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Zebra Technologies PR Speech

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Zebra Technologies PR Speech

Introduction of the company to the internal audience

Zebra Technologies is a company that is founded and ran on the principle of ensuring maximum customer satisfaction, offering sustainable strategies, and to effectively collaborate with all the stakeholders to ensure that the goals and mission of the company are achieved. In achieving the company’s laid out objectives, all the stakeholders at different levels shall be required to effectively cooperate in the process of bringing into reality the company’s mission and vision.

In the realization of Zebra Technologies mission, you the employee has the sole responsibility of developing an insightful knowledge of the company’s philosophy in connection with the need to meet the various needs of the customer effectively. Our core business here is to satisfy and meet all the requirements and the preferences of our clients. In the process of understanding the needs of our customers and applying the same in meeting the needs and preferences of the customer, you as an employee of our great company; Zebra technologies will effectively use the values through the way our products, services and communication with the clients are presented.

All of us the employees in this company from the janitors all through the ranks to the CEO have a responsibility to deliver nothing but the best on our products and services to our customers, and that is promise and dedication to the clients. Our customer satisfaction is vital and central to our continued existence and sustainability. The demonstration of customer satisfaction is on the ‘touch’ and values that we shall all be put on the services and products that we shall be offering in the market.

Our CEO’s assertion that; “We are living in an on-demand economy where organizations must digitize their operations to compete. The pace of change is accelerating. We are the pioneers at the edge of the enterprise and we are investing in innovations to empower front-line performance so brands can deliver differentiated service and care to thrive into the future.”, puts every one of us in the driver’s seat to help drive this company to the greater heights to continue conquering, controlling, and thriving in this competitive market and industry. Our only strength lies in the input and value that you shall be putting in the effort of producing the products and offering the best services to our customers.

Our customers trust in us has been manifested through the winning of different awards and accolades such as the “CRN’s 5-star rating for the fourth consecutive time based on our commitment to our partners globally who are among the most knowledgeable and competent in the industry” and a fifth consecutive prestigious Red Dot award for innovative design. These are no mean achievements in this competitive and ever-evolving industry.

The awards are all a dedication to the selfless and teamwork attitudes that you have all given continuously to the company. Going forth we should all get out of our way and indulge further in the enhancement of the of our company’s presence and cut out a niche that would make us soar higher and higher thus enabling us to continue dominating the industry. Numerous benefits accrue to the company with the maintenance of the dominance in the market. With the accrued benefits for the company, individually we shall all be reaping from the economies of scale; who will not want a pay rise, which will be more possible with continued profitability and sustainability.

Introduction of the company to the external audience

Welcome to Zebra Technologies, a company founded on the philosophy of meeting your needs as a customer most effectively and robustly. Through our journey in the industry of offering our clients the most modern and adaptive business technology solutions since 1969, we have grown over time to have a presence and footing in more than 45 Countries world. Our consistency in developing and offering quality services have seen us register and be owners of over 4400 patents and still in the process of creating and innovating on the best solutions for our clients. We have continued to invest heavily in research and development to ensure that we ultimately churn out the best and sustainable business solutions.

As a leading manufacturer and distributor, all our products are tailored made to the specifications and preference of you, our customer. Our products are designed to transcend different industry both in the domestic market and oversees. In whichever industry, your business may be in us have a significant and quality product and a solution for your business challenge.

I would give just a sneak preview of our variety of products and services and the respective industry which our products cover. For complete access and view make time and visit our well designed and illustrated website;, which will give more insights and much more information of exactly who we are and what we exactly do and how.

Our range of products includes; Barcode Printing, Mobile Computing, Data Capture, Locationing, Data Platforms, Software, Services, Supplies, all of which are designed with customer’s needs, values and preferences in mind.

Our services include professional services, Support and visibility services for your business needs, and knowledge centre through which the company provides learning expertise that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your business.

Both our services and products are designed to comprehensively cover various industries such as the retail and wholesale sector, warehousing and distributing industry, healthcare services, manufacturers, transport and logistics, hospitality, energy and utility, the public sector, and E-commerce fulfilment.

To maximize the quality of our services to clients all over the world, we have created a network with partners. We have over 10000 partners globally, all of whom are positioned and ready to help you, our dear customer navigate the murky waters of the business world and stay ahead of the rest.

At Zebra Technologies we are not only concerned with doing business and making profits only, but we also have a robust corporate social responsibility program tailored to promote environmental conservation, concerned with the welfare of the communities, promotion of social aspects of our clients, employees, and the communities, and application of strong and reputable corporate governance.



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