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Importance of Education

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Importance of Education

Education involves the process of gaining information of our surroundings. It gives people knowledge of the world. It enables people have meaningful opinions and perspectives on how to view things in life. Without education people will just be there living life without an objective. With education people set targets and goals to accomplish (Wößmann, 2001).

Education enables people of diverse cultures to live amicably in the same setting. With education people are able to express themselves in an understandable manner without causing conflicts.

Education is necessary for economic growth. Learned society is destined to succeed as the people have skills and knowledge to participate in the production of goods / products and services. That way they earn income and ensures the society’s economy is stable.

Education enables the society to make the right decisions. This way people save time and resources wasted in repeating something done wrongly (Quinn & Rubb, 2005).

Education ensures creation of a society which is democratic. Education enables people to understand each other, express themselves explicitly, and make decisions and choices wisely creating a democratic society (Arthur, Hisrich, & Cabrera, 2012).

Education helps people learn from their past mistakes. This way they are able to correct them and prevent repeating them in the future.

Education is important as it helps members of the society to judiciously assess their leaders wisely and choose the right ones (Johansson, Fogelberg‐Dahm, & Wadensten, 2010)

Education helps in the reduction of crime and violence. When people are learnt, they will definitely have something to do keeping them busy. This reduces radicalization and their time to engage in such vices.

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