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Study Skills for Higher Education

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Study Skills for Higher Education


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When students move from high school education levels to tertiary institutions such as universities, they face various challenges before adapting to such environments. At times, students might have come from schools of a slightly lower level than another and feel inferior compared to those for schools of a higher standard. In most cases, such students seem to have developed poor study skills that might have discouraged them from performing well in their studies (Bickerdike et al. 2017). Therefore, students need to have various study skills to enable themselves to do well across their studies at the university.

Question 1

Importance of study habits from the article for students success

For any student to ensure their studies become successful, they can incorporate several habits, as discussed in the report. Therefore, they are needed to be effectively applied and put into practice so that any given student does not miss to achieve his or her dreams in the future, be it in education or future career. Such habits that are to consider include; setting or realistic goals, taking risks, and taking responsibility for one’s actions.

Firstly, a student should set realistic goals they want to achieve throughout the education life (Jivet et al. 2020). Students are supposed to make sure that they have a list of several things they want to achieve and how they should go. When in class, a student is expected to make sure that they have different goals, for example, who they want to be in the future after their education life depending on their ability. They should always gauge themselves and identify the barriers that may hinder them from reaching their goals are. They should consequently engage themselves with the people who have been successful in life by inquiring how they got there. It will make them work hard and improve in their areas of weaknesses and avoid the barriers that may discourage them from being who they want to be in the future.

For instance, in exams, students are expected to set targets for themselves before entering an examination room. They should have in mind what they want to score to keep them on toes all through on the truck. If, for instance, they are failing in a particular subject or module, they should try and set a slightly higher mark every time they work on it until they have greatly improved. Hence such goals and streams in life will make students cautious and careful every time they carry out their studies keeping in mind that they have something to get but not just for the sake of doing it.

Secondly, students are also supposed to be the kind of people who can take risks for any means to make sure that they come out as successful people after their higher education.  They should try to sacrifice by all means to ensure that they achieve what they want, however much expensive. They are supposed to use all means that they feel would be key to their success. For example, if any tours or workshops are meant for educational purposes, they should sacrifice their time and pay for all the costs that may be needed. They should also engage themselves in all the activities by trying out several study methods until they have identified the most effective one that can lead to their success.

For a student to make sure he or she succeeds in his or her education excellently, all the risks should be incurred so that other people will learn from the same when success has come (Sousa, 2018). When one threat and applies a particular strategy during studies, for example, buying relevant books that may appear to be of high quality and identifies success through such, then he or she will develop a habit of using the same for even much better success. Therefore, taking of risks will either lead to a loss or gain depending on what the student wants to achieve and incase one strategy fails, the student should keep on trying others until he or she attains what they intend to achieve in not only academic life but personal future lives. Therefore, it is upon the student to choose what to risk and not risk so that regrets and blames are avoided.

Thirdly, students should also learn how to be responsible for their actions every time (Teruel-Serrano et al., 2020). First of all, a student should know the purpose of why he or she went to school and how they should behave so that their actions should not, later on, ruin their life. Students who aim at having successful studies are supposed to accept that they have made mistakes in case of any and look for corrections where necessary. For example, when the students do their examinations, and it happens a student personally fails and yet he or she knows that they were not studying or were no keen to read the instructions, and then they are supposed to review on such. They should be composed and go back to identify where they might have gone wrong and rectify such behaviors. They should also identify themselves by knowing their weaknesses and capabilities to be accountable if they do anything that goes astray.

Students should learn how to practice engaging themselves in doing more friendly and acceptable actions to not interfere with their studies. In case a student knows that he or she is engaging in activities that are not good relating to investigations and personal attitudes that haunt them in their studies, they should not regret it. Instead, students should be accountable since they knew what was done to have learned the negative part of such action the next time they cannot repeat the same mistakes.

Question 2         

Additional habits students needed for their success

Apart from the strategies above and skills that students need for success in their education and their future life, several additional skills are also required, including making full use of the class lessons and lectures and writing winning essays.

First and foremost, students should make sure they attend all the lectures on time and make sure they do not miss them for any stupid reasons (Khan and Madden, 2016). While in class, students are supposed to listen keenly and follow-up near what the lecturer is explaining. After listening to what their lecturers and professors have taught, it is their responsibility to put all the things into practice to remind themselves to perfect on the weak areas. Students are supposed to take short notes from what they are being taught, which will guide and reference materials during study at their own time. The student should also make sure they read textbooks and articles on the topic they will handle before they go to class to become familiar and have a little content on the subject. Therefore, with full attention to all the lectures and participation in group works, it will help students prepare for exams very well and instill new learning strategies in every member.

Secondly, the students should write the winning essays in class and out of style in their own free time and then take them to their professors and lecturers for assessment (Maryam et al. 2020). Similarly, students are supposed o take their time and select topics of their interest that are specific that they can major on. They then loo for enough materials and sources they can use to make sure all the content needed is well illustrated. After writing, they must go through their work and proofread to ensure everything is correct and avoid plagiarizing their work. Therefore, these skills will help in grasping the content that seemed so complicating throughout their studies since they will always be kept informed in case of any changes that may occur. Thus, the ease of remembering the learned information will be improved, and the students will not struggle even at the examinations time and during revisions on their own.


  Generally, the study skills discussed above are the necessary strategies that any students who want to be successful should apply for a better future. When effectively used, they are likely to result in better outcomes depending on whether they are serious. Therefore, the skills help in educational achievement and any student’s future life in the higher education institution after their studies. It is upon the students to choose among the strategies and skills that are the best for them in their research areas and make sure they put it into practice. Priority is given according to the skills and way they are applied to enable students’ success achievement with the instructors, lecturers, professors, and other students while in class and at the group work level. Students will be able to retain all the information they have so far learned through the incorporation of skills such as attending all lessons. Furthermore, students will also acquire new concepts that they did not know initially (Howard et al. 2018).













Bickerdike, A., O’Deasmhunaigh, C., O’Flynn, S., and O’Tuathaigh, C., 2016. Learning strategies, study habits, and social networking activity of undergraduate medical students. International journal of medical education7, p.230.

Howard, C.M., Moret, L., Faulconer, J., Cannon, T., and Tomlin, A., 2018. Preparing for College Success: Exploring Undergraduate Students’ Perceptions of the Benefits of a College Reading and Study Skills Course through Action Research. Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research20(1), p.4.

Jivet, I., Scheffel, M., Schmitz, M., Robbers, S., Specht, M. and Drachsler, H., 2020. From students with love: An empirical study on learner goals, self-regulated learning and sense-making of learning analytics in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education47, p.100758.

Khan, A.A. and Madden, J., 2016. Speed learning: maximizing student learning and engagement in a limited amount of time. International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science8(7), p.22.

Maryam, S., Adawiyah, A., Hasanah, A. and Wahyudin, D., 2020, July. The Role of Life Maps in Writing Student Essays. In International Proceedings Conferences Series (pp. 129-133).

Sousa, M.J., 2018. Entrepreneurship skills development in higher education courses for teams leaders. Administrative Sciences8(2), p.18.

Teruel-Serrano, M.D. and Vinals, M.J., 2020. Teaching environmental sustainability and responsibility in the Anthropocene: Overview of Tourism Studies in Spain. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, pp.1-16.

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