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Kosher Salt:101 Everything You Need to Know

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Kosher Salt:101 Everything You Need to Know

Salt has been around for so long and has a historical significance that predates any culinary ingredient on our shelves today. The history of salt has also intermingled with religion, trade, economics, and geopolitics in surprising ways over the course of history. One type of salt that stands out for its historical significance and utility more than any other ingredient is kosher salt. Subsequently, it’s almost impossible to discuss present and historically significant salts without mentioning Kosher salt. These past decade has seen Kosher salt increase in popularity and use, creating a need to expound on its properties, uses, and differences from other types of salt.

What Is Kosher Salt

Kosher salt is a naturally occurring mineral that is coarse-grained and had historical use removing surface blood from meats. Kosher salt contains sodium chloride but, in most situations, does not contain iodine, hence qualifying as a non-iodized salt. In a few circumstances, kosher salt may contain some anti-clumping elements.

  • Salt In General

Before we understand Kosher salt, we have to take a brief detour and define what salt is in general. Kosher salt, just like any other salt, are molecules of sodium and chlorine bonded together by strong ionic bonds. Where does this salt come from? By knowing that it’s technically from the sea and not the saltshaker, we have somewhere to begin from. In fact, salt has several uses outside the dinner table, such as bath salt that have been used for thousands of years for their therapeutic properties and preservation. Salt comes from all over the planet. This is all the way from the Kherwa salt mines in Pakistan, where pink Himalayan sea salt is mined, to the coast of Hawaii, where Hawaiian black salt mined. Kosher salt is mostly mined from rock salt deposits in salt mines.

  • Brief History of Kosher Salt

Kosher salt gets its name and meaning from an ancient Jewish tradition called kashrut. These are a set of strict dietary guidelines that guide the types of food Jews eat and the subsequent food preparation. One of the guidelines of this religious tradition is that eating meat with blood is forbidden. Jews hence had to find a way to drain blood from meat, which led to the process of koshering. Jews would kosher meat by using a type of coarse-grained salt to drain blood from the meat. As used today in America, Kosher salt does not necessarily meet the dictates of Jewish culinary tradition but meets some of its characteristics.

  • Properties Of Kosher Salt

Though Kosher salt has sodium and chloride molecules, it is mostly considered a sodium reduction salt. By virtue of its large particles, a pinch or serving of kosher will always have a lower amount of sodium relative to an equal serving of other types of salt.


How Is Kosher Salt Made

There are two types of Kosher salt, the first is the coarse-grained kosher salt that is mined just like any other type of salt, and the other is Kosher salt that meets traditional Jewish guidelines. For a Kosher salt to be accepted as Kosher, it has to be certified by a Jewish institute such as the Orthodox Union.

  • Uncertified Kosher Salt

The most popular type of salt extraction is through the solar evaporation of seawater. Most of the salt comes from the sea. Salt, In fact, makes up about 2.5% of the seawater. The seawater is then taken through various evaporation ponds where various seawater minerals precipitate at different temperature points. Alternatively, the salt found in the rich salt deposits of the earth, such as Kosher salt, can be mined from underground mines. These underground mines are places that were once seas that may have later evaporated. The salt is then sorted as the coarse-grained salt is separated and processed to make kosher salt. The third method is the vacuum evaporation method. In this method, vertical wells are dug into a salt mine or deposit. Water is forced down one well as brine is pumped up the other. The brine is then stored in tanks before being taken to vacuum pans. The brine and water temperature is then systematically regulated to precipitate varying textures of salt at different temperatures.

  • Certified Kosher Salt

Certified kosher salt is mined, just like all other types of salt. The difference this time is that the mining, processing, and packaging happens under strict Jewish guidelines. This means that no additives and chemical elements are added to the salt that may go against the kosher tradition. Once the salt processing is done, a rabbi or a recognized Jewish institution vets the salt and certifies that it meets cultural requirements.


Kosher Salt Vs. Sea Salt

Both Kosher salt and Sea Salt are hailed as some of the purest and healthiest salt out there. But what characteristics set the two apart?

  • Mining Source

Technically speaking, all salt, either mined from seawater or on surface mines, comes from the sea. However, the difference between seawater and land mines may lead to a slight variation in the mineral content. Sea salt is mainly mined from evaporating or precipitating salt from seawater. Kosher salt, on the other hand, is mostly mined from salt deposits and mines found on land.

  • Texture

Both Kosher salt and sea salt are coarse salts. Kosher salt is, however, more coarse since it consists of large and uneven grains. On the other hand, sea salt can be as coarse as kosher salt or as fine as table salt since they can be processed into either fine or coarse crystals.

  • Processing

Both sea salt and kosher salt are some of the least processed salt you can find out there. However, sea salt is the least processed salt compared to Kosher salt and other types of salt. This is because Sea salt is evaporated from seawater and packaged without additives or refining. The process of refining Kosher salt into coarse particles sets it behind sea salt.

  • Purity

Both Kosher and sea salt is considered as the purest forms of salt. With a few exceptions, kosher and sea salt don’t have additives like iodine and anti-clumping elements. However, due to concerns about seawater pollution by microplastics such as polyethylene and terephthalate, Kosher salt is now considered purer than sea salt.

  • Color

Most, if not all, Kosher salt will always be in packages of white crystals. This homogeneity in color arises from the fact that most salt deposits on land are white in color. Sea salt can come in white color and a wide variation of other colors due to the differences in seawater’s color throughout the world.

  • Price

Kosher salt can come at different price points, but they will generally be more cost-efficient than sea salt. Sea salt is more expensive than Kosher salt and is mostly used as a finishing salt. This is due to their purity as the least refined type of salt and the labor-intensive industrial practice of mining sea salt.

Why Does Kosher Salt Taste Better

The inherent properties of Kosher salt give it a slightly better taste relative to other types of salt. This superiority in taste arises from:

  • Lack Of Impurities

Kosher salt, unlike other types of salt, is unrefined. Kosher salt does not contain anti-caking agents or iodine; also, since it is mostly mined on land, sea pollutants are absent in kosher salt. All these attributes go a long way to making kosher salt tastes better than other types of salt.

  • Light Texture

The light texture of Kosher salt gives it a distinctive subtle flavor. This flavor makes it easy for spice blending since the light flavor mixes well with other ingredients.

When To Use Kosher Salt

You will never run out on instances where it is advisable to use Kosher salt. Kosher salt is recommended in most cooking apart from baking. Instances where your kosher salt may become handy include:

Seasoning Meat And Vegetables Before CookingThe large and flaky nature of Kosher particles make it a favorite in seasoning meat and vegetables. It is easier for the chef to pinch and apply the salt evenly on meat before cooking.

  • Pickling and Brining

Pickling and brining can be a tricky affair with salt that has additives. Additives can dissolve in the brining water giving it a different color. With Kosher salt, there are no anti-caking additives that may change the color of the water.

  • Smoking

Smoking is one way of giving your meat an interesting flavor. Salting before smoking can be a challenge with dense salt as it may prevent the smoke from penetrating the surface of the meat. The flaky nature of kosher salt makes it easier for the smoke to penetrate the less-dense particles.

  • Margarita

If you’re a margarita person, you may be familiar with the question “salt or no salt.” Kosher salt is a favorite option for rimming margarita glasses for a more complex flavor.

  • Salting Pasta Water

Kosher salt is also a staple in many households for cooking tasty pasta. Kosher salt is added to the water while boiling, and the pasta, noodles, and spaghetti are added later for a tastier flavor.


Kosher salt is one important consideration to make into your diet and your life. For the best FDA approved and OU certified Kosher salt, Salt Works is the place for you. For more information on Kosher salt and other types of salt, contact us today.





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