State Strategies
Arizona long-term care system (ALTCS) is a health policy reform strategy adopted within Arizona State. It was established in 1989 to offer long-term care services to the elderly, physically disabled, and developmentally disabled population within Arizona State. An estimate of 2750 applications is required or reviewed per month. The policy reform is identified as Arizona’s Medicaid program since it offers long-term care services to aged and physically challenged people at little or no cost. Age, financial eligibility, citizenship status, health status, and disability are the main factors considered when applying or enrolling for the Arizona long-term care system program (, 2015). A patient must be a resident of Arizona, have a social security number, be an American citizen or qualified immigrant, and be in a position that requires a nursing home level of care to access the health care policy program. For one to be financially eligible, he or she needs a maximum income of 2000 USD and 2000 -3000USD worth of resources. Hospice, nursing facility, acute care facilities, behavioral health, dental services, assisted living facility, and the ALTCS policy program covers adult day care health services.
The health policy reform is funded by the Arizona health care cost containment system, a federal Healthcare program established based on competition and choice. AHCCCS represents a 14 billion USD program jointly funded by the federal and state government. Patience and roll two different packages that ensure access to improved and quality care (, 2020). Each patient receiving home-based care or within a nursing facility is assigned to a single care manager; the manager is in charge of comprehensive planning and communication. The care manager is in charge of coordinating the patients’ medical care. The policy focuses on improving patient care and reducing the cost of health care services within Arizona (, 2015). Excessive health care spending is influenced by extreme medical care during the end of life. ALTCS policy program has helped preserve the quality of life of aged patients. The health policy reform influences flexibility, which allows care managers support patients through informal care of paid healthcare services. Patients are sent home for a trial to ensure that they are in good condition before the final discharge. Low-cost services are delivered accordingly, provided that the cost of healthcare service does not surpass 100% of the average price charged in institutional care. Behavioral health requirements of Patients receiving home-based care are considered to help care managers manage costs and deliver exceptional outcomes.
Arizona long-term care system (ALTCS), the health policy reform, influences flexibility, which helps care managers support patients through informal care of paid Healthcare services. Patients are sent home for a trial to ensure that they are in good condition before the final discharge (, 2020). Low-cost services are delivered accordingly, provided that the cost of healthcare service does not surpass 100% of the average price charged in institutional care. Behavioral health requirements of Patients receiving home-based care are considered to help care managers manage costs and deliver exceptional outcomes.
REFERENCES (2020) “AHCCCS Medical Policy Manual (AMPM)” Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System retrieved from (2015) “Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) Overview” content/uploads/2015/08/trends_in_medicaid_long_term_services_and_supports.pdf