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United States History

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United States History


American culture includes the tradition and customs of the United States. Perhaps the American population is one of the world’s diverse because it comprises the Native Americans and immigrants from other countries.  As a result, the United States is among the world’s most varied countries (Spring, 2016). Therefore, the variety of people in America, such German-Americans, Polish-America, AFL-CIO unions, the Marines, Catholics, Jewish-American, the Cherokee people, Puerto-Ricans among others, have different culture hence influencing the history of American culture (Bernardo, 2016). Thus this paper delves into Catholic history, culture, lifestyle, and history compared to their recent way of life.


Following Spanish and French arrival in the 16th and 17th centuries brought the Catholic Church’s presence in the United States. The Spanish established several missions in Western parts of the United States (David, 2017). Despite the Catholics being the minority among the thirteen colonies of British, they maneuvered a way of participating in a communal form of worship when there was no priest to celebrate their mass. In 1785 John Carroll was appointed superior in the United States of America Mission. Later he was the United States first Bishop to be elected. The population of Catholics in the United States began to increase in the early 19th century due to German and Irish immigration (Collett, 2020). Despite the fact that the Protestants believe that one cannot be a good catholic and a good American at a go. By 1850 the Roman Catholics were the United States’ largest denomination. During the Civil was in the United States, the number of Catholics arriving decreases but proliferated on the Cessation of hostilities. During the late 19th century and early 20th century, the number of catholic immigration, whereas the Church was enlarging networks of parishes, hospitals, and schools. Catholics determined how their Church would address economic and social justice (Cajka, 2019, page 75).


The Catholic Church organization is headed and controlled by Roman Bishop, the Pope. The Church believes that Bishops are the successors of Christ’s apostles while the Pope holds the authority as the successor of previous apostles in the Bible. Over time, the catholic has attempted to sustain the balance between spiritual and theological leadership for its believers and influence non-believers too (Bruce, 2018 page 96).  The Catholic Church is non-political, which helps in providing education and medical services around the world. Church teachings aim to shapes and mold the ethical and moral beliefs of people. To enforce beliefs, the Church influences the government to pass laws and regulations.

The Catholic beliefs and ways of doing things, especially their teaching methods and doctrines of Catholicism, are unique. Besides, Catholics believe in papacy’s supremacy and the celebration of seven sacraments(Bruce, 2018 page 98). The Church indulges in establishing doctrines that correspond with believers’ faith and practicing the official of the Pope. The foundation teaches of the Church consider the Church as the only true Church left by Jesus. The practice of sacraments is one major factor that distinguishes Catholics from the rest of the believers in Protestants. Just like other Christianity believers, Catholics affirm the belief that there is life after death.

In contrast to many religious traditions, they emphasize good work that should be accomplished by a believer during their days on earth. According to the Catholic Church’s doctrines, purgatory refers to an intermediate state after death whereby those destined for heaven are purified from their uncovered sins. The Roman Catholic Church has funeral services, rituals, and traditions.

In modern catholic, culture has been retained. Catholics’ goal to provide an economical and social solution still enhances today through the establishment of schools and medical services. Today, most cultural values have been abandoned because they are outdated, but in Catholics, they seem to hold on to the culture. Their beliefs in the supremacy of papacy and uniqueness in doing things and worship are retained up to date (Ahanotu, 2019). Catholic culture is proliferating regardless of secularism, education as well as other religions.


The lifestyle of a catholic relies on a set of beliefs, religions, and practices. The practices comprise of shared customs liturgical forms, tradition, public and private, collective and individual devotions, and presenting of Catholic Church teachings. Catholics are required to live a Christian life, daily prayers, take part in the sacraments, and fully obey moral laws, and accept instructions in the Church (Callaghan & Esterhuizen, 2020, page 12). Faith is the believers’ core values, which brings them together and makes them live in harmony. They are controlled and guided by the principles of the gospel. Catholics live in love for another such that they comfort each other in times of afflictions and challenge each other to live according to teachings of the gospel.

In contrast to today’s catholic, who seems to be busy and have complexities of modern life, they have neglected most of the duties and requirements as a believer. In modern society today, many things have changed within aspects of life. Therefore, many people consider catholic lifestyles as outdated, and some values and principles of faith need not be followed anymore. The element of education and secularism has compromised believers (Ahrenfeldt, 2018, page 78).


Catholicism is one of the largest organizations in the United States. It has its way of doing things, culture, lifestyle, and history, which is unique. Despite the vanishing of culture and lifestyles due to education and secularism, Catholics have sustained their beliefs, practices, and teachings on the way of life. The group has assimilated other small and dominating the united state.













Spring, J. (2016). Deculturalization and the struggle for equality: A brief history of the education of dominated cultures in the United States. Routledge.

Bernardo, A. B., Salanga, M. G. C., Tjipto, S., Hutapea, B., Yeung, S. S., & Khan, A. (2016). Contrasting lay theories of polyculturalism and multiculturalism: Associations with essentialist beliefs of race in six Asian cultural groups. Cross-Cultural Research, 50(3), 231-250.

David J. Endres (Ed.). (2017). Remapping the History of Catholicism in the United States. CUA Press.

Collett, T. S. (2020). Saints, Sinners, and Scoundrels: Catholic Law Faculty and A Light Unseen: A History of Catholic Legal Education in the United States. St. John’s Law Review, Forthcoming.

Cajka, P. (2019). Roman Catholicism in the United States: A Thematic History ed. by Margaret M. McGuinness, James T. Fisher. American Catholic Studies, 130(4), 75-76.

Bruce, T. C. (2018). Cultural Catholics in the United States. In Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion (pp. 83-106). Brill.

Ahanotu, L. U. (2019). Navigating between cultures: Cross-cultural challenges of Nigerian Catholic priests working in the United States. Missiology, 47(3), 315-335.

Callaghan, T. D., & Esterhuizen, A. (2020). ‘Too gay to teach’: dismissals of lesbian teachers in select North American Catholic schools. Teaching Education, 1-15.

Ahrenfeldt, L. J., Möller, S., Hvidt, N. C., & Lindahl-Jacobsen, R. (2018). Religiousness and lifestyle among Europeans in SHARE. Public health, 165, 74-81.


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