring the success of an organization is the definition of those values that will lead to the achievement of the larger goals at the end of the day. For example, the values of hard work and commitment to achieving the organization’s goals. This will lead to the success of the organization in that organization productivity will increase, thus leading to the quality and increases in the sales of the company. This, in return, leads to a successful organization. This is different from the case of applying the use of the reinforcement ad the reward systems that do not emphasize the application of such values.

Besides, another role of purpose is educating the activities that add values to the goals of the organization. This motivates individuals to work hard towards achieving those activities that lead to the increasing of the values of the organization, thus leading to organizational success. This helps in increasing the quality of the items that are produced in the organization, thus making it successful. This is different from the use of the reinforcement that does not identify such directions.

An individual, however, cannot be successful without the application of the intrinsic purpose. This is because an individual will be working without any given direction rather than for the sake of doing it. The success of an individual through the achievement of a shared purpose and the failure of a sense leads to a lack of direction in which one should work. The purpose is an essential factor in being successful since an individual can measure when success is achieved.

Pink’s Theory from a Social Perspective

Daniel Pink’s theory can be incorporated into the following in the social system of society. In accordance with the social perspective, the application of the purpose is used in motivating the members of the society in the following ways. Purpose guides the members of the community to work towards achieving various goals. The purpose of establishing a healthcare facility at the community level is achieved via the making of the contribution by the members through the payment of the taxes. Also, the purpose of obeying the rules of society is achieved by the development of the efforts to respect the members of the community. The purpose a motivation in the social perspective leads to the growth of the society at large.

Autonomy is applied in society in motivating individuals in the following ways. For example, the leaders of society givens the members to make the rules that are favorable for the organization. This led to the development of more creative ideas that effectively govern the community, thus leading to cooperation and success of the community leadership. Also, autonomy is applied in the perspective where individuals in the community are left to discuss the challenges that are facing them at hand and even come up with the potential ways of solving the issues. This leads to the development of a more satisfactory and even motivating the members to respect the laws of the since they feel like essential members of the community.

Besides, mastery is another motivating factor that is applied in the following from the social perspective. For example, the individuals in the society are motivated to improve the situations they are living in. This is achieved by the leadership of the society where it cooperates, improving the existing conditions in the society via improved infrastructure, lighting in the streets, and even the sewer disposal. The aim to make the organization is achieved by eliminating the harsh working conditions of the members of the society and even ensuring equality of the individuals. The mastery, purpose, and autonomy factors have, however, contributed a lot in motivating the members of the society towards making progression.


From the above arguments, it can be concluded that the use of the mastery, purpose, and autonomy in motivating the employees is effective compared to the use of reinforcement and the punishments system. This is because the intrinsic values are within the individual and will lead to greater performance with or without supervision. The absence of the rewards and the punishments will lead to poor productivity, leading to an unsuccessful organization. The application of intrinsic factors leads to motivation and hence the success of organizations.


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