Classroom Management
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Classroom Management Strategies
In classroom management, to be an excellent teacher, and in control, there is a need to have the right demeanor. Specific strategies are imperative in a classroom management kit. Firstly, one has to be both kind and firm at the same time. It is important not to get fooled but to be strict.
The second strategy is focussing on respect rather than admiration. Every teacher wants to be like but also respected by students. Issues of classroom management start with respect problems because they focus less to earn your students respect. Creating a learning environment for intellectual growth is essential. An aspect of respect will bring order in the classroom; hence students would concentrate more on learning. Thirdly, one has to see themselves as the students’ mentor and not their friend who would help in supporting the students through difficult challenges and shaping their lives positively hence making a difference. Being a friend would bring more confusion and create social and educational problems. Mentors tend to support, and guide students, therefore building a robust, healthy relationship. ( Kartal, et al.,2017 ) posit the mentorship services are vital to teachers especially in rural areas like in most European countries like Turkey.
Fourthly, a classroom management strategy with a win-win aspect is the use of a warning system. This action helps to curb distractions that include talking in class or blurting unnecessary. Students are given warnings especially to whoever is talking without permission. However, the signal does not hold any consequences, but the importance to students is that it alerts the students of their disruptive attitude hence settling for change. The fifth strategy is the effective planning of consequences. These consequences are to be chosen with utmost clarity and wisely to avoid further distraction and rebellion. The central concept is picking the wise and right effects which make a reasonable judgment and a fit for the students like new cultures in the school. The sixth plan for classroom management is the conduction of a classroom shake-up that involves trying new exciting things that can get added into the class. Management models like cross-cultural comparison are additional ways to assess and monitor a shakeup in class( Baden et al.,2015).
In a classroom, shake-up involves changing to new routines in learning and also changing physical appeal to the room. The primary purpose is to grab the attention of the students and to show them the need for change. The concept of trying new procedures and having common expectation is imperative in this strategy. The next plan is teaching and practicing better methods. In this action, teaching viable systems is the most vital element for classroom management. The creativity and mastery of this strategy allow the students what they want and to grow up independently — the need to actively invest in a matter of time in training and practice. The four main recommended processing ideas for teaching procedures are explaining, practicing, correct, and redo. The eighth one is dealing with problems before they get bigger and messy. Through solving matters before getting out of hand, there is a need to work on immediate situations. This way, there is a need to honestly find the root problem without ignoring future consequence would give the classroom to be in line. The ninth plan for such management is consistency which is the critical element of classroom management to be successful. Having strict days and environment of doing activities and hope to require constant discipline to for consistent decision-making processes. Research-based and implementation of classroom strategies assist teachers in managing behavior (Moore et al.,2017).
Determination of having tracking opportunities is vital in increasing consistency. The other strategy is building a robust rapport. Creating strong relationships is a crucial element that classroom management needs to succeed. Investment of a rapport with students elevates respect and bonding in the classroom. Teachers are avoiding harmful blockers that might that affect the affinity. The eleventh strategy is engagement which involves keeping the students occupied in many activities like extra work. Importance of the approach is to it gives students a chance to brainstorm, ask questions and explain according to their capacity — lastly, an organizational aspect which reduces uncertainty in class. Through disorganization, there is the creation of boredom and misbehaving.
Nevertheless, to implement such, the. Planning early and timely lessons are vital. Understanding the system and solving issues by keeping track of them
Kartal, S. E., Ozdemir, T. Y., & Yirci, R. (2017). Mentorship needs of the teachers working in rural regions throughout the early years of their profession. Journal of Educational and Training Studies, 5(4), 139-145.
Baden, D., & Higgs, M. (2015). Challenging the perceived wisdom of management theories and practice. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 14(4), 539-555.
Moore, T. C., Wehby, J. H., Oliver, R. M., Chow, J. C., Gordon, J. R., & Mahany, L. A. (2017). Teachers’ reported knowledge and implementation of research-based classroom and behavior management strategies. Remedial and Special Education, 38(4), 222-232.