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Fisheries is one of the economic activity of many people in the world and a source of food for many more. Nonetheless, the decreasing population of the fish due to global warming and overfishing is becoming a problem. Individual practice trout fishing as a sport and others as a source of food and income. It is essential to consider the ethical issues surrounding fishing as well as the sustainability of the fish in the ecosystem. Many animals in the world are becoming extinct, while many more are threatened by excessive use hence diminishing in the numbers. Therefore, humankind is obliged to protect the trouts by containing the rate at which fishing is done, either as a source of income or sports.

It is ironic how a man wants to reduce hunger and suffering by fishing more, yet forgetting the same problem will reoccur if the fish population declines or other fish go into extinction. Hence, they will be forced into looking for alternatives in attaining food security in their countries. Furthermore, sports fishing off the trout seems like a joke when people try to protect the fish population to protect the source of income for many households. People should look for better entertainment methods that do not involve the endangerment of fish; thus, the livelihood of the people that depend on the fish.

For the longest time, an ecosystem exists between different species in the sea and lakes. The ecosystem of one species consumption of another to generate energy used for survival. Many species have gone into extinction, and the survivors of the ecosystem are available today. Human beings are part of the ecosystem, using fish as a source of food in the eradication of hunger and sustaining our lives. Nonetheless, human beings have various food to choose from, and fish can substitute other foods. Also, human beings can multiply the population of fish using the multiple technologies acquired over time. The science also predicts that overuse of a single resource may lead to the endangerment of the species leading to extinction. Besides, human beings are at the top of the food chain and control what is essential in their natural environment.

Nonetheless, man has proven to be a substance of destruction in their environment. The emission of dangerous fumes and industrial wastes to the rivers and overfishing threatens the very life of the fish we consume. Global warming is slowly catching up with our population, and the resultant effect has been the reduction in the amount of fish in our lakes and rivers.

Furthermore, human beings have been known to fish other predators in the seas to prevent further reduction in the fish population. Nonetheless, the irony is that the other predators have survived with the fish for billions of years, yet man’s use of modern technologies to attain more produce in the sea further has been the main threat to the fish. Man believes that the other predators threaten the survival of the other fish and a food source, yet the man himself destroys the fish and other animals. Hence, human beings should stop fishing the predators to increase the fish population and focus on controlling their destructive acts to the fish and other animals.

Man is the source of all the animals’ knowledge and skills, yet the knowledge is used in destruction and not in building the environment around. We are aware of the destruction and damage that our technology and experiments cause to the animals and fish, yet we continue to explore with no limit. The fish are being used as tools of experimentation and others as a source of beauty. The fish is placed in an aquarium; the California golden trout is mostly used in the United States for beautification. The fish are kept under the care of the owner, who may be negligent to the fish; hence, they end up dying. The consistent fishing of the trout and handing over to negligent owners leads to a reduction in the trouts’ number. Business people are looking to make an income off selling the fish without educating the owners on how to take care of the fish. Therefore, the fish dies off and thus contributes to the reduction of fish in the water and, ultimately, the species’ extinction.

The extinction of the fish and other animals around us depict moral failure. Human beings are immoral creatures that have continued to place their need above other creatures and animals’ needs. They are responsible for preserving the other animals yet continue to exploit them for their benefits. For Example, there are so many different sports in the world, yet due to preference and variation in human beings’ needs, some people are allowed to take up sports fishing. The moral degradation in society is affecting the survival of the fish around us. Permissiveness in the community should have a limit, and the debates and politics around conservation be reduced. The fish’s lives are at stake, and the justification of the human needs above the fish’s lives is wrong and immoral.

To eradicate poverty and improve the living standards of its people. Governments and entities have devised new technologies and equipment to increase the fish they capture in the deep seas and lakes. The fishermen increase the amount of fish caught in a day, a year, or even a decade. Nonetheless, the fish level starts declining, and the fishermen are afraid that they have lost their source of income. The government investigates the problem only to find out that the resources are being overexploited. The number of fish in the lakes and rivers are declining. Hence, there is a need to look back and find ways of protecting the fish. For a while, neglect the fishermen’s needs who solely depended on the fish to feed their families. The problem is beyond the current dependants of the fish; the problem lies in the market to protect the future. Hence, future generations can benefit from the vast resources available in the sea.

Future generations have the right to enjoy and feel the different resources available on the planet. Therefore, trout fishing should continue but keeping in mind the control measures in fishing. Fishing is essential as the fish serve as a protein source, and the bones are used in making ornaments and other decorations. In some countries, fish is a staple food, and hence, the fishing culture continues with no regard to the endangerment of the different species.


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