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Ras Dam Project

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Ras Dam Project

Ras Dam is a set-up aimed at providing charity services in the United Kingdom to improve the mental health, physical health, and spiritual well-being of individuals in a society. Therefore, Ras Dam set up uses Yoga activities to achieve its goals. Furthermore, the set-up uses education to achieve equality in the community and transform lives using Kundalini Yoga and building healthy communities. Therefore, the Yoga classes initiated by Ras Dam set has several impacts on society. The transformation of drug addicts is one of the positive effects of the Ras Dam project set up in North London.

Furthermore, Ian Mathew has written a book about social work and spirituality. It aims to transform the social work practice series, besides, in chapter one of Ian Mathew’s book, a case study about a woman of Indian descent called Sandy on social working conditions in the hospital. Therefore, coming with a response to Sandy’s case study and comparing and contrasting two more non-profit organization similar to Ram Dam is vital to developing proper research on spirituality and social work.

Spirituality is defined as being concerned with other people’s spiritual affairs more than different experiences like physical things. Therefore, in most instances, social working places do not give their employees the freedom to practice their spiritual norms. Hence, Ian Mathew, in his book, is addressing spirituality in connection to social work. Therefore, using Sandy’s experience in the hospital, it is crucial to develop a response concerning Sandy’s perspective and how she can be assisted. Hence, Sandy has a positive attitude towards spirituality.

It is confirmed that Sandy’s illness cannot be treated. Furthermore, Sandy becomes emotional and stressed when the ward consultant threatens to take away her bed. The consultant is uncaring about the condition of Sandy. Moreover, Sandy is disturbed because she is unable to access the hospital’s chapel for her prayers. Sandy is determined to get a quiet place away from the wards, where she can meditate without distraction. Therefore, Sandy shows some determination about her spirituality and ends up being given a quiet place to meditate by the social worker. Therefore, hospitals need to care about the patients’ spiritual needs by giving them a place to perform their spiritual acts.

There are also some non-profitable organizations in the United States to maintain mental and physical health in society. Ocean mental health services are a non-profitable organization in the United States because of the reasons mentioned above. Thus, ocean health tends to bring on board the discussion of mental health challenges and come up with practical solutions. Whiteman Walker Health is also another non-profitable organization in the United States. The organization focuses on addressing the health needs of the minority in the society like lesbians, gay the disabled, and ensuring they access health services without fear.

The two organizations mentioned-above have some similarities and differences. The first similarity is that both organizations deal with health issues in society. Thus, they are determined to ensure proper health care in the community. However, the target group of the two organizations is different. Whiteman Walker Health is determined the mental health needs of the minority in the society like the lesbians and gays and ensure they have access to proper health care. However, Ocean mental health is an organization addressing the general health of the members of the society. In conclusion, non-profitable organizations for addressing health issues play a significant role in ensuring society members have good health.



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