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Economics Model

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Economics Model



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Drug abuse is an issue affecting many youths in the world. The use of marijuana is especially common among teenagers. They are driven by peer pressure to fit into the groups of other teenagers. The addiction occurs when teenagers use drugs for too long and cannot quit. There are several ways that the issue of drug abuse among youth may be controlled. Healthcare leaders need to find measures to reduce high usage rates. One way they may use is education and sensitization of the youth against some drug uses.

The measure is chosen since, unlike most older people, many youths are not yet addicted to drugs. It may prove resourceful when the community people have a proper idea of the effects of the drugs in their bodies. They can quit as easily as they started as long as they know the effects of the drugs. The measure may be practiced in schools and seminars all over the state. In the seminars, the teenagers may be taught using real-life examples of drug abuse effects, especially for drugs such as marijuana. They may be given people who have managed to fight the addiction to teach them about the negatives.

By including drug awareness to the people of a particular community, the government will have paid for the knowledge to be taught to the students. Church leaders may also organize seminars since they have greater access to people’s lifestyles. The seminars should be paid for by the people who attend. A small fee for the people to attend is a good way to get more people to attend. The model will also be self-sufficient since the attendees will be finding their spending whenever they are in the seminars. Churches may offer grounds for the seminars to occur.

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