Cultural Differences in Buddhism
After traveling to Nepal, Tibet, China, and Burma, there is a clear indication all the three types of Buddhism are practiced differently in all these areas. Notably, among the three types, Theravada and Mahayana are the most popular in all the regions. All three types have different aspects of Buddhism. For example, in Nepal, Theravada is based on the Pali canon concept, which accentuates rational aspects (Pyakuryal, & Suvedi,2000). Theravada Buddhists in Nepal seeks to become an arhat (entirely awakened beings). Vajrayana Buddhism in Nepal elaborates more ritual traditions. Mahayana Buddhists aim at incorporating the newer practice into practice. Additionally, Mahayana traditions focus on the Bodhisattva of teaching and encouraging other individuals.
In Tibet, Vajrayana is the most widely practiced form of Buddhism. It includes mystical practices and concepts, and some appear to depart from the primary Buddhist precepts. Additionally, Vajrayana uses esoteric doctrines of Buddha Shakyamuni. Moreover, Vajrayana provides several unique meditations, rituals, and practices to cultivate compassion among human beings. In China, the Mahayana comprise of Tripitaka sutras (discourses) and dharma analysis. Notably, Chinese Buddhism is slightly different from Buddhism since Buddha is not only a teacher but also a god to be worshipped for salvation and help. In Burma, Theravada Buddhism is the most popular practice. Theravada is associated with ancient texts of the Buddhist traditions and accentuates on the rigorous observance of monastic codes.
Buddhism in all regions experiences conflict with other religious beliefs. For example, in China, Buddhism has continued to experience religious conflicts with Taoism and Islam, the indigenous religion of sorts. In Burma, there has been violence between Muslim minorities in Buddhist societies. For example, the Muslims in Myanmar were disenfranchised, and most of their candidates rejected in the 2015 elections (Frydenlund,2015). Lastly, in my view, I am not ready to go through any punishments as a result of my beliefs since every person has the right to choose what to believe in, and these rights should be protected.