Communism was a threat to American rights and freedom since people had no right to own their personal property, denying them the right and privilege to material possession. This made it difficult for people to enjoy the government or community’s property since they did not have the right to make their own decision without the government’s approval. , hence hampering personal growth, denying financial freedom. Communism has also discouraged the free market since people don’t set their own prices relying on the government.
The universal declaration of human rights has brought equality and justice to each person. Article 12 has justified this by stating that no one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family home, or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor or reputation. ( Johnson and M. Glen .,pg23) Article 13 also states that everyone has the right to freedom to move from one residence to another within each state’s borders.
The declaration of human rights has brought justice and freedom to operate the personal property and the release of movement without the community’s interference or the government.
Joseph Grew STATED that if the support of the nation’s league could serve to stop the fighting in china, his accord with this step could be complete. (Elizabeth Lyon et al., pg3) This explains why communism was so common in the past without considering justice on ordinary people. Joseph Grew made effortless actions to promote peace within the nations. Grew played a vital role in promoting peace between different countries, being the ambassador to turkey and japan.
Johnson, M. Glen. “The contributions of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt to the development of international protection for human rights.” Hum. Rts. Q. 9 (1987): 19.
[From Turbulent Era: A Diplomatic Record of Forty Years, 1904-1945, Joseph C. Grew, edited by Walter Johnson (Vol. 2, pp. 1167n-68n.) Copyright 1952 by Joseph C. Grew, © renewed 1980 by Elizabeth Lyon, Anita J. English, and Lilla Levitt. Reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.]