The government’s role in the provision of healthcare
The government’s role in the provision of healthcare is a debate that will continue in several decades. Administrations through other health agencies participate in the generation of frameworks to strengthen the health financial and human resources. The pillars allow sustaining quality health to individuals and prevent poor health care. Administrations partnership with other no governmental organizations and private institutions facilitate health care improvement, which ate growth of socioeconomics and education. In the past few decades, policy changes reflecting privatization and market forces’forces’ inability to provide proper health needs to people have challenged the health care system. Besides, the health sector remains a central area of concern, and the governments intervene to carry out important activities crucial in health progress. The administration’s inception of law-making order 13813 in the United States that fosters healthcare options and competition facilitates the growth of quality and affordable healthcare to American citizens. Governments initiate healthcare competition to encourages high-quality services at low prices for citizens. A well-functioning healthcare market is predominant in an economic and non-economic way by improving American citizens’ lives and reducing the amount of national income that does not fully satisfy U.S citizens’ quality health care. The Institute of Medicine’sMedicine’s (IOM) report raised issues concerning patient safety and quality in America. The report brought different views on government actions to the provision of quality healthcare. The IOM refers to healthcare quality as the point to which citizens’ citizens’ desire for health increases with current implemented situations. According to the survey, healthcare is on the key principle concerns where nine out of ten citizens trust that the administration is responsible for quality health care. Governments are supposed to accord equality virtues to all citizens regardless of whether some can afford health services or not. Therefore, the United States administration should initiate frameworks and program to provide quality and safe health care system.
In the United States, the government should initiate serial programs to enable health care goals are achieved for each individual. Several healthcare programs that include Medicaid, Medicare, the Department of Defense TRICARE for life (DOD TRICARE), the State Children’sChildren’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), the Indian Health Service (IHS), and the Veteran Health Administration, offers services to all individuals regardless of age, disability, race, or level of employment. The federal administration has the mandate to ensure more than 500 dollar billion is invested yearly in programs that support health care systems for American citizens. Medicare offers health insurance to disabled, older, and people suffering from end-stage renal disease. Conversely, Medicaid supports people from low-income families who cannot afford the normal basic need in their lives. These people include pregnant women, disabled adults, children, and medically needy individuals. Besides, Medicaid depends on the private sector that enables people to be enrolled in publicly-owned facilities. The SCHIP program ensures people aged 18years who don’t have access to any form of insurance. The administration facilitates them to achieve such privileges because it is their mandate. In 1946, the Veteran Health Administration was enacted to provide health services to the least people who can afford health services, moving upward to the able. Besides implementing programs, the government should play vital roles in improving health care quality and safety.
The federal administration should purchase healthcare for U.S citizens. Americans who are disabled and elderly should receive 0.5 million from the Federal employee Health Benefits Plan. Children should be enrolled in the State Child Health Insurance to cover them as they are vulnerable to diseases and health problems. The act of purchasing healthcare for the needy facilitates the nation’s nation’s growth by providing good health. Therefore, with access to healthcare, they can be productive and build the nation’s economy, living a happy life. Besides purchasing health care, the federal government should provide healthcare.
The availability of healthcare from the government should be a mandate. The administration should offer healthcare to an individual by operating nursing homes, employing health professionals, and advance model projects for high-quality care delivery. Schemes such as the Veteran Health Administration (VHA) has developed guidelines to help in diagnosis, treatment, and management of health condition through government support. The guidelines assist in the advancement of quality care. The administration should not only provide care but also ensure vulnerable populations can access standard care.
The administration should ensure minorities have access to health care of high caliber. To make health care more accessible, the government should exclude tax to ensure employers’employers’ capability to cover themselves. The administration’s support for community health care that provides care to vulnerable people and financing health care projects should be encouraged. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) should be supported by the administration to take care of underserved regions with homeless and low-income people in the country. Besides the government enhancement of access to care, it should also regulate health care markets.
Administrations should modulate health care markets for standard health care. The United States healthcare markets should be free from restriction and licensing laws to enable all buyers and sellers’sellers’ equality. The government should ensure the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) enforces quality medical tools, vaccines, and drugs. This will reduce the potential for medical errors in packaging and dosing to facilitate an efficient healthcare supply. The government’s mandate to ensure healthcare markets and FDA are controlled will provide quality healthcare for citizens. The Administration should develop and assess health technologies and practices as it continues to appraise health care markets.
The governments should gauge and upgrade health technologies and executions to provide quality healthcare. Innovation and technology advancement measures should be considered by the administration to enhance their development. The federal agency, such as the NIH that funds medical technologies to better medical healthcare, should support the government to ensure regular treatments to the population. Administrations should check the technological factors to ensure better innovations are achieved for the improvement of healthcare. The government should assess the health technologies and operations and monitor healthcare quality.
The administration should observe the health care quality to ensure it is well served to the population. When an institution receives federal funding, the government should play a vital role in monitoring the health quality to enable health policymakers to take if there is a problem in the line of the healthcare system. The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) evaluates costs, expenditure, and health insurance coverage among United States citizens. MEPS has been used by researchers to show how elderly Americans receive inadequate health care from physicians in the community. Therefore, the government should ensure MEPS stability in the healthcare system.
The administration should inform the healthcare decision-maker on what to implement to achieve quality healthcare. The government should ensure the Web-based National Guideline clearinghouse has fulfilled its role in providing medical topics assessment and guidelines to health professionals. Besides, it should ensure reliable and precise health details are distributed to the general public for knowledge on quality health. The distribution of health information helps people understand health problems and make the right decision based on learning. The government should inform health policymakers on what to implement and provide the workforce to facilitate their actions.
The administrations should develop a health care workforce to initiate efficient healthcare for individuals. When the government supports the health care workers, they can acquire cognitive capabilities that will supply them with clinical experience to facilitate effective health care services. The administration should push for the provision of free medical interns training to equip them with skills that will lead to quality healthcare progress. Therefore, human resources will ease operations and provide proper diagnosis of patients in the healthcare center.
Healthcare is the most important tool in human life and should be the most considered factor by the government. In the United States, the federal administration provides programs that facilitate quality healthcare to citizens. Therefore, with the availability of programs, the government can consider implementing its roles in the health care system. The duties that the administration should implement are essential in the daily activities of healthcare management. Overall, health care roles should always be considered for efficient healthcare services to citizens.