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Cloud Computing

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Cloud Computing

Cloud computing, according to Sharma, is an IT model which provides marketing services that meet certain specific characteristics through hardware and software application (81). For example, Google’s Gmail is a cloud computing provider whereby users are able to receive files and others services. In cloud computing, the infrastructure is shared among users. The cloud computing model consists of two types of model; public and private cloud. In public clouds, the services are available to any user over a network such as the internet. In private clouds, the services are offered to a particular group of users or clients through the internet or a predefined private network (83).

The difference between traditional computing and cloud computing is in the mode of access, delivery and the cost too. In traditional computing, one has to own the server or knowingly share to receive services. This means that the capital and operational expenditure cost (capex and opex) are incurred. Also, one has to pay fixed charges even without using the services. In terms of storage, files and data of all users in this model are stored together eliminating isolation and privacy (Armbrust 52). In cloud computing, one does not need to own the server instead you can rent it eliminating the capex and opex cost. In addition, one does not need to share the server hence it is highly secure. It is special as it is highly independent and can modify itself without any human assistance. Moreover, in this model one is not limited to storage only but can rent just about anything including software platform (Armbrust 51).

Implementation of the cloud computing model for any business can be advantageous and disadvantageous too. Cloud computing is cost saving as the capex and opex cost are reduced. It is reliable as most service providers offer full time availability ensuring smooth running of business operations. It is also manageable since updates and maintenance of IT infrastructure are eliminated since the service provider maintains all servers and resources. Despite the pros, cloud computing can pose a risk to the business as a result of hacking since the service provider has access to important business information. The lack of control can also disrupt business operations since one cannot prevent the service provider from updating the servers especially in the middle of a business transaction (Aljabre, Abdulaziz).














Works Cited

Aljabre, Abdulaziz. “Cloud computing for increased business value.” International Journal of Business and social science3.1 (2012).

Armbrust, Michael, et al. “A view of cloud computing.”Communications of the ACM 53.4 (2010): 50-58.

Sharma, H., H. Bansal, and A. K. Sharma. “Cloud computing.” on: http://www. edureka. co/blog/what-is-cloud-computing (2015): 81-88.


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