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  1. I do concur with Bock that star performers earn more than their average counterparts. By doing this will ensure that the average performers are encouraged to struggle to get higher earning as their star performers (Colquitt, Lepine& Wesson,2019). The bonus that both star and average performers receive determines how they work hard to receive more than the average performers. If the star performers receive a little compared to the average performers, they will not be motivated to work harder. When a performer earning 3 gets a 2% raise, it means those earning 4 and 5 will get a 2.666% and 3.333% rise. This means that those earning three will be encouraged to work more to receive higher earning.
  2. It is considerable for the performers earning three to continue getting 2%, the reason being the play a critical role in the organization’s income pattern. By giving them, 2% motivates them to work more, which proportionally increases the company’s income. It also encourages junior performers to do more so that they can get more than 2%. In every organization, money is the source of motivation, so giving them less than 2% will demotivate the star performers, thus hindering the organization’s growth.

On the other hand, a 2% rise may put the organization in a financial crisis as it may spend all its income on salaries, thus not developing themselves. To maintain a coherent sequence, the company should have a policy that those who earn less than 2% no reward will force every member to work above a 2% rise.

  1. Google operates on the theory of expectancy, which contributes to 5% of its productivity. By use of this theory, google motivates its workers to strive for more on their work. The employees’ effort is directly proportional to the outcomes; if they work more, it is assured of positive results.

Goal-setting theory is also another tactic google uses to motivate its employees. This theory enables employees to set specific productivity goals where they aim to be on top 1% or 5%. By setting goals drives, one seeks to increase productivity, thus increasing the performance. The employee’s desire to be always on top plays a significant physiological role in productivity as they aim to work hard.


  1. Table 6-2 has pleasing results due to essential motivation, which convinces me of its significance. This motivation theory enables one to set targets and work independently to achieve them without any external pressure. Intrinsic motivation allows one to have their own goals different from the other person. My evaluation is that my stand today will remain; it will not get altered in the future. I have to set and develop my own goals, improve my skills in daily activities, and take my job as a hobby that I will enjoy doing it every day.



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